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Not many domains have popularity as cloud computing has in recent times. So it's no secret that cloud computing adoption is on Rice as you guys might have known Microsoft Azure is one of the best and leading cloud service providers and it certainly makes it to the list of top cloud computing skills. That one must have if you want to make a career in this domain then you have landed at right. Place hi, I welcome you all to this full course on Microsoft Azure, which not only talks about is your fundamentals, but will also take you deep at conceptual levels before we get into details. Let's look at our agenda for today for better understanding and ease of learning entire course is divided into multiple modules. First module introduction to cloud is about what exactly cloud computing is different kind of deployment and service models in cloud computing second model is about as your fundamentals. Well in this module we will learn how to create a short Street our account and we'll also discuss one of the code Computing service, which is Usher virtual machine next up in the third module will discuss as your storage services and database features in detail. Fourth module is about different network services offered by assured in here will discuss as your virtual Network and related Concepts like subnets security groups and many more in fifth module. We will learn how to secure your Access to your resources using identity and access Management Services like Azure active directory six module is all about is your develops in this module. We'll learn how to simplify and accelerate entire divorce process using Azure develop services, like a sewer pipeline as your boards Etc in seventh module will talk about different services offered by Usher when you are dealing with current training Technologies, like machine learning a iot and Manny, Moe also will be comparing after sure with other leading service providers like AWS and gcp final module is mostly korea-related in this module. We'll discuss most frequently Asked interview questions in Azure interviews will also discuss roles and responsibilities job Trends and skills that you should have to ease your interview. Thank you everyone while you are at it. Please do not forget to subscribe at Eureka YouTube channel and hit the Bell icon to stay updated with current trending Technologies. So let us move further and quickly take a look at today's agenda first firstly, I would be discussing the basics of cloud as in why it is needed and what it is exactly. I would also discuss the different models that cloud has to offer to you like it's service models and also its deployment models and also discuss the different Cloud providers that are there in the market and finally I would finish things off with the demo part. I hope this agenda is clear to all of you firstly let's understand why Cloud to understand this So we need to understand the situation that existed before Cloud came into existence. So what happened back then and firstly in order to host a website, you have to buy a stack of servers and we all know that servers are very costly. So that meant we ended up paying a lot of money next was the issue of traffic. Now as we all know if you are hosting a website we are dealing with traffic that is not constant throughout the day and that meant more pain we would understand that as we move further and the other thing was monitoring and maintaining your servers. Yes, this is a very big problem now all these issues. They led to certain disadvantages. What are those as I mentioned servers are very costly. Yes. The setup was again costly and thus you ended up paying a lot of money and there were other factors contributing to this point. Let's discuss those as well. One troubleshooting was a big issue since you're dealing with a business. Your Prime Focus is on taking good decisions so that your business does well, but if you end up troubleshooting problems, Soare you focus more on infrastructure related issues. Then you cannot focus more on your business. And that was a problem. So either you had to do multitasking or you have to hire more people to focus on those issues thus again you ended up being more money as I've discussed the traffic on a website is never constant. And since it varies you are not certain about its patterns. Say, for example, I need to host a website and for that what I decided I am reserving to petabytes of total memory for my usage based. On the traffic but as the traffic, where is there would be times when the traffic is high and my whole to petabytes of data is consumed or space is consumed Roger. But what if the traffic is very low for certain hours of the day. I'm actually not utilizing these servers. So I end up paying more money for the servers than I should be. So yes upscaling was an issue. So all these things were an issue because we were paying more money. We do not have sufficient time to take our decisions properly. There was ambiguity. There was more trouble. All monitoring and maintaining all these resources and apart from that one important point which we need to consider is the amount of data that is being generated now and that was being generated then then it was okay, but nowadays if you take a look at it the amount of data that is generated is huge and this is another reason why Cloud became so important. Yeah, as of mentioned the data now, we all know that everything is going online these days and what that means is we shop online we buy food online. We do almost everything. What is required as an whatever information we need we get everything online your bookings and reservations. Everything can be taken care of that means we have a lot of data that is being generated these days and this is Digital Data back in those times. We were communicating through verbal discussions and all those things so through paperwork and that was a different data to maintain since everything is moving on cloud or moving online. The amount of data that we have is used these days and then when you have this huge amount of data Are you need a space where you can actually go ahead and maintain this data? So yes again, there was a nude of this piece and all these issues that is your cost. You're monitoring your maintenance providing sufficient space. Everything was taken care by Cloud. So let us try to understand what this cloud is exactly. Well think of it as a huge space that is available online for your usage. This is a very generic definition to give you to be more specific. I would be seeing that think of it as a collection of data centers now. Yes, it does again at a place where you store your data or you host applications basically, so when you talk about these data centers, they were already existing. So what did Cloud do differently? Well, what cloud did was it made sure that you are able to orchestrate your various functionings applications managing your resources properly by combining all these data centers together through a network and then providing you the control to use this resources and to manage them properly to make it even more simpler. I would say there was a group of people or organizations. Basically that went ahead and bought these servers these compute capacities storage places compute services and all those things and they have their own channel or Network. All you have to do was go ahead and rent those resources only to the amount you need it and also for the time that you needed. So yes, this is what cloud did it let you rent the services that you need and you Only those services that you need so you ended up paying for the services that you rented and you ended up saving a lot of money. The other thing is these service providers. They take care of all the issues like your security your underlying infrastructures and all those things. So you can freely focus on your business and stop worrying about all these issues. So this is what cloud is in simple words. It's a huge space which has all these services available and you can just go ahead and pick and render services that you want to use. So what is cloud computing? Well, I've already discussed that just to summarize it I would say it is nothing but an ability or it is a place where you can actually store your data. You can process it and you can access it from anywhere in the world. Now. This is an important Point say for example, you decide to choose a reason for infrastructure somewhere in u.s. You can certain maybe China or maybe in India and you can still have access to all your resources that is there in u.s. All you need is a good internet connection. So that is what cloud does. Makes the world accessible it lets you have your applications wherever you want to and manage them the way you want to so this was about cloud computing guys. Next we would be discussing different service models. Now you need to understand one thing you are being offered cloud services the platform to use your services or your applications basically, but then different people have different requirements. There are certain people who just want to consume a particular resource or there's certain people who actually want to go ahead and create The View. Own applications great the own infrastructure and all those things. So based on these needs we have particular service models that is your Cloud providers provide you with a particular model which suits your needs. So let us try to understand these models one by one we have these three models that is your iaas your paas and your saas. I would be discussing them in the reverse order. That is I would be talking about saas first and then I would go upwards so let us start with saas or sad. SAS is nothing but a software-as-a-service. Now what happens here is basically you are just consuming a service which is already being maintained and handled by someone else to give you a valid example. We have a Gmail. All you do is you send mail to people and you receive mails and whatever functionality you do is you just use the service that is there. You do not have to maintain it. You do not have to worry about up scaling down scalings security issues and all those things. Everything is taken care by Google say for example But yard email is what I'm talking about Google manages everything here. So all you have to worry about is consuming that service now this model is known as software as a service that is saas. Next we have passed that is platform as a service now here you are provided with a platform where you can actually go ahead and build your own applications to give you an example. We have our Google app engine. Now when you talk about Google app engine, what you can do is you can go ahead and you can create your own applications and you can put Put it on Google app engine so that others can use it as well. So in short you are using the platform to create your own applications, and lastly we have iaas that is infrastructure as a service. Now. What do I mean by this? Well, the whole infrastructure is provided to you so that you can go ahead and create your own applications. That is an underlying structure is given to you based on that. You can go ahead and choose your operating systems the kind of Technology you want to use on that platform the applications you want to build an old those things. So that is what an IAB S is infrastructure-as-a-service basically, so these were the different models that I wanted to talk about. So let us move further and discuss the next topic. That is the different deployment models that are there. Now when you talk about deployment models, you can also call them as different types of clouds that are there in the market we have these three types. That is your public Cloud your private cloud and your hybrid Cloud. Let us try to understand these one by one now as the name suggests the public Cloud it's available to everyone you have a A service provider who makes these services or these resources available to people worldwide through the internet. It is an easy and very inexpensive way of dealing with the situation because all you have to do is you have to go ahead and rent this cloud and you're good to use and it is available publicly. Next. We have the private Cloud now. This is a little different here. You are provided with this service and you can actually go ahead and create your own applications. And since it's a private Cloud you're protected by a firewall. Add wall and you do not have to worry about various other issues that are there at hand and next. We have our hybrid Cloud now. It is a combination of your private cloud and your public Cloud say, for example, you can go ahead and build your applications privately you can use them. You can consume them you can use them efficiently. When you sense that peak in your traffic. You can actually move it to public that is you can move it to the public cloud and even others can have access to it and they can use it. So these are the three basic deployment models that are there for you. Exposure or your usage rather and you can go ahead and use those as well. I hope this was clear to all of you. So let us move further and try to understand the next topic that has different Cloud providers that are there in the market. Now as I've mentioned what happened was since Cloud came into existence quite a few people went ahead and they bought their own infrastructure and now they rent the services to other people and when you talk about this infrastructure, they're quite a few people out there who are actually providing these cloud services to different people across the globe now when you talk about These Cloud providers. The first thing that should come to your mind is Amazon web services because it is highly popular and it leaves other Cloud providers way behind. The reason I'm saying this is the numbers that talk about Amazon web services to give you an example. If you talk about its compute capacity. It is six times larger than all the other service providers that are there in the market say for example, if you talk about the other service providers in the market if the compute capacity combined was ex-army Has on web services alone gives you a capacity of 6 x which is huge apart from that. It's flexible pricing and various other reasons. That is the services it provides and all those things. It is rightly a global leader and the fact that it had a head start that is it started way before many other services that are there in the market. It actually gained popularity. And now we see quite a few organizations going ahead and using Amazon web services apart from that. We have Microsoft Azure, which is a Microsoft product and we all All that when Microsoft decides to do something they expect that they kill all the competition that is there in the market. It is still not in terms with Amazon web services or few other service providers that are than the market but not very neck to neck but it is probably the second best when you talk about Amazon web services or the cloud service providers in the market. So, yep, it has a lot of catching up to do when you compare it with Amazon web services, but it is still a very good cloud service provider that is there in the market. Then we have something called as Google Cloud platform again a very Very good cloud provider in the market. Now. Why am I saying this? We all know the infrastructure that Google has to offer to you. It has one of the best search engine that is then the market and the amount of data they deal with every day is huge. So they are the Pioneers when you talk about big data and all those things and they know how to actually handle this amount of data and how to have an infrastructure that is very good. That is why they have a very good facility and that leads to it being one of the cheapest service providers in the market. Yes, there are Features that DCP offers which are better, even than Amazon web services when you talk about its pricing and the reason for it is it has various other services that are there water does is it helps you optimize various costs how it uses analytics and various other ways by which it can optimize the amount of power you use and that leads to less usage of power. And since you are paying less for power that is provided as a paying less for power you end up paying less for your services as well. So that is why It is so cost efficient. Then the other service providers that is we have digital ocean. We have to remark we have IBM which is again very popular. But that is a discussion for some other time. As far as the service providers go. These are the major ones that as we have Amazon web services. We have Microsoft Azure, we have DCP which are talked about a lot. This was about the basic Cloud providers and the basic intro which I wanted you all to have. I hope you all are clear with whatever Concepts we've discussed in time. So let us move further and switch into the demo. Let us try to explore a few of these services or Cloud providers as in at least the introductory part. Okay. