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Well, that didn't work. Oh, the team still won, not because of the uniforms but because of the stuffing therein. The newer uniforms didn't rejuvenate or excite, and now they just look like a crate addressed to the football office at the University of Louisville fell off the back of the UPS truck..

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Sure, laced throughout the game until that point, there was the lip and barbs and snide stare downs with wry grins from opposing players that showed how much was on the line. Sure, the game had it all, and with both sides still in with a chance of winning it had the vocal crowd of 27,469 on their feet with every bust, break, pass and rolling maul. But then it appeared to sadly offer too much, with Pocock's first suggestions of alleged homophobic slurs.

Staying hydrated promotes regular mucus production. The current guideline is to drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water per day, which can include tea and juice. However, during hotter months you should drink more water than juice, since consuming too much sugar can promote dehydration.

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Or, during the all star season, when Tyra Banks made the models create music videos, because, you know, all models become singers. And of course, the videos also featured Tyra in all her strange glory. Enjoy a snippet from one of the videos in which Allison Harvard sings "Pot Ledom," which is "Top Model" spelled backwards..

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Kitler, a kitten small enough to fit in a cup with a remarkable resemblance to Hitler is looking for a home after being found abandoned at the side of a busy road. An animal charity is struggling to find a loving home for an abandoned kitten because it looks like HITLER. The six week old moggie was found abandoned on her own by the side of a busy main road by a member of the public.