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to switch into the console basically where we can take a look at these Services one by one. So yes guys, what I've done is I've cornered and have logged into my AWS account now AWS provides you with a free tier and then they have the paid Services as well. Let's discuss these one by one first. I would talk about AWS then I will talk about gcp and to some extent I would also discuss a juror as well, but But let's focus on AWS for first one point, which I did not mention while going through the concepts was AWS provides you with a free tier. Now when I see a free tier, this is where you do not have to pay any upfront money. You can actually go ahead and have access to AWS services and see how they work and once you are confident and comfortable with them, you can actually go ahead and decide whether you want to buy those services or not. So yes, these services are made available to you for free for one complete Year. Yes. There are certain restrictions on it. But as long as you stay in those restrictions, you won't be Panting if you cross those restrictions. Yes in abuse will charge you now. How does AWS do that? Well, when you create an account, you have to give in your credit card details or debit card details, when you do that database will cut a lump sum amount from your account verify account and reinstate that amount back into your account so that none of your money is used but just a verification is done that this is your valid credit card or your debit card and once your 12 month free trial expires, then they would notify you that your free trial is over. Would you want to go ahead and continue using our services if you say yes, then they would charge meanwhile, they won't charge you so you can stay relaxed and you can actually go ahead and give you a credit card or debit card details, but just make sure that you set an alarm and once your free trial gets over you kind of either revoke your exes or go ahead and continue with the paid services that it abuse has to offer to you. So what does this re-tear has to offer to you? Basically, let's take a look at those. Well firstly we have compute Services when you talk about AWS and Name a few we have ec2. We have Lambda which are popular Services now easy to is something like a raw server where you can actually go ahead and post our websites and applications. It is very popular. And if you want to use it, it obvious gives you 750 hours per month for free. Then you have some service called as Amazon quick set which is basically an analytic service and I won't get into the details of what it does basically, but you have a space of 1 GB available to you that is nothing but spice capacity basically again, I won't get into the details because I want to Stick to the surface as far as the session goes, then you have other services like your database service, which is an RDS. You have your storage service, which is S3 Amazon Lambda. Now Lambda is another compute service which is similar to your ec2. But ec2 is more of a place where you can host a websites. Where as Lambda does not let you host a website. But yes, you can definitely go ahead and do a lot of background application work. When you talk about AWS Lambda apart from that database also provides with various videos that talk about how do you want to go ahead and get started with using this? Sosa's how to create an account how to create instances and all those things. So this was about the free tier let us kinda move further and see how the console looks like. You can actually go ahead and create your own instances. You can do a lot of things. So this is what the different services that a device has to offer to you. You have your compute Services developer tools machine learning and I'll takes storage database Services. You can actually go ahead and use these on your own you can go ahead and create certain instances here now once you click here oniy Easy to you get to see the number of instances that are active the security groups that are there the keep is that you have let us see or take a look at an instance. Basically. I would tell you how to create one. I won't create one myself because I have certain ones running already. I would just walk you through how the process works. When you click on that launch instance. It will give you options in what kind of an instance do you want to create so you can actually go ahead and pick the one that suits your need based on the OS you're using and stuff like that since I'm using a Windows. We'll be picking one for Windows and I would be using the one that is freely available to me or eligible for my free tier. So when I say select I see that a free tier eligible T2 micro instance is available to me. I can either click on this and directly go to the final step of creation, or I can take a step by step approach. That is if I want to modify it. I can go ahead and given these details as in the number of instances my purchasing options Network subnet auto-assign public IP and all those things. So let's click on next and we can also also put in these details, but I'm going to stick to the default decisions or the selections. You can also go ahead and configure your security groups. I would talk about that as well. Do not worry and finally it would say do you want to remove and launch it? Once you click on this you would have a new instance they would be couple of statistics and you'd have your instance available for use to give you an example take a look at this as you can see. I have two instances running and the security checks are done and I can actually go ahead and do a lot of things with it. I can actually go ahead I can connect to a server. Again have my security group security policies. And when you have an instance, you can do so many things for hosting a website and the other things that are there now, I just mentioned keep are values and I mentioned security groups. Now when you talk about the key pair it is nothing but an authentication process that lets you use your instance. It is a verification process. Basically it varies when you talk about using it on your Linux and using it on your Windows Windows, you would need it for an external login as far as when you talk about Linux you'll have To go ahead into your terminal and generate those SSH or your secure server Keys basically or secret selkies rather and then log into your website and then go ahead and use it on your server basically. So this is what happens. So that is something that you called as a keeper value when you talk about AWS a keeper value once created it is unanimous or it is not unanimous rather. It is primary to a particular instance and you should not lose it because if you do that instance becomes useless for you, so You have to make sure that once you create a key value pair that key value pair it stays with you and when you do try to connect to a server that keeper value or its value is available with you so that basically you can switch to your server and connect to it. And then you have something called as your security groups as well. Now if you come down here you can go ahead and set in your Security Group policies. Whatever. Those are you can create a new security group and you can just go ahead and add rules as in what kind of security policies you want. Say, for example, you have your HTTP https now if you're using Windows, you'll be needing our DP and those kinds of rules. You can go ahead and select a source you want to and accordingly you can set in your security rules. Once you create on click on create you'd be having your Security Group up and running for you and you can like stay assured that your so-called services are more than secure here. So yeah, this was about Amazon web services and how its interface looks like then you have something called as your gcp now gcp to has a free. The only difference is gcp gives you an a balanced amount as in say some amount of US Dollars and you can the services are paid services, but you can use this balance to go ahead and use those services. So it pans out to similar approach which aw stakes in but if you talk about their pricing, aw charges you on hourly basis, whereas your Google Cloud platform charges you and second basis. So it is more affordable. Say for example, you stop using a particular instance at two minutes. You'll be charged. Only for those two minutes, but if you stop using an instance for two minutes in AWS would be charged for a complete are so that is the difference between the two as far as logging in is concerned again, you'll be going ahead and giving in your credit card details here as well. The difference is here. You have to make sure that you do not enable your billing because once you do that, trust me, you're going to end up paying a lot of money because I accidentally left few instances open. The last time I logged in and I was charged Hefty live without me being noticed. When you see a button missing that enable billing make sure that you use it carefully because you do not want to be charged for something that you are not using. So when you talk about gcp this is how the interface looks like. You have all the services here as well there you had your computer services you have you have your compute engine basically and you can to come here and create your instances. You can click here and you can go ahead and go through the process of creating your instances, but I won't be creating an instance as far as you are gcp is concerned because I've given you a reason already. I'm happy working with AWS for now. This is your dashboard where you get in all the information as in whatever is happening as far as your account is concerned. So this is one of the accounts managed by a person I know who works with me and the certain projects which he has gone ahead and created. So it's the information for those details are the details for that project basically and then you have something called as your Microsoft Azure now, I won't log in and get into the details. But yeah it to provides you with similar services. So is this what about the different cloud? Riders that are then the market and I just wanted you all to have some understanding as in how do these things work? And what do these Services have to offer to you? I hope this is clear to all of you. Why a Microsoft is your why are you guys so interested in Microsoft with yard. Now one thing is that Microsoft is your is actually becoming pretty big. I mean the cloud leader on papers. It is AWS right now, but if you see the growth with that has been happening in the past few years Microsoft is your is actually coming out pretty big. Right? So and that is the reason if you look at this graph, there are the job opportunities for Azure has been on a rice and that is like this is the primary reason that you guys want to learn about Microsoft with your because obviously you want to make a career shift into the cloud industry, right and for that availability of jobs should also be a factor. And if you see the graph this graph is has actually been taken from, right and as you can see the graph is rising. So if you see as 2014 it was around .01% in the mid in the late 2016. It's reached around .09 it came down to a fault. But then again it is at a right. So this is apartment that you see but if you take my advice because I have seen the industry as far as I know these jobs. Are going to increase multiples in the future as well. Right? It's not only restricted to is or if you talk about AWS if talk about any Cloud technology, it has become imperative for you to learn about Cloud because it is the thing everything in the next 10 or 15 years is going to be on the cloud right any company which is still on its own for my servers will move to the cloud one day or another because that is inevitable that Is something that has to happen and that is the reason it becomes very important for you guys to skill up to the cloud level right now talking about is your like I said, so jobs are increasing every day jobs are there for you? So what needs to be done from you guys is prepare for the exam. That is therefore Azure give that exam get the certification get hands-on experience and get the job. This is the course. This is the path that you should have for taking a cloud computing roll. Right having said that so that is this is the reason why we learning about Microsoft Azure today moving on. Let's understand what Microsoft is your is exactly so Microsoft is your is a growing locations through Microsoft's Global Network of data centers, right? So by using the Microsoft infrastructure, you build deploy and manage applications on the has your environment and Like as you're like I said, it's a cloud provider. It provides you the cloud services you're using those cloud services, but those cloud services are actually on the Microsoft infrastructure. And that is what you are paying them for right? So, this is what Microsoft Azure is all about guys. Now, let's see a use case now that is My Philosophy is that rather than doing all the theory first and then going on to the Practical I would like to follow the reverse approach, right? I would I'd like to begin from practicals because that is what your exam will be based on your exam will be based on real-life example that you based on real-life scenarios Lou based on what kind of Hands- On knowledge you have in your as your domain. All right, and that is the reason every session of ours will have a use case through which we will try to analyze how we can implement it in the cloud. Right? So this is your first use case. This is kind of simple guys. So please pay attention. So we are trying to make a website which is something like this. Right? So what happens here is you have a set of images and these images are actually being played in the background. And in this website, you have a functionality to upload more files to the cloud and once you do that those files will automatically be added in the slideshow and we'll start running. Alright, so this is our use case and we have to implement it on the cloud. So there are two stages in the way. We are going to take this use cage the first stages. We're going to apply pure logic, right? We are going to understand how we can actually deploy it on any cloud service right? Not only does your butt any Cloud platform if it is out there, how can we implement this use case? So let's see that first and after that once you have understood that will try implementing it in as your so first. Let's see how We will implement this in a general scenario by pure logic. So your user base will be accessing the internet right now when your user will try to access the website, he will enter the website name, right? So all of that traffic will come at this point, which is called a load balancer. Now, what is the load balancer a load balancer is basically a service which distributes your traffic equally among the server's running at that time. So say there are like five servers running your website then and if traffic is coming on to your servers that traffic will be distributed among those five servers by the load balancer. So the job of the load balancer is to distribute the traffic equally among the service, right? So this is what the load balancer is all about. So your user base from the Internet is trying to access your website. So the traffic comes to the load balancer and the load balancer separates or Segregated traffic into equal proportions and give it to the server's right. So once the traffic comes onto the server's the server's process the request and if you talk about our website, so our photos are actually stored on a file system, right? So whatever files you are uploading or whatever files are there, which are already been uploaded there on a file system, right? So it will access that file system for fetching those files, but our servers they don't know. What files do we want? Right? What is the like say, for example, I upload a file and before uploading the file. There were three pictures running in the background. So my server should know what are those three files that I have excess right? There should be a list of those files that the server has to play in the background. Now that list of files is actually stored in a database, right? So what my service will do is it will first get that list from the database right? And once it gets at least it will fetch that. List of files from the file system say there are around five files in the database. So my server will interpret the addresses of those files from the database and then it will call the file system and get those addresses or get those files from there and Fry to show that in this slideshow in the website. Now when we upload the file, what happens is first your database is updated, right? So whatever file is being uploaded to your servers, that file is Renamed according to whatever parameter you have set because it has to be unique. Right each file has to be identified with a unique name, right? So it renames that file to that unique name and then store it on the database once entry has been made on the database then it gets uploaded onto the file system. Right? So guys, this is the architecture of your application just as the logic that will be following today. So let's try to implement this architecture has your nose Understood how we can actually architect this use case in a general way. Right? Let's see how we can implement it in the has your environment. So in the Azure environment the servers that you're trying to implement is actually provided to you by a service called the app service. What is AB service will be discussing in the further slides. Then let's talk about the load balancer and auto-scaling. So the load balancer is actually implemented by the has your load balancer and auto-scaling, right? And having said that then we talked about the database. So database is the mySQL database that will be using in Azure and then you have the file system which is called blob storage in your what are these Services you might be confused. Okay. What is your load balancer? What is the app so is what is mySQL database? What is blob storage? Don't worry. I will explain everything to you in the coming few slides. So let's go ahead then. So these are the services that you'll be using in a jar. Let's go ahead and understand these Services one by one. So let's talk about the app service first. So the app service is basically a part of the compute domain. All right, and in the compute domain you have a lot of sources, but why are we using the app service? Let's understand that. So there are basically three kinds of services in the compute domain if you talked about in a very broad sense. The first service is called the virtual machine. Now. What is the virtual machine a virtual machine is just like a traditional computer. Now that you have in your in-house data house. It is a computer that is accessible to you and you can do anything with that computer where you have all the rights to that computer. All you have to do is basically what you will do with a virtual machine is you will say that I need this much RAM. I need this much storage and I need this much configuration. Please give me a computer. So as your will create that virtual machine for you, right and it will give you the IP address and the password for that machine. What you can do is by remote desktop connection. And you can enter that IP address and the password and you will be able to connect to that computer. Now, once you connect to that computer, it is your computer annoyed you have the access to the user interface. You can do anything on this computer. You can make it a website server. You can make it a worker to your environment. You can use it to for image processing right? You can do multiple things on a so I like you I might be doing on your server as well. Right? So this is what virtual machines is all about. You can configure it to Become anything. Our next service is called the app servers. So it is a basically an automated version of a virtual machine, but with limited possibilities when I say limited possibilities it is this service is actually very more focused. Right so app service. Basically, it doesn't give you the access to the user interface. All right, but that gives you more simple interface to deal with because if you want to host a website in virtual machine you would have To configure the virtual machine you would have to configure the firewalls. You would have to install the necessary software like say for example, you have a PHP website, right? So you would have to install PHP software on a virtual machine and then you would have to copy those your website files or the files that you have coded into a specific folder and then you would have testified the configuration for your firewall and everything. Right? So there were a lot of things that you had to do in your virtual machine with app service. You don't have to do anything. Then you just have to specify what language you want. Say, for example, I want a PHP website. So I'll select PHP. I'll do next then last me what kind of configuration of servers I want. I'll specify the configuration. I click next and that is it. My website will be deployed automatically. It will ask me to upload the files. I'll upload the files. It will automatically send it to whatever folder it is required and this done right? So this is the part of app service right? It is more automated because the Pitching machine everything had to be done manually, but with app service everything happens automatically. I just have to upload my files, right? So this is what app service is all about. So, like I said, so app service is basically used to deploy an application. All right, you cannot do anything else with it. You cannot use it to process a customized workload or something like that. You can just use it to deploy an application and that is why it is called an app service Right Moving On Let's Talk. Talk about functions of functions is basically a very new technology. It's called the server less architecture it basically what it does is you don't have to specify the configuration. You don't have to specify anything. You just have to upload your code and it executes it for you, but it will not deploy any application for you. For example, you want to host a website. It's not do that. It just does processing in the sense. It will only do background tasks for you. For example, if you Have let me take an example which uses both these Services. If you have say an application like Instagram, right? So user uploads His image on your application. And then your application has to store that image now before storing that image. Maybe you want to compress the image or you want to apply a filter to it or whatever, right? So from your application the file is uploaded. And now these many tasks have to be done if these tasks are actually configured in your code, which is Actually uploading the file as well. It will actually increase the overhead on the server which is hosting an application. But what we can do is the way things happen today is everything is distributed. Right? So from your application only the file will be uploaded. Once the file is uploaded. Right? The tasks will be the tasks like renaming the file or compressing the file applying the filters. Everything will be done using the functions. So the function will get invoked whenever the file. Is it uploaded using the app servers and the function will execute all the tasks that have to be done on that particular image this reduces the overhead on the server which is hosting your application. Right? And you have your background tasks will be implemented by a functions and then will be stored in the respective file system. Whatever you have coded your function to do right? So this is basically the difference. So recapping again virtual machine is basically a computer you can configure it to anything you can actually we use app servers in a virtual machine Mallory. For example, you want to deploy an application you can use it by configuring a virtual machine, right? You can also use it as a function your virtual machine that I mean to say as in you can configure it to only execute background tasks. But the thing is you have to configure everything manually. If you want an automated version you can go with app Service app Services used to deploy an application. Right? But if you are use case is not about deploying application you want to do some raw? Searching you might as well hop for functions, which is a service which is not used to deploy an application but is used to execute background tasks. All right, so guys a doubt and whatever we have discussed like we discussed virtual machine. We have discussed app service and we've discussed functions. All right. Like I said, we are using the app service why because we are deploying a website, right? So for deploying a website, I need apps away. So it cannot be done using functions can be done were doing virtual machines as well, but it will need a lot of manual work and our job is to make everything faster right cloud computing is all about speeding up things. The speed of implementing is increased right so I rather use an app service and upload my code on the Service and it will deploy the website from right it's that simple guys. Let's move on to the next topic of today's discussion, which is the blob storage. So the blob storage is basically the file system that you need to upload your files, right? You definitely need a file system. There is no alternative to this. Right. So your blob storage is the place where you will be storing your image files, but why did we choose the blob storage by not some other service from the storage to Maine? Let's discuss that. So in the storage domain basically, you have three kind of services you have more services well, but these are the three main services in the blob in the storage domain. You have the block storage. You have the Q storage and then you have the backup, right? So the block storage is like I said is a file system on which you can upload any kind of file, right? And that's about it. There is nothing more to blob storage. This is the thing next is Kyu storage Secure Storage is basically a queuing service whenever you have to synchronize tasks. For example process one has to be done before process to and process to help it to be done before process 3. So what you can do is you can bundle these tasks in a sequential Manner and you can add it to the queue storage. Right? What the queue storage will do is it will actually hold these tasks according to the sequence that you entered, right? And whenever the queue storage is accessed it will give them only the first task now the second task is the third task first. So the way It functions is like this say for example, like I said the image processing application. I want to rename file first there won't I want to add filters and then I want to store it on the file system. So these three tasks I will write it down and I will add it into the queue storage now. See these tasks will be done by my functions. All right. So what functions will do is it will try to interact with Q storage and last for a task, right? So Q storage will give the task to Functions in a very sequential manner in the sense that it will first give it the task to rename the file. So it will rename the file. Once that task is done. It will again try to xsq storage and then cute store has been given a task to filter the image or apply filter to the image, right then we'll apply a filter to the image will be done with that and then it will try to again the to storage and then it will see that okay now it has to store that file in a file system which is specified the code right and it will pick that task do it. It and be done in the first file and then it again XS Q storage in the process goes on. Right? So basically Q storage is used to give a sequential manner to the processes that are trying to execute having said that this is a work queue storage then comes back up. So backup is a service where in you can store your in frequently accessed data, right? What is your in frequently accessed data could be for example in my company. We take a record of everything right we take our Out of every class that we do we take a record of every query that you guys raised now save the classes that were taken say like 2 years ago, right and as obviously I cannot delete those classes because they have to be kept for record. But what is the point of keeping them on my life hard drive because my life hard drive is where I do. My current tasks, right? So rather than keeping it on my life hard drive I say, okay. Let me keep it in a CD or a pen drive and keep it somewhere where I can take it out when I actually need them. Right? So this is the concept of taking a backup now similarly. If you want to take a backup in as your say you have your virtual machine and you have stored a lot of files on your virtual machine, but you think okay. I don't need these files anymore. Or maybe I don't need you file it as of now, I might them need them later. So why do spend that much on the stories that you're taking on the virtual machine right rather than storing the in frequently accessed data. Why not put more frequently exist. So what you can do is the in frequently accessed data that you have in your machine on the cloud. You can actually take a backup of that and store it in the backup service. Now, why will you store it in the back of services? Because storage is more cheaper when you talk about the backup servers because obviously first of all, they'll use magnetic tapes or they'll use ssds or something like that to store your data now, why is it cheap is because obviously it has a downside that the response time of the time to retrieve the files from a backup service is obviously more. For example, if you are stored everything in your virtual machine, you can like go to that particular folder access that file and that is it right. But if you have stored in the backup service, the retrieval actually takes time, but it is worth it because you don't use that file every day, right? You won't be using it and also you're paying less so it doesn't pinch you that much because you're paying less and you are not using that file very Yes, well, so why not put it in the backup service? So this is what the backup service is all about. Now today in our implementation. We are using the blob storage for obvious reasons that we I want to store my image files, right? So I not store it on the back up obviously and not show it in the queue storage As Told in the blobstore it because that is what that service is meant to do. Now. The next service from Azure is the MySQL service from Azure. It is basically a MySQL implementation on the LG. Our infrastructure was right, so you Can use any database you want another you have an SQL service, which is purely SQL. So if you're comfortable with that, you can use it. I am using MySQL for my use case today because that is the way I have quoted my application to be right. So it is just personal choice. The next service that we are going to talk about is auto-scaling and load balancing. So like I said load balancing is when you want to equally distribute your Among the number of servers that are running that time and auto-scaling is actually scaling up the number of servers that you're using according to the traffic that is coming onto your website. So you can actually set a metric that so many obviously when more traffic is coming onto your website your CPU utilization will increase because you have to process more requests now. Yeah, so your server will be processing more requests and that is the reason your CPU usage will He's so you can actually set a metric. Let's say my CPU usage when it increases 60 or 70% increase one more instance or increase three or four more inches high. So it is based on your personal use. So this is what order scaling is all about. And obviously when you using Auto scaling, the number of servers is changing constantly, you need a load balancer along with it, right the load balancer so that say you have six or seven servers which are running right now and say the traffic decreases and it sees okay now the sea Utilization is going down. So it will reduce the number of servers. Right? So when it will reduce the number of sources do load balancers should identify. Okay, though. They were seven servers before now there are like three so you'll be Distributing the traffic according to those three servers, right? So the load balancer actually pays a very important role in the order scaling process having said that so this is how all this killing actually works. So say you have one server, right and the usage increases it goes on to become two servers and then again the usage increases it becomes 3 service right now when the users decreases these three servers can be reduced to one server or can be reduced to so so this is a diagram representation of what or scaling is. We talk about load balancer. Like I said, so load balancer is a very crucial part of Aura scaling process because load balancer is the part which actually distributes the traffic according to the number of servers that are running at that time. All right. So this is how the process Smokes the traffic comes on to the load balancer and the load balancer sees how many servers are running and distributes traffic according to that. All right. Okay. So we're done with the services. These are the services that we'll be using today. So now we will see how we can launch these services in the has ER user environment. So guys will talk about the Apsos first. We'll see how we can launch an app service in the as your UI. Okay, let me show you the user interface for a year now. So guys this is how the user interface for as your looks like. You have all the services listed here on the left side. Right? And this is the dashboard. This is called the dashboard whatever Services you launch. You can pin it here for basically getting accessed quickly. It is just like a desktop on your computer which has all the shortcuts in everything and this is what the dashboard is actually used for. All right. Having said that let's see how we can launch the app. So In Azure, so first you will click on app Services as you can see from here. You can click on app services and moving ahead. Once you have clicked on app Services. You will reach this plate click on create app services and then you'll click on web app and that is it. Let me show you how you do that. So you'll click on app Services click on create app Services you go down click on web app. And over here as you can see after this, you will reach the screen when you will see that you have four options. You can either code your website PHP node.js or python. So if it is either of these four languages, you don't have to do anything. You just have to upload your code in this web app that you'll be creating and your app will be deployed automatically without installing any software without doing any configuration Justice, right? Okay. So once you have reached this page You will click on create. So let's click on Create and then you will reach the screen. So now you have to give your application some name. So let us give us this name as in Eureka - 0 1 so see that everything is fine. So this subscription is pay-as-you-go Resource Group is something which you can create or you can use existing. So Resource Group is something it's a group of all the resources, right? So if you put if you are it will be creating a storage. Count will be creating database account. We are creating an app. So it's right. So all of this will come under one group. It can be clubbed in one group and will be called as resource for any changes that you want put across the group you can do to the resource Group. All right, we'll be discussing in detail. What a resource Group is in the further modules, but for now all you should understand is that a group of resources is called a resource book. So if you have an application and just utilizing say three or four resources, it's better to put those resources. Under one group. All right. So this is about that. Then you have the app service plan. So app service plan is something as in what kind of computers you use and everything. So let's create a new plan for you so that you understand it better under the pricing tier. This is the main part that you have to select guys. You can select the app service plan it can give it some name. Let's give it as a service - 1. All right, and this is my app service plan. You can select what kind of plan you need. Let me see. Like the basic plan as of now and click on select right and then click on OK. So this was about Apsos plan. You can click on application insights which basically gives you the monitoring tools for now. Let's not discuss it. Let's not go into it. We'd be discussing it later. And now let's click on create. So I am taking the PIN to dashboard which will basically create a shortcut on a dashboard to this application comes in handy. And that's it guys. You will click on create. Alright, so now my application is being created. Okay, so all right why my web app is deploying. Let me go back to my slide and let's jump onto our next service which is blob storage. So like I said blob storage just like a file system. You need a file system to show your files, right? So that is what the blobster is all about. Let's see how we can create a blob storage instance in Azure. So you will reach this is the dashboard you reach the screen. You will click on storage accounts. Once you have clicked on Story the council click on ADD. And that is it guys. Nothing much acquired. Let's go ahead and do this I go here. I'll click on storage accounts. I will reach the screen and click on ADD and I will start entering the values. So let's give it the name called Eureka - 0 1 so this is taken. Let's give it a name as well as your I do. Write this name is available. All right, the performance should be standard because this is a demo replication is not required. So I'll say locally redundant Storage storage service encryption should not require secure transfer is not required and subscription is pay-as-you-go. Okay Resource Group. Let's select a director - 0 1 because this is the resource Group that I selected earlier, right and let's pin it to dashboard. click on create Alright, so my web app has been deployed already and my storage account is also being deployed. All right, so this was about it. Let's go on. Let's see for our MySQL. So for MySQL, let's see what all we have to do. So we will click on you. We will click on databases and then we'll click on as your database for MySQL. All right, and that is about it. Let's go back and do that. So we'll click on new. The search for as your database. for MySQL All right here this so I click on this and I'll click on create. So here it is. I have to enter the server name. Let's enter the server name as Eureka - 0 1 it is available. It's good. The resource Group should be the same. So let's select a riruka - 0 1 so admin login name. Let's give it as any Rekha password. Let's give it any Rekha one, two, three, four confirm the password and Eureka one, two, three four, and it is asking me some special characters or let me add the special character as well. Okay. So basically you cannot have the login name and your password. So let me change the password to add you one two, three, four exclamation same in the confirmation. All right. So this is available. Now the location sounds introduced version is 5.7 pricing tier. Let me see if there is something more or less. All right. I think this I click on OK. Bennett dashboard and click on play. It's pretty simple guys. You would know when you will do the Hands-On on yourself. So the pricing tier can be the minimum if you are using it for demo or if you're creating an application, which is for global scale application huge can choose the pricing Theory according to that. Alright while it is deploying. Let's move ahead. So let's come onto the auto-scaling part now. So basically we have to configure our web app to order scale as and when required It so let's see how we can do that. So let's understand the types of Auto scaling first. So basically there are two types of scaling one is called horizontal scaling and one is called vertical scaling. So horizontal scaling is when you are increasing the number of servers that you require say, you don't have an i7 server. For example. All right. Now the usage goes up so you take to i7 servers and if it again goes up you take 3i7 SOS, right. So this is what horizontal scaling is all about right? Let's come onto vertical scaling now. So vertical scaling is when you are increasing the capacity or the configuration of your system say you were using an I3 system before right the traffic increases. So now you're using an I-5 system the traffic increasing now you're using the i7 system. So you are having only one machine but you're increasing the configuration of your system, right? So these are the two Types of scaling which exists in auto-scaling also the other way is manual scaling so you can also manually scale up your in the number of instances or the configuration of your system. Right? So the way to do that is to manually go into the service change the pricing tier and you are said this is how you manually scale auto-scaling. I'm going to tell you in a couple of you slides. Also guys when you are auto-scaling like I said load balancing is Quickly attached to it. Alright, so when you would be orders killing in a web app, you don't have to configure the load balancer. The load balancer is configured automatically and said automatically for you to be used right because it doesn't make sense to use or scaling and not use load balancer. And that is the reason as your has automated the process of attaching a load balancer when you using orders Right Moving ahead guys. Let's see how we can launch this instance. So guys first you will click on app Services. You will go to your particular. Instance that ER have launched you will go to scale out and you will click on enable auto scale. All right. So let's do that. We will go to app Services which is here. So this is my instance. I have launched I click on idea raiga - 0 1 I'll go down. And as you can see I have two options. I have scale up and I have scale out when I click on scale up. You see the pricing tier so I can increase the configuration of my system right? But this is not about what I want. I want to scale out which is I want to increase the number of instances running right now, right? So so it says Auto scale is not supported for basic chair of web apps. Okay, so let me change my configuration. Alright, so if I go to scale out now, you can see that I have the option to enable auto scale. So I will click on enable auto scale and then let's give it a name. Let's give it a name as any Rekha Auto. Alright, so my auto scaling property name is Erica Otto. The resource Group is a Eureka - 0 1 right. So now you have an option to Scale based on a metric which is based on some statistics. Like the CPUs is or the memory usage or anything. Right? And the other one is scaled to a specific instance count. So for example, whenever the traffic increases say you were one instance now like increased five instances. All right. So these are the two options will go with Scale based on a metric and scale out in scale in your instances based on Metric. All right. So let's add a rule. Let's add the rule as in what we want. What kind of metric do we want to? Monitor and scale according to right? So as you can see the time aggregation is not something we should be worried about. Okay guys, so these are all the metrics that you can actually monitor and scale according to you can scale according to the memory percentage. You can scale according to disc, uh dpq data in and out, right? So let's for now keep it simple and scale according to CP percentage right time. I'm is not something you should be worried about and the operator. All right, so what should be the condition so should it be greater than or should it be greater than or equal to let's keep it at greater than or equal to. So whenever the threshold is greater than a whenever the CPU Z will go greater than or equal to 70 for 10 minutes so you can set this as say two minutes, right? Okay. Let's see. It says that it should be between 5 and 7 2000. Get let's keep it at five increase count by. So let's see what our options we have here. So you can increase by percentage. You can increase by count to as in if you were one. You can increase it to 10, right and you can decrease the count or you can decrease the person by as well. Alright, so when you are auto-scaling guys, you have to set two rules one is the rule to increase R. Obviously one rule is there to decrease so whenever the traffic goes down you have to decrease Reese your instances as well. So for now we are setting the increase rule so let's set the increase count by option. So how many instances should increase I think one is a fair number and cooldown is something that is actually there when you are say you are asked you right now, right and then say you order scaled one minute back. And again the CPU usage goes up. So rather than going on and Filling up again. What you can do is you can wait for 5 minutes and watch the metrics right because it doesn't happen in a second that your CPU usage will go down because there are a lot of services which are actually running right so you can beat once your new server has been deployed. You can wait for the traffic to be transferred to that server as well. And then you can see the metrics go down right for that. We keep something called cool down minutes, right? So we have the default is for Five, let's keep it at five only and now this is it guys. There's nothing else to configure. Let's click on ADD. Alright, so as you can see, this rule has been said, let's add one more rule to decrease. So the CPU percentage is fine. The operator should be less than or less than right. So whenever the threshold is less than 50% Decrees count by one instance and let the cool down be this much. Alright. So again, the cooldown logic goes here as well. Say you decrease an instance. And again your CPU is still low because it takes time for your traffic could to get transferred to the server number. It has the keys down to right. So let's keep the cooldown in it. So we'll click on our now. All right, so we have added the auto scaling group. Hello guys. This is a there's nothing much to consider. Actually, if you think about it, it's a very complex process. But as your has given you the Simplicity to do it very simplistic or a very English manor because you just say like I said if the CPU is above 70% increase the number of servers by one, right? So if you go here and if you don't know about auto-scaling you can actually figure out what is happening, right and same is the case with scaling. So whenever your CPU is less than 50% Decrease the count by one, right? So as you can see you can actually read it here that this is what we have configured. All right, so let's save this now. Alright guys. So this is how you order scale your web app instance now, since we are doing a demo guys, we don't require the order scale module for my application. So I'll just discard it for now because I can't even demonstrate this to you. Right? So I just showed you how you can order scale. Now. Let's go back and see what all is left. Alright, so now we are going to do the demonstration. So we have launched each and every service we have launched the Absolute we have launched a blob storage and we have launched a MySQL for yard right now. Let's go back and check and deploy our website. So let me show you how the website looks like in my local host. So my Local Host is this alright? Okay. So this is showing me an error because as of now, my code is not connected to my has your instances. All right. So let's first configure our instances. So let us go to the dashboard and let's first configure a database. All right now for configuring your database. The first thing that you have to do is connect to it right. Now the way you can connect to it is using the command prompt for that. You have to click on connection security. Now you cannot connect to your database just like that. You have to configure your IP address in the set of rules that are there for the fireball of the database and when your IP address is listed there then you can connect to the database. Let me show you how let me show you that you cannot connect as of now. So I will launch the command prompt. I will go to my MySQL installation. All right. All right. So this is my my actual inflation guys. So I will type in the command MySQL - etched pace and then the server name which is this I patient here. All right, then I will give the port number. So the port number is - capital P guys. Don't forget its capital P. It's different than small P right small piece of password capital P is for the port number and then I give the user name. So the username is this. Patient here, right and then I will type in the password and hit enter enter the password, which is Nu 1 2 3 4 exclamation and enter see as you can see client with IP address is not allowed to access server. All right. So now what I'll do is I'll go to connection security. I will add my IP and I will click on Save. So say successfully updated connection security. Let's go back to our Command Prompt execute the same command again type in our password. And now as you can see, I have successfully connected to my database now, I can create a database here called anyway car. Let me create a database. Let me clear the screen. Okay, so I forgot I'm working on windows. So in Windows you cannot clear your my screen. What a sham. All right. So if you are using Linux you could have just typed in control L and it would have been fine. All right guys, so as I was saying, let's create a database called Eureka so create database and Eureka. And that is it. Well type in use at Eureka. I'll create a table. Let's create a table called image, right and title name is just one second. My call name is name. All right, so I've created a table. So if I type in show tables it will show me the table name, which is image. All right guys, so this is done now I have created. The table at first I created the database quality Rekha and my - here which is hosted on a job and then I created a table called image in it and the table has one column called name, right? So this is it. This is my MySQL. So my MySQL has been configured now. Alright, so my MySQL has been configured now. Let me go back to the overview. Alright, so my MySQL has been configured as you can see in the databases. It will show that there is a database called at Eureka which had just created. All right, let's go back. You might have to add the web apps IP addresses. Well, we'll do that later. Let's go to our Philip now awesome, so we'll go to our web app. And guys, this is a web app. This is the URL for your website will click on this URL and you will see a welcome page. This is your welcome page. So now what you have to do is you have to upload your code over here. Alright, so the way you can do this is using GitHub, or you can do it using FTP as well. Now I know most of you are from non-technical background, so you might not be knowing what GitHub is so for now. What I'll be doing is I will be using FTP software called filezilla for transferring my files from the next session onwards. I'll be using GitHub and for that I have actually there is a video in your LMS, which is a short tutorial on get up how to use get up which is enough for a demonstration. So you can go through that video before coming to the next session and then we will be using get out. All right for now. Let's just Use the FTP software which is called filezilla. All right. So the way you can connect here is like this so you have to create a deployment credential. Alright, so my deployment credentials is HR 1. Let's give it a password and the password could be. Okay. Let me give as hemanth one nine nine. All right and over here also a mint one nine nine. All right. Let's click on save. Oh, maybe this usually means not available. So let me give it a charger 1 2 so you can save okay, let's try this again. It sure went to all right, maybe I'm connected here. Maybe that's why it makes it it it's him and one nine nine four. Hmm. It's click on Save. All right, so I get out of here, right so later we have successfully reset the deployment credentials now, alright, so what we can do is I will go back to my lab. All right, so now I can get connected to my web app. I have to win to the FTP host name. So it will go here one second. All right, the hostname will go here. The username is hr1 to password is this right? And what else? All right, the username is just some sorry. The username will be this. All right, let's click. click on Quick Connect All right. So as you can see, we have successfully logged into a FTP channel so over here you will go on site right? We'll go on copy all your website files over here. So let us do that. My files are some here. All right, so let's copy the files now. I've came just drag and drop it over here and the process will start now it might take a while. So let us configure some other file by my website is being copied. Okay. So now what we can do is we will go to our dashboard and we can configure storage. Mind you guys I might have to upload my code which in my web app because there are some things that I have to change in the code because the addresses and now I'm creating new Services, right? So I'll have to change services address in the court. So I'll do that and then I will update the particular file that I will be changing in in my web app. So let me just give me a minute. Okay. So now what I'll do is I will create a blog over. It I create a container and the container name shall be hello and the excess type P container. All right, I click on OK so I have successfully created a container called blob. If you go in properties, you will see that this is the URL for it, right? So let me show you the code for my website guys. So this is the code for my website. All right now I'll have to change the url at places. So let me do that. So it will get changed here. All right, then my container name is hello. So that is okay. And now one more thing I so whenever you are basically going to connect to your storage account the order your blob storage. You have to go here. I'll show you will have to go to Access keys. So here's a key right so you this is the connection string that you have to include in your code. I have copied it. I'll go here and I will include it in the connection string code. All right, so I control V and over here. You have to remove the endpoint suffix. All right. So this is not required. If you put this it will not work. Okay. I don't think anything else is required. Yes, I have to change the database credentials as well. So let's do that as well. So we are storag account is set or you don't have to change anything else. Let's go to the MySQL. But all right, here it is. So the server name has to be changed. Let's copy the server name. And give it here. So the host name is this. Alright, and let's see. So I login name is this let's put the login name here. Boss word is any one two, three, four exclamation, which is right. Dima name database name is Eddie Rekha, which is night username user table as image, which is right and the field name is name. Alright, everything seems fine one more place. I have to change it. So let's do that as well. So let's copy this paste it here. Copy our username. Paste it here. And everything seems fine now. So now when I try to run the code, it will run on my local host, but it will not run on my web app. Why because I'll tell you so I was getting these warnings right? So let me refresh wait. Let me save it. So let me refresh it now. Okay, one second. Okay, CeCe successfully updated. Let's go back and check whether it's working. Alright, so basically you have to disable the Infosys cell Connection in your MySQL and that would be it if I were to do this, alright, so now I will choosing a file and I'll be uploading this particular file, which is Desert. I'll click on upload image and it will take some time to upload the image. And it says well done blob update complete and as you can see my image is loading. Let's check whether we have it in our dashboard as in our storage account will go to 0 and you will click on blobs will go to Hello container and you can refresh it. And as you can see, there will be a file here, which says 1 4 9 6 7 4 2 4 6 8. All right, so let me connect to my MySQL now again, all right. Just give me a second. I will type in my show - Edge and then the username So this is my host name guys. So I'll copy The Source name paste it here and then my port number which is 3 3 0 6 my username, which is this I pasted here and then password which is as of now this Eddie one, two, three, four exclamation. Thank you termination base. I use the ddps that I've created select table and I will show you the record now. Let's compare it with what is there? It's wonderful 9 6 & 4 2 4 6 8 and it's 1 4 9 6 7 4 2 4 6 8. So guys as you can see the same file has been uploaded here and it has been mentioned here. So what my website is now doing is it is basically Fetching the file from my database and then accessing the file over here in my file system and hence displaying it in its background. So as of now additions, there is only one image. It is not showing the slideshow. Let me choose one more file. Let's upload the koala image and click on upload image. So now when you will see that the image which is being loaded and if I go here and I refresh it. I can see that there are two images now here right and in my database as well if I refresh it I can see two images. Alright guys. So this website seems to work fine. It is connecting with my storage account. It is connecting with my database on a job. Now. Let's check if my files have been uploaded. So it says okay this might take some time guys. So let's wait because we are all set here. We are done with everything. We are just waiting for our files to be transferred here and then I'll show you how it works over there. All right, so let's wait Alright guys, so my transfers have finished. So now let's check whether my web app is working or not. Right? So I'll go to the dashboard. Are you go to my web app? And this is the link I'll click on this link now guys. Like I said, you have to add the IP address of the web app in the MySQL as well. So when I go here you see an arrow, right? And now like I said, we have to send the index file again, so I delete the index file from the server from here. All right, copy the index file again because it's been updated. All right, and now I will refresh this. So as you can see it says the IP address is not allowed to access the server. So what we'll do is we will copy the IP address. We will go to our database were connection security. Alright, so here we are will select the web app give this therapy and the ni P. All right. So let's get rid of the spaces. And this is it now we click on Save. Now, why are we doing this? We are doing this because here we got an error that this IP address is not validated with the MySQL. So we have added this IP address or where it says successfully updated security settings. Let's refresh it and check. Okay, awesome guys. So now my website is working. So I have successfully updated my website in the web app. All right, and I didn't have to configure anything. I didn't go to the UI. I just transferred my files and my website is up and ready. This is the address which is being used to get to the website. All right, so guys this was the demo. Let me get back to my slides. So let me recap what I did. I configured my app service with the code. I configure no MySQL with the IP addresses of my own computer to configure it and the IP address of my app service so that the app servers can communicate with mySQL. I configured my blob storage and I configured it address in my code my PHP code and a configured the host name and the password for the created MySQL service in my PHP code as well. So guys this Is what we did. All right having said that let's go ahead guys. So we're done with the demo. Let's get on with us your pricing now. Now whatever services that we have used. What if I tell you that you can use them for free? Yeah. So let me teach you guys how you can do that in the as your pricing section. So as your pricing sections has these three features. All right. So what the first time you register on Microsoft Azure as a new account you first of all get $200 worth of free credits in an account. Now what you can do with this $200 you can use it to deploy application as in many want. So this is a one-time free credits that are allotted to you on registration. Also with these credits. You can explore any services for free India 0 for the first 30 days so energy or you can use these credits to be to launch any kind of service for the first 30 days and Of course after you use the services, you don't have to pay anything, right but you might have to register your credit card with them because that is how it works. They'll charge you one rupee in that and then they will refund the one rupee afterwards. This is just for verification purposes. Because once your free trial ends, you have to upgrade your plan to pay as you go or whatever that you are looking for. Right but the good thing about a jar is that sometimes it happens that we start using the free? Thing and we forget to see that it is only valid for 30 days and we forget that and after 30 days if you use another Services you get charged, right, but with a zero that is not the case with a 0 what happens is you are given a pricing tab. It says free trial, right? So at the end of 30 days, it says free trial expired and you're not allowed to do or you're not allowed to access any of your services. It is only when you manually change your plan from free trial to pay as you go. That when you can actually start using your services again, so which is a good thing by a job because you have control of your finances in your hand, right? You will know what you get charged for and that is something very transparent about as you're with that it has come up in this is a very good thing having said that lets go ahead and understand the two plans which are there one plan is called pay as you go plan and the other plan is called six months or 12 months and so basically with pay as you go plan. The thing is that you take a service or you take an instance and you use it for one day or two days or a week or two weeks and you pay for that amount only. All right, but when you want a longer commitment say for example our website right a company's website. It's called any record orko. So it will be there until the company is there right? So for those kind of cases, it is better to go for long-term plans because with long-term plans you get discounts, right? So if you compare it with pay-as-you-go if you are using Instance of it be as you go plan for six months and you compare it with the service or instance in which you have opted for a six-month plan or a 12-month plan and you have gone through the six months the amount of money that you're paying in that and the amount of money that you're paying through the pay as you go service is obviously less, right? So the other thing is with the plan the catch here is that you have to pay a full up front or partial upfront payment for the six months or 12 months or whatever term that you want the instance to be running on. All right. Right. So this is the thing that you have to kind of things you have pay-as-you-go plan and then you have a plan Baron you pay in future. So it's basically like prepaid and postpaid with Prepaid. You have six months in 12 months plan with postpaid. You have pay-as-you-go model having said that let's move ahead guys. So this is the thing that you guys have been waiting for the free things that you get in as all right? So the services that we use today the app service for example is free, right, so it is free up. An extent that you can host up to 10 web and mobile apps on any platform or device in a jar for free, right? So for more information, you can go to this link which I have added in my slide. So this link will take you there and it lists all the services which are some of the services that we have not discussed today are also included under the free subscription. Another good thing with Azure is the guys that even if your free trial ends these three things will be there for you, right you can use these three things even if the field trial ends these three things are there for life. So the first 10 app services that you use in his yard, they are free similarly with the case of virtual networks. You can actually create 50 free virtual networks with Jean right after the 50 virtual Network that you have would have created the 51st would be charged for you as one virtual Network. It is again a cool thing, right? So Gob servers and watching it, but like I said, there are other services as well. One, two, three, four, five six six in all which are free. When has your for a lifetime. So there are some restrictions like for example in app service you have you can only run 10 app services for free similarly. You have these Services as well. Alright, so this is a cool thing about Asia that even of the field trial ends. They give you free services having said that guy's okay, so that brings us to the end of our session. So today in this session will be understanding Microsoft Azure storage components. All right, so let's go ahead and see what is our agenda for today. So we'll start off by discussing. Why do we actually need storage? All right, and then we'll move on to the question which is frequently asked that when do we use storage versus when do we use database right after that? We'll move on to see the topic of the day. Which is what is as your storage and then we'll move on to discuss the components of azure storage and towards the end. We'll be doing a Hands-On on each and every service that will be learning today. All right, so guys, I hope the agenda is clear to you. I welcome you all to the live session any doubts that you have please put in the comments section. I am a team with me here. They'll be answering all your queries here today. All right. So with that let's begin today's session with our first topic that why do we actually need? Storage. All right. So for this let's take an example first. Let's take a use case and see and understand. What is the need of storage in today's era. All right. So for example, we have an image processing application, right? So for this image processing application, we have given the user interface as a website so round say a million people can access my website and put in their request to process their image. All right, so we don't want the processing of the image. To happen on the server, which is who she met my website. I wanted to be happening on some other server, right? I want the processing to happen on a back-end server. So for that we have some back-end servers now my request for the processing will come in from website project plan template excel servers. So I need a place where in I'll be process will be storing all the jobs. Right which can be accessed by the backend server as well. So for that I need an entity where I wherein I can dump in all the jobs which are there. R which had to be done by the backend servers now, obviously all the jobs cannot be done simultaneously by the backend servers, right? So say, like I said, there are like million people who are accessing your website at once and they put in a million requests, right and your back-end servers cannot process all the requests at once so they will do it one by one right and they can do that with the help of this entity. They will put their will pick up a job do that job and then go again back to the entity picked up. Other job go back to the entity and so on. All right. So now when you have all the jobs in this entity, these jobs have to be distributed equally to the backend servers right? Once that is done. Once your back-end servers process all the images which are there or process an image which has which had some operations to be done on it. Then the image has to be stored somewhere, right because you have to store the end result somewhere so you Store all the properties like the name the location of the image everything on the database But Here Comes the change. You cannot store an image on a database. I mean you can actually do that. But when you look at the data that an image contained it is all randomized it is there is no structure in the data that an image has or for that matter any video file as or any any kind of file has right? So that is the reason we need an entity to actually store this kind of data so that the The thing that is required to query this kind of data, which would have been there in the case when you would have stored your image in the database, right? So in that case process a lot of processing is required if you try to query them, so we wanted the processing power to become less the processing burden to become less. And hence. We hence we wanted an entity we can do which can actually store any kind of file Let It Be images Let It Be video files Etc came in storage. So let's discuss the first case where in we had to Oh the jobs, right? So when storage came in now, we can actually put in say ten thousand jobs per second inside the storage the storage service without any overburden on any of the servers breed back-end servers or beat website servers, right? So the processing time has drastically reduced and the jobs are now listed in the Q. So Q is actually a service which is offered by storage. Right? So now what back-end servers will do is Take up the job from there and execute it. And once they've executed that job will be deleted and the next job will be queued next when we talk about this section. We're in we had to store images. So now any kind of file can be stored on these storage service, which is offered by Cloud. It's not only limited to the cloud if you think about it in your computer in your own local computer on your mobile you store some pictures or you store some video file. Is right and you store it inside a file system. It is not a database. It is a file system and it can contain all the objects that you want to store. You. Don't you do not store your objects inside a database. All right. So this is why storage is needed. Let's go ahead and and understand what is the difference between storage and a database? So a storage is basically needed whenever you have objects. Like I said, so you have any other music files when you whenever you have video files whenever you have Images that show in all these kind of cases you use a storage kind of service but when you have say something related to the metadata of a file, for example, when you store the file in the storage you need to have the location of that particular file, you need to have the properties of that particular file. So all these things all the properties all the any location column that you want to add all these are structured right? They're not Randomized and hence, they can be added inside a delivers bead SQL and nosql it can be added. Right? So this is the main difference. This is how you will differentiate between using a storage and a database moving along guys. So now we have understood what our databases water storage Services. When do we use the Surah service? When do we use the database service? Let's move on to the topic of the day, which is a 0 story. So what is azure storage? So Azure storage as a service from a server. So you use it whenever you want to store something on the cloud and since we are using the cloud provider as as your will be using the storage service from Azure and that storage service is called the Azure storage. So it's now when you begin to use the Azure storage service. First of all, you should have a storage account which you can create in the Azure management portal. So let me show you how you can do that. So let me quickly jump onto my browser so that I can show you my has your bored So guys this is how my dashboard actually looks like right? So as you can see on my dashboard, I have all the services listed. So what I'm interested in today is the storage account. So I'll click on storage accounts. So I have some deployed already over here. I click on add to add a new storage account. And then I'll have this page now. You will enter the name of the storage account here. So that name has to be unique. So let me enter a name say live demo 2 3 2 W 3 6. All right, so that seems to be available. Then comes the option of account kind right? So how do you want that account to be what would it be a block storage or would it be a general purpose so we don't want to restrict our account to only blob storage. We want a general-purpose account. Right, so we'll choose that and then comes the replication part. How do you want your data to be replicated now, there are quite a few in what should I say? There are quite a few good options that we have here one is called the locally redundant storage. So when we have the locally redundant storage what this basically means is so understand it like this that there are regions and inside a region there are zones. So for example, we have the US and inside us we have cities like Chicago New York right now. It's in New York and Chicago are two zones and the region is us. All right, so when I say locally redundant storage what that basically means is that inside a zone that is inside in say New York. You have a data center for Azure in in that data center you are so your storage account has been created. So when you select the options or option of locally redundant storage, what basically does is Italy it will replicate your data inside the data. Arrows it is replicate the data inside the data center in which you have actually deployed your storage account so that if one server crashes you you have your storage account in other server and that same particular premise, right? But when we choose Zone redundant storage what that basically means is so a Zone was Chicago or New York, right? So in Chicago if you have a data center in in New York if you have a data center, so whatever is there in the New York data center will be replicated to the Chicago data center as well so that if One's own goes down. So if this if the data center in New York goes down Chicago would be up and hence your storage account can still be used. Alright, so that is what the meaning of Zone redundant storage has when we talk about Geo redundant storage. What we basically mean is you have different reasons. So for example, we have the u.s. Region and we have the India region. So inside so inside India region, we have different zones, right? So if it's select the Geo redundant option, we will have the read write access. To both these regions that is in the u.s. Region and the India region as well. So whatever you have deployed in the u.s. Region in the Chicago Zone will be replicated across India region as well. Whatever zones you ever deployed in India regions also, alright, so this is what the meaning what is the meaning of g or in in storage? And then we have the read access Geo redundant storage, which is a very interesting option where in you only get the read access of the redundancy for example your means It is in New York, right? So it's a Zone inside the u.s. Region. So if you select read axis gyro redundant storage if in India, your data will be replicated to India as well. But when a failover happens that is when your New York server is down and when you are accessing when you are redirected to the India region in that case, you can only read the data. You cannot write on it. All right, so it is useful for those applications, which only I fetch data and there is nothing to write. So in that case G or in and storage would actually be pretty costly for you. But if you select the read axis during another storage, it is a little less cheaper than the Regio redundant option since you're not writing on it. You don't want your data to be replicated whenever you write a thing, right? And so this is the reason that read axis gyro redundant storage is kind of cheap, but since ours is the demo today, so I'll select a Leader done storage and then the subscription you can choose a pay-as-you-go or free tier in your option. If you have created a new as your account and then comes the resource Group. So Resource Group is nothing but a group of resources. So it is basically created to manage your resources more efficiently in the case. When you have a large use case wherein you're deploying a host of different Services if you include them inside one group, it becomes easier to manage because if you want to delete all the Resources you just have to delete the group and all the resources and the dependencies will be deleted automatically, right? So this is how the resource Group is helpful. So we'll create a new Resource Group today Let It Be Live - demo 1 right and we'll pin it to dashboard and we'll click on create. So when we pin it a dashboard it basically has a shortcut on the desktop for as your so let me so while this is being created. Let me show you. That dashboard actually looks like so that dashboard basically gives you all the shortcuts that you want. So this is the dashboard guys. So you get all the shortcuts that you want to your services, right? So my life so my storage account is now being created is called live demo to double 3 6 so I can quickly access it from here rather than to go to my store particular service account over here and then accessing it. All right. So while this is being created guys, this was about as your storage this is how you create. Date a storage account. Let me come back to my slide. So this is what an Azure storage is let's move on to discuss the components of azure storage. So right till now we have discussed how you can create a storage account. But inside the storage account you have a host of different Services, which you can make use according to your use case, right? So the first service is called The Blob service. So what a blob service so blob service is nothing but a file system service where in you can upload any kind? Failed, right? So the for those of you who know about AWS so AWS has a service called S3, right? So it is exactly like S3, right there is nothing change into it. Just the name of the service is called blob now inside blob you can upload any kind of file and then that file can be accessed by depending on the permissions that you are going to can be accessed by anyone on the planet. For example, you have created a website and it's showing some images. So those images rather being on. The websites server. It could be there on blog and can be accessed directly through the link of any object that you actually upload in the blog. All right, having said that guys let me quickly show you how you can create a blob storage. So let me go back to my dashboard. So as you can see my storage account has now been created. So if I go into my storage account, I get the screen wherein I have to choose a service. All right, so Let me click on blogs because that is what I want to create I click on blobs. I'll open open it in a okay. I'll open it in the same Tab and then it will show me a screen where it will show me that there has nothing been added. Right so there are no containers yet. So what are containers containers are nothing but folders that you have inside the blog? All right, so you cannot store anything in the root directory that is you cannot store upload any file over here. You have to have a folder inside which you will be uploading your files. All right, so folders are nothing but Dino's don't get confused with the nomenclature. Right? So inside this I will create a container called life - demo. Right, so it's done the access type is blob. So what that basically means is if its private it cannot be accessed by anyone if it's blob inside this particular container, all the files can be accessed and if if it's container this basically means that if it inside this container, you have created one more folder that also can be accessed. But when we select blob only the files can be accessed. So we'll select blob and will click on OK and it will hardly take a second to He ate a container in the blob service. Alright, so we have a container now, which is the live demo and if you go inside this container there is nothing in it as of now, right? So now I have actually created a website which can interact with The Blob service. So let me show you how that website actually looks like or before that let me show you the queue service I discover the queue service first and then we'll come back and discuss the blob right? So let me come back to my slide so blobs. Like I said, you have created a Blog you can upload. Any kind of file inside a blob using a website or you can read the files as well from a website. All right, let's move on and discuss cues. So what a cues cues are basically it's exactly like a data structure wherein you whatever information goes first is the first to come out as well. Right? So you use a cues to basically lists job. So in our use case we discuss that we have an image image processing application which has millions of Was as accessing it and since millions of jobs cannot be executed at once they are listed inside the queue so that the server at its own pace can fetch the jobs and executed right? So this is what a queue is all about as simple as that now the way you can create cues in the has your dashboard is something like this that you have your storage account, right? So let me go to my storage account. So my storage account is now being opening. Alright, so inside my storage account with The Blob services Well, I had cues option right so I'll go to that choose option and create a new cue. So my my my storage account was live demo to double three six, right and now I will choose cues. I'll go inside Qs. And as you can see as of now, there are no queues that have been created so I will create a new cue and let me call it. Hello one two, three. All right, so I'll create the to now. So my Q has now been created now if I go to my website, which is therefore Q, this is how my website will look like if I want to upload some data into Q. So this is a sample website guys that I have created. Now. This website has to have the has to know how to interact with your queue service for that. You have a thing called your connection string. So every storage account that you create will have a unique Second string that you have to include in your code. Now if I click on access Keys here, you will go to your storage account and then you'll have this pain in that you have to go to access Keys. Once you go to access Keys, you will have a connection string and a key so you have to have the connection string in your code included so that your code can interact with the particular service. All right, so I'll go to my cues code so my Q code is this and if you can see this is the connection string that I have to specify. I will copy paste this connection string over here. And this endpoint has to be removed because it is not required in the connection string. Once you do that you will save it McHugh name is hello one two three, so it has been already specified here right now. I'll go back. I will go to my website, which is this right? So I've already specified to it for it to send messages to my queue, right? So if I send a message saying hello. old right and I click on send a message. It will actually send that message to my queue which can be seen here. So as if you if I go to my queue you can see that a message has been added with says hello world. Alright, so this is what I just entered now if I go on and process this Q, which is I want to receive message now, so I'll have to change this in the PHP as well. So I'll go to my process PHP. For my cue, I'll change my connection string so that it can interact with the queue and fetch the messages from over there. Right? I'll change it here. I'll change the endpoint as well. And now my code will be able to interact with my cue that I've just created. All right. So if I go to processed or PHP it'll basically fetch the message from that q and display it here. All right. So as you can see the message received is hello world if I enter any other message say as Eureka. Is the best right? I entered this message. I send it to the queue. All right, and now when I process it, I'll get the same message back. And if you will see over here guys, I'll just refresh it. Now as you can see the message has been processed and it has been deleted from the queue. So as and when the message is processed, it is automatically deleted from the queue. All right. So this is how my cues work. Let me quickly show you how the blog's work, right? So let me go to my blobs website. So this is where I'll be uploading a file onto blobs. And again, I have to change the connection string again, right? So I'll go to my blog code and change the connection string which was here. Alright, I'll change the connection string to my current storage account. And my container name I have already specified it to be live demo, right? I created a live demo container now if I'll save this code and if now I choose a file and say I upload the desert file. All right. So what it does is it basically renames the the the name of that file automatically according to system time so that there is no Clash when two or three files are updated with the same name. All right, so I'll upload this file now so as Now as you can see if we go into our blog there are no files. Right if I go inside my blob, which is here. There's no file in it. Right but the moment I upload the file from this particular website. My file will be listed here. So as you can see, my file has been successfully added over here. And now if I go to the particular link of this file, I will be able to download the file. Right so my down my file is now being downloaded and once it is downloaded and if I try to open it will be the same file that I just uploaded. Right. So if I open it now you can see this is the file that we uploaded in the blob and it is now accessible on this particular link by everyone in the world. Alright, so this is how cool blob is now. I'll be using blob and q's together. Let me show you how so what I basically do now is this this image or this image that I've just uploaded has also been added to the queue that I created. So let me show you the queue. So if you see the queue, it will list the message that other file name that we have just uploaded will go into cues. This is my q and as you can see this image has been added to the queue now, I will process this image and the way I'll do it is like this that the image will be fetched from the queue and then the link of that image will be gone too and that image will go into the background of the website, right? So for that first, I have to change the code obviously, so I will go to my blog process website. Right and I will change the connection string. To the one that we are using right now. one second Right. So this is my connection string. I'll change it to what we are using right now. Right. And then also I have to change the link that will be accessing the file. I said this is the link that it is accessing. So the link has changed now because the storage account has changed right? So let me select the link for it. So I will go inside blobs. And I'll go inside the container. So this link is going to sew from from this point onwards till this point that is till the container name. The link will be same right? So let me copy the link and paste it in my coat and I'll show you what I mean. So if I paste the link here. So the linked live demo will be same and just the filename has to be fetched, right? So this is the this filename. I'm fetching from the queue. And what we'll do now is it will fetch the file name from the queue and we'll change the background of the particular website. Right? So if I process the page now that is processed our PHP what'll happen is it'll fetch the file from the queue and will change the background. Alright, so I have updated the the desert file, right? So it is showing the desert background now now I'll show you how exactly cues are basically used. So say I upload say three four files, right? I applaud this flat image and mind you the file the message that we just received would have been deleted from the queue. All right, and I'll just show you whether that is working or not. So I'll upload this flower file. It might take some time because if the files are kind of large, all right, so the file will be uploaded. Okay, it gave me an error. Let me upload again, so I'll choose a file. So sometimes when the size when the the size of the file is more it throws you in error, right? You can't do anything about it. So let me upload the file again. So once it is uploaded guys, I will be able to see it here. Right? So I have like three files right now. So it says velden block date complete and if I refresh it, I'll be able to see for three files now cool. So if I go to processed our PHP now It will not list me the previous file that I uploaded by the recent file that I just uploaded. So let me go to process. And now it will show me the image that I've just uploaded right? It will fetch it from the queue the file name and then we'll show me in the background. All right. The net is a little slow. Bear with me. Alright, so as you can see the file has been there the I'm getting some weird error way just because the net is not working, but forget this error guys, you can see you get the image in the background, right? So similar is the case now, let me go to my storage accounts. So we have discussed cues and blobs now, right? So let me go to my slides. So we've discussed what blobs are we have discussed? What cues are let me go to my file system, which is the best thing that I have. Figured out in this yard. So with file system it is exactly like blobs. You can upload any kind of file but with file system, you can actually mount it as a drive on your computer, right you can use it as it as if it was an extended Drive in your own computer, right but and also you get an Authentication Protocol with it, which is called the SMB 3.0 protocol, which is used by servers Whenever there is a file transaction, so that what Indication you will also get when you're using the file system and to and how you can mount it. Let me show you how so first of all, this mounting process is not available in Windows 7. It is only available in Windows 10 and above. So what I've done is I have deployed a virtual machine in Azure. Let me show you the virtual machine, right? So this is my virtual machine. So I have deployed Windows 2012 server on this now. What we'll be doing is we'll be mapping the file. That will be creating in a storage account in this particular system. All right, so I'll connect to it and now we'll ask me the username and the password so I'll specify the password. And I'll click on okay. Yes, and then I'll be connected to my system. So I'm in so this is my system guys. So if I go to my computer right now. As you can see there is no drive that is listed, right? So we'll be creating a network drive over here on which we can upload any kind of file. Now the way to do that is to first go to your as your dashboard and create a file over there create a file system directory over there, right? So we'll go to our storage accounts. So it is in live demo to double three six. And then we'll be going to files. Right. So as of now as you can see, there is no directory which has been listed here. So I will create a file shaver a share service and let me name it something else my drive, right and the quota is basically how many GBS of Drive do you want? Right? It can go two terabytes. But since I'm doing a demo, let me create a hundred GB drive right now, right so I create a hundred GB drive and I will click on OK. Alright, so my drive has been successfully created. Right, so I will go to this drive. And click on connect and then I will get this command to connect to it. All right, I'll copy this command. And I'll paste it in the notepad. So I'll use this in my so that I've just deployed now, how will I use this now? If you look at this command guys, this is the address of your server. All right. So this is the address of the your storage account and this is the file share that we have just created which is called my drive right the user name to access. This would be a 0 L / live demo to double 3 6. All right. And the password to the for this would be the key which has been specified here. Now. I have to specify everything in that. I've just mentioned in this server that I have created. All right. So the way you will map the map network drive is like this will go to PC. You will right click it and you will click on map network drive right now. It will ask us the drive name that we want to allocate it. So for example, we want to allocate the K drive to it. All right, and in this particular thing you will be putting in. Address of the server right? So let me copy the address of the server which is this. All right. I'll copy the address. And I will save it over here. All right, so it has saved it and now I will click on finish. So if everything goes well guys, it will ask you for the username and the password now the username would be this that is a 0 / live demo to double 3-6, right? That's why I go to my server paste the username here and then last me the password. So like I said, the password would be this your key. So I will copy the password. I'll paste it here that is in this particular field and I will click on remember my credentials and click on okay. So now if everything is authenticated it will go inside my drive. So as you can see I am inside my drive right now. And if I go to this PC that is my computer, I can see that a drive has been added over here. Now this drive in this drive as you can see the total size is hundred GB and the space free is under GB. So this is the quota that we assigned in file share while creating it right now if I want to copy any file over here, I can easily do that. I'll just copy this particular file and paste it here. Rachel easily copied and say I want to I want a shortcut to be copied and I can shortcut copy the short code as well because I don't have any files on this particular server that I can show that I can copy here. So as you can see the files have been copied are and these actually have been uploaded to the has your account as well. Right? So let me show you on the dashboard if these files are visible. So I'll go to the has your dashboard and this is my drive if I refresh it right now. Refresh so it will last me all the files that have just uploaded. all right, so it is taking some time and So basically when you create a network drive in your own computer it is as if you are using your own driver on your local computer if your internet and truck is good, right? So as you can see we have added these two files in our directory in the server and you can view it here as well and you can download it from here. You can click on it. You can download it and anyone can download it if they have the link. Alright, so we are done with file system. Let us come back to our slide and discuss our last component of A which is tables now tables is again an amazing service from a 0 so it is just like nosql but it is basically you can say a child of nosql. You cannot do complex queries on it. Now the way or the advantage of using tables is that say you have a data within which the structure is changing. Dynamically you what I mean by that is say you are entering you have a form you have created a website in which it except three things. Is it accepts your name? It accepts your mobile number and it accepts your location. All right. So once it does that it will upload it in the database right normal as usual. But what if tomorrow I use case comes in where in I want to add one more field, which maybe is asking for your credit card number, right? So if it is asking that if you were using traditional systems, you would have to go to your database and add one more column and then go on to chase your That interface and your PHP or whatever scripting language you're using but with tables the thing is that you don't have to change anything in the back end as in you don't have to change anything in your database. It will it will automatically adjust according to your data and create one more field, which is basically at which is basically you're trying to ingest for example in our case. We are trying to ingest the credit card number as well. So it will do that automatically. So let me show you how you can use the table service. So we'll come back to our dashboard and go to storage accounts, right and again in in your storage account. You'll have all the services listed. So we will select tables will go inside tables. Right, and once we are inside tables will have to create a new table. So let's name this table as a new table. Right and we will click on OK so my table has now been created. All right. Now the way you can upload your data to this table is the same you just copy the connection string you call the API and you can upload your data but to view the data in the table, you will need your Studio. All right. So let's for this is one table that I created earlier. So for adding it I'll show you how to add it. But first, let me add some values inside this particular table. That is my new table, right? So there is nothing inside it because I just created it. So what I'll be doing is I will be going to be showing you the website through which I will be uploading the data into the table. So it is this so this is my website using which I will be updating the table right now the way I will be doing it is I'll be first changing the connection string. So the connection string can be found here. Right? I'll have to change this. This is my connection code for tables will have to change the default connection string. So let us quickly change it this is my connection string. I'll come back to my code based at here. Add and remove the end point. Cool. So my connection string has been given now I have to change the table name as well. So my table name is new table. right and All right, so nothing else has to be changed. Cool. So our code is done now. I'll come back to my slide and refresh it. All right. So now there are two things that you have to understand that they're in a table one is called the partition key and one is called the Roki right? What is partition key? What is rho chi let me explain you. So whatever files that you're trying to store in your table are stored in different nodes when I say nodes. There are basically different servers right now each. Over will have a partition key which can identify it. So say there is a over one server to server 3 and server for all right, so I want to store my data in server 1. All right. So my particular type of data that I want to store in server one. So for that the partition could be partition key would be one right now inside my server every row has to be identified by a unique identifier and their incomes in the Roki. So this row Keys should be unique to each and every record that you'll be putting inside. Add a partition key table that is inside that particular server. If you change the server again, the Roki can be same as that of the previous server. But when you're you are creating records inside one particular partition key the rose key value has to be different. All right, having said that guys so we have this website and we have created a new table over here. All right. Now what I will be doing is I will be mapping this new table in my visual studio. Now the way to do that is open your Visual Studio go to server Explorer and once you have you will be listed your Azure service over here. All right. Now, I have to map my particular storage account on this Visual Studio as well truth. So the way to do that Is in the storage section click right? Click it and click on attach external storage. Alright. So once that is done, it will ask me the account name and the account key. Now the way to attach it is like this that you will go to the table service. So your storage account. You will copy the name based in the account name and then your connection string. Sorry your key, right? So in this case, you'll be copying the key and you have to pace the key here. Remember the account key so that you don't have to enter it again and again and click on. Okay. So this will add your Storage account over here, right? So this is my storage account live demo to double three six. Right. So my storage account has now been added and inside it. I have created a table. Call the new table, right? So if I click on the new table, as you can see there is nothing that has been added as of now. So what I'll do is from my website now, we'll add a new value. So I have already specified the partition key as default. It is called task Seattle, right? All I'll be doing is I'll be entering the name over here while touring the Roki over here, which will be unique. All right. So as as of now, there are no record, so I'll enter one as much as my arrow key and now lender the Columns that I wanted this row this particular row is the number is the columns and this is the value that that I want for that particular column. So for that I was for example, I want the name column to be there right inside the name column. I want the name he month. All right, I'll specify that and say I want my mobile number to be there. I'll specify mobile and know right and I'll specify the mobile number here. That is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 say and now I'll click on upload data. So this will upload the data to the table that I've just created. So if I go here go back to my visual studio, and I refresh it. I'll be able to see that new record has been entered in which the Roki is one write. The name is hemant. And the mobile number is this now say I want to add one more field, which is asking for my credit card number. All right. So as I said the Roki would be different now. I'll enter the name so whatever column you have. It is specified. It will go inside the same column. So I have already specified name, right? So if I enter the value Heyman here, it will not create a new column and enter the value hemanth over there. It will just create then column, which is new to the data. Alright, so the mobile number is again say five six, seven eight and now it will ask me for my credit card number. Right, so the credit card number could be this. All right. So now if I upload the data. And I'll show you how it looks now. So as you can see now the credit card number of feel has been added. So the for the first record there is nothing there in the credit card number field, but in the second record, I have added that I want this data right also guys, you can specify in any order. There is no specific order that you have to specify right so I can enter the name first right and then I can enter the credit card number. So this is the credit card number that I want to add. Write and say I'm entering the mobile here. Right if I upload the data now, so this is required. Sorry three upload data. This data will be updated and if I refresh it now. You can see that. Okay, so m capital and M Small. You have to be careful of the of the indentation of the sorry your syntax as well. So whatever column names you're specifying it is case sensitive. So like you can see I made a mistake here by specifying a small C and it created one more column. All right, but as you can see the name is in the same column now. All right. So what in in whatever sorry in whatever sequence you can add your record at that record will be added automatically in its respective column, right? So this is how tables can be used. Alright guys. So with that I think we are done with our services. So we discussed what are blobs we discuss what a cues but discuss what our file systems we discussed what our tables and for each of the service. We saw how we can use them in as your and how we can deploy them as well. So let's go ahead and see what all we are going to learn in this today's session. So today in this session first, we'll start off with what is a virtual machine right? We're going to understand What is a virtual machine how we can configure it how we can launch it in Azure. Once we have done that we will move on to Virtual Network. So before understanding what is a virtual network will first understand. Why do we actually need a virtual Network? Right. Once that is done. We move on and see what is a virtual Network exactly and its components right and towards the end. We'll be doing a demo. We're in like I said, we'll be deploying to servers which will be configuring from scratch. That is a web server and a database server, right? And we'll be deploying them in Virtual networks and configuring their properties. Right? So guys, I hope this agenda is clear to you. Let's move ahead and start off with a first session which is what is a virtual machine. So what is the virtual machine? So I'm a virtual machine is basically a raw server that you get from your cloud provider that raw server could could be an abundant machine. It could be a Windows machine, right? So it's basically just like your own personal computer rather than purchasing it. You're renting it out. Load right menu renting it out on cloud now. It is the same as if it was you on your own computer, right? So it's a fresh piece of operating system. You can install as many software's as you want. You can want it to make it to be a web server. You can make it to be a worker tear environment. You can configure it to be anything. Right? So today we are going to make it a web server and a database server. Moving on guys. So this is what virtual machine is all about. And also if you compare it with AWS, which is also a popular cloud computing service with in AWS. This this same service is called easy to all right in as your it's called virtual machine in AWS. It is called easy to All Right Moving ahead guys. Now, let's start with virtual networks and first understand why do we actually need virtual networks? All right. So like I said, we have virtual machines, right? So if you say launch Watching machines and you want both of them to communicate with each other. For example in our session today in our demo session. What we'll be doing a is that we'll be deploying a web server and we'll be deploying a database server and we want the web server to talk to the database server right for this for this communication. We need a channel and hence. We need a network right but why would she will networks? So if you guys would have noticed in Cloud there is no there are no wires. There are there are no switches. There are no routers. It's all right. So your virtual machine is connected using a logical connection, right? It is logic these two servers are logically isolated and that is why we call it virtual, right? So this is so we understood that for the communication scale sake we need a virtual Network. Let's Now understand what a virtual Network exactly is. Right. So a virtual network is just like a representation of your network, but on the cloud, right? So for example, we launched a server on the cloud and we connect to our virtual Network. Right when we connect to our our virtual Network that is on as your our network will include that server as if it's on our own network that is on on-premise, right? That is what a virtual network is that is how powerful a virtual Network guilt right your server will be on the cloud but your Or your company's network will feel as if the server is on your own network, right? And it's like I said, it's a logical isolation of the Azure Cloud dedicated to your subscription that is whatever resources that you have launched in the cloud it logically isolates it from the rest of the resources that are there on Azure that maybe it could be your resources or someone else's resources. Well it logically isolates them and they are insulated to other resources. It doesn't matter if the other resources are failing or doing anything, right? They are all isolated. So this is what a virtual network is all about. Now when we say what your network is it basically has a lot of components. Let's understand these components. So the first component is Anna's your subnet. Now what is energy or subnet? Basically when you divide a network into sub parts it is called Anna's your subnet. All right. So when you divide a virtual Network in a box, it's called subnet. Now. This subnet can actually be given unique properties. Example in this same virtual Network. You have three virtual machines, right one module we're seeing is in one net1 subnet and the other virtual machine is another subnet but this subnet you can configure to be unique. For example. We wanted to we want to create a public subnet. So a public subnet is basically a subnet which has internet access. All right, so we can configure the properties such as in a way that this particular net the machines in this particular subnet will have the internet access. And the others particular subnet will not have the internet access so our subnet which doesn't have the internet access is called a private subnet. All right, so the virtual machine in this particular subnet will not have internet access. But but when you actually see it from a broader perspective, all of these servers are on the same network, right, but because of because of the subnets because the properties of subnets they reflect different properties, right? So being on the same same network they have different. What is and using subnets? This is how subnets are actually useful, right? So this is what this is all you need to know about subnet Skies now with subnets the properties that I was talking about say I want to connect to a web server, right? So for connecting to the web server for accessing that website, I need to go through HTTP protocol. Right? So all of this is configured in a in a firewall now, what is that firewall called that firewall is actually Network Security Group. Oops. Now what our network security groups? Like I said, they're just firewalls in which you put in the properties that you want the subnet to reflect. For example, I want to connect to my web server. So I have to allow all HTTP traffic on that subnet and for that I'll have to attach that particular network security group. So that subnet now I know it's a lot to take I just explained to you three components and you might be thinking where which component goes. We're right. And so I have this diagram. So I'll just summarize what I just Spin it to you. So we have this virtual Network in the virtual Network. We have subnets and a subnet is attached to a network security group right through this network security group is where you will be configuring all the protocols all the properties that you want your your particular machine to reflect. This firewall will be attached to the Subnet in which you will be deploying your virtual machine. Alright, so this is a place where you'll be deploying a virtual machine and it Will be attached to the subnet sorry our network security group and this subnet is actually included in your virtual Network. All right, so both these subnets are actually in your virtual Network. So one virtual network will have as many subnets as you want and each subnet will have different properties because of its network security groups moving along guys. Now, let's so enough of talks. I have explained you everything you need to know. Let's go ahead and start with a demo and for that let's look at the steps that Going to do so first, we'll be creating a network security group. That is the firewall that is required for a server. So basically we'll be creating to 5 volts one for a web server and one for a database server, right? So let's go ahead and do that. So just give me a second. I'll go to my has your dashboard. All right. So guys, this is how my dashboard actually looks like now on this dashboard. The first job that I have to do is to create a network security group. So let us do that. Let us go to the search bar and type network security groups. Right, and once you've done that you will see it is listed over here. We click on it. And then we'll click on ADD. Now when we click on ADD, we first have to add the firewall for web server, right? So it is your choice either you could deploy the web server first or your database. So you type in the name of the network security group that this is for my web server. So I'll type in web server. Then I'll have to assign a resource Group. Now, what is the resource Group? So basically like for our use case today will be deploying a lot of resources, right? So it becomes easier for us to manage it if it comes under Group. All right, so we'll be creating that group over here. So say I'll name the group as life - demo. Alright, so this becomes my Resource Group and all the resources that I'd be launching today. Will I will include them in this particular group so that I it becomes easier to manage for me. Alright, and I'll pin it to dashboard and I'll click on create now while it is being created you would have noticed that I have pinned it to dashboard. Now. What is the dashboard guys? So for those of you who are not acquainted with the as your dashboard so dashboard is just like a desktop guys that you have on your computer. So all the shortcuts are created here because I would be On Figueroa figuring all the properties. So I want it to be listed here. And that's why I have created a shortcut on the dashboard. All right. So while it is being deployed, let's deploy our second network security group as well, which is for my database, right? So I'll click on ADD. And I'll type in database. I included in the resource Group that I've already created, which is live demo. I click on this. I will pin it to dashboard and I'll click on create right that is it. It's pretty simple. Just enter the name the resource Group that you want to enter it in and created right. Now. One thing that I want you to notice is guys have not configured any property as of now, right? I'll do that later. So as It's now. I just created two firewalls with the name web server and database now. What I'll do is let me come back to my slide to see what we'll be doing next, right? So step two is create the virtual Network. So now I will be creating the virtual Network in which I will be deploying my servers right? So let's do that. Let's create a virtual Network. So I'll click here. I'll go to Virtual Networks. I'll click on ADD. And I'll give the virtual network name say v-net, right and then comes the address space. Now. What is the address space recipes is basically the number of IP addresses that your network can hold. So as of now this virtual Network and hold 256 computers, right or 256 virtual machines now since I'll be creating more than two subnets. I want to address space which will be more because each subnet will take some minimum value, right? So let us give it a more elaborate address, please. Let me type in this. Write and edit this part and this will give you a bigger set of addresses to deal with. So now my address my virtual network will be capable of gaving 65,000 addresses, which is kind of cool right next. We have this subnet name. So by default when you create a virtual Network, there will be a default subnet will be created which will be created. Alright, so this is the address range for that. Default subnet, so it should be in the same range that we have specified for a virtual Network. So let's give it this address and as you can see in this particular subnet, that is the default subnet. I'll have around 256 machines. Alright, so that is it. Nothing else needs to be configured. I will include it in the resource Group that I've already created that is live demo and location is basically the place where the servers are being deployed, right? So by default its best West us will keep it at that right and we'll create this virtual Network. That is it guys nothing else to be configured for as of now. This virtual network does not have any subnets, right? We want we want a web server subnet and we want a database subnet that will be deploying now. Once the virtual network is ready. All right, let me come back to my slide and show you this diagram. So this diagram basically talks about a virtual Network to subnets. Now. What I'll be doing is I'll be launching two virtual machines and I'll be attaching these virtual machines with this. It all right, and this is basically your network security group. This is where you'll be configuring your properties. And this also I'll attach to the subnet. Now this VM will then reflect the properties of this particular firewall, right? I will not be attaching this firewall directly to this VM, but I will be attaching it to the subnet. Now. What advantage do I have in this is that say I launched three servers in the subnet, all of them will reflect this property right so I don't have Have to configure them separately. All of them will be reflecting the security groups properties of this particular subnet. All right, I think a virtual network is ready. Let's see. So if I go to my virtual Networks I see that I have my watching Network ready. All right, now I'll go inside my virtual Network and now I'll be deploying the subnets. So we'll go to the subnets pain will click on ADD and let's add our first Subnet which is the web server subnet right. Now. This web server said net will be attached to a network security group which will be for the web server, right? So we'll attach a network security group for the web server and will click on OK. There is a it's that simple just add the subnet at as a network security group to that and you're done right? Similarly. I will be deploying the database subnet now, and I'll go to network security groups. I will click on the database subnet Database Network Security Group. I'll click on OK. And Bam, I have one more subnet. Let me go back to my dashboard. And see what all do I have so I have the two network security groups. I have deployed in Virtual Network. I have deployed the subnets in it and I have attached the firewall to the subnet. All that is left is now the BM so step three is create the web server virtual machine and the database virtual machine. So let us do that. We will go to our pain go to Virtual machines. right click on ADD And with this you will get this page where in you have all the operating systems that you can set in your in your virtual machine now, you can set a 1 2 operating system. You can also configure a Windows server, but we will be dealing with a 1/2 today right? So I'll select Ubuntu I will click on Create and then I get this page where I have to enter the general properties. So I'll I'll name the server as web server. Right. I'll give the user name. The user name that will authenticate me to this particular server. Now when you talk about the password or the way, you will authenticate yourself you basically have two options. You can either authenticate through a public-private key or you can authenticate through a password. So password is more easier. And since we want our things to be done quicker, I'll give a password and this is the password. I'll configure it now. And that is it guys. Nothing else needs to be configured Resource Group. I'll give the resource Group that I've already created that is live demo and I'll click on OK. On the next page it will ask me the configuration of my server that I want, right. So do I want one course review and a 3.5 GB Ram or I want to two core CPU and 7K Graham. I can choose all the configuration which are available here in the view all page, but I'll stick to the first configuration which is the basic one so that because I'm doing a demo right so I don't need a big machine for it. I click on select. Next comes the optional features that I have to configure, right so the storage and then what virtual Network do I want my server to be deployed in so we have created the virtual Network called v-net. So we will be deploying it in this then comes the subnet. So inside this virtual Network, there are three subnets. Like I said one is default that is created by default and then we have the database and the web server subnet. So since this is a web server VM we We'll be deploying it under the web server subnet then comes the public IP address. So it will assign it a public IP address through which we can access it that is going to be new and then comes the network security group. So since we have already assigned a network security group in the subnet, we don't need any network security group to be attached over here. So we'll click on none and then monitoring do you want it or not? I would prefer to be disabled because I won't be needing the server after the sessions. So I'll click on disabled and I'll click on OK. All right, so now what will happen is it will validate all the properties that I have entered and once it has entered it will give me a page where in I have to agree to the terms and conditions and that is it. So I'll agree to the terms and conditions and I'll click on purchase and that will deploy my server. That is it guys. So this is my web server being deployed. Let's quickly deploy our database server as well following the same steps that we have. Load now, right. So I choose open to machine. I will click on create I will go to this page and type in the name of the server, which is database. Right the username. So it said Eureka authentication type is password. So I'll type in the password now. Confirm the password. And then comes the resource Group. So it's live demo. Right? And the location is Vesuvius. I click on OK select the most basic configuration, which is the first one click on select. Now I'll be configuring the virtual network settings. So subnet would be database. Right Network Security Group will be none. And that is it monitoring will be disabled. Click on OK. It will validate all the properties and then I shall purchase the server and which will be deployed. Right if you if you're talking if you are thinking how much is it going to cost me? So each server is going to cost me around three, three, two, three, two point three point five rupees per our right. So that's like a fraction of a dollar. So I think if you're learning as you're that is worth it, right, so my servers are being deployed guys now why my servers are being deployed let me Properties of each other right? So let me go to the web server firewall and configure the properties. So basically what I what I am looking at is the inbound security rules, so I click on inbound security rules. So inbound security rules are basically the rules which are created for the connections which are in coming to the server, right? So this is a web server, right? So for a web server first, you have to enable the HTTP connection. So I want the HTTP connection through HTTP protocol to be enabled over here. Right? And the source is any what what kind of people can access the server? So I want the whole world to end access my internet website. So the source is any the service is HTTP, right and everything else is default the action. What do you want? What do you want to deny it or you want to allow it? So I want to allow the connections. So I will select allow and I'll click on OK. Alright, so my security rule is being created. So while this is being created guide guys, let's will have to add one more security rule which is the HTTP security rule because our websites connect with two protocols, which is HTTP and https. So we will configure HTTP as well. So let's let us select HTTP from the list headers and then the action is allow and you might be wondering what this priority number is, right? So priority number. Is basically the number which will be given to your rule. So say example in my previous rule. I give the priority number as hundred right? So when it reads the set of rules that are given in the firewall, the first rule would be the least number which is there. So the least number is hundred and it goes up to I think 900 right? So it will read all the rules according to the numbers and then configure them. So we have added the HTTP Rule and the HTTP rule is also being added and that is it that is all is which is required. So, let me just refresh it and I can see their HTTP and https rules are already been given now. I also want to SSH I should be able to SSH into my server. But before that let me show you what if I don't configure the property are let's see what that then happens, right so for configuring my web server. I have to SSH into the web server to see to install all the software's which are required for that particular. So right so let's connect to the server. So the way I can connect is using a software called Petit. So I launch the software I paste this piece IP address here. And as of now guys, I have not added the SSH property, right? So if I try to connect it will show the screen and it will be it will keep Keep on pointing here, right? So the connection will time out after a few say 30 or 40 seconds and it that basically means that the server is refusing any connection to it. And the reason for that is that I'm not configured in my firewall. So to do that see as you can see it has given me an error which says connection timed out. So to do that. I will have to go to my firewall which is the network security groups of my web server. Right. I will go to the inbound security rules and now I'll add a rule for SSH. So once I add the rule I will be able to connect to my service. So it's done by security rule is being created and once it is created I will be able to SSH into this. So also it takes some time for that rule to actually be applied. Right it says that it created a security rule but sometimes it takes time to reflect. Let's see if the rule is being reflected here. And yes, the rule is being reflected. So as you can see I've added the SSH Rule and now it is giving me the login page. So I login into my server which with the username Erica. I configured the username to be at Eureka and now it's last me the password after authenticating the user name. So I will type in the password. And if everything goes well, I'll be authenticated to my server, right? Yes, so I am in my server. So this is my 1 2 server, which is running on Azure Cloud. Now, I need to configure the software's in it so that it becomes a web server, right? So as of now there's nothing installed on it. It's a fresh piece of software. So let me first update this Ubuntu. So I'll type in the update command. It's sudo apt-get update. Right now it'll take some time to update mean by guys. Let me quickly show you if I can access my web server as of now or not, right? So I'll go to Virtual machines. I'll go to web server. Now. You might ask me that we have already configured it to accept HTTP connection. But still if I try to connect to the server I will not be able to do so, it will return me empty response screen. So this basically means that there is nothing configured on my server as of now. So what I'll do is so my Ubuntu is now updated. So what I'll do is now is I'll update it with the Apache software, right? So I'll type in the command for Apache so sudo apt-get install apache2. All right, once I've done that it will install the Apache software here. And within seconds you can see that I'll be able to connect to the server. So it's starting the service processing? Yeah, so a patch is installed now if I try to connect to the server you'll be able to see that I am getting the Apache screen. So if you want you can connect to the server. The IP address is 40.82 3.14 TDOT hundred my team will be handing you out this IP address. So I'll repeat it. Again. It's 40.82 3.14 TDOT hundred you can go to this link and you will see the Apache web page. As of now now as an as we will go along and we'll update this thing this website, you'll see that this page will be updated. All right, so I have the Apache working on my server now now my website that I have created it is actually a PHP website. So laughs to install PHP on This Server as well. So I will write sudo apt-get php5 and I'll have to install it. So this is it this is it one second. So I misspelled install my bad. Sorry, right. So now my PHP will be installed on this system. And while this is being installed guys. Let me show you how my website actually looks like so I'll go to localhost and I'll type in the A dress for my website. All right. So this is how my website actually looks like it's pretty simple. You just have to enter your name your email your mobile number your location and once you click on submit all of this address will go to mySQL. Now MySQL is in a different server. This will be in a different server. And what we're trying to do is we're trying to authenticate them to each other using virtual networks. All right, so if I go to my web server, so my PHP has been installed and with PHP. I also need an extension which will be which will It to connect to mySQL. So for that I will have to install that extension as well. So sudo apt-get install PHP 5 - MySQL, right? So with this my extension will get installed on the system and that is it. Alright, so my web server is configured now, let's go on and configure our MySQL now, right so my skin is a bit tricky guys because you have there is a lot of configuration that you have to do. But let's hope for the best and see if you can connect to it. All right. Also guys, if you would have noticed I'm not configured anything for my server from a database server. So as we did in web, so I will show you if you try to connect to it as of now will not be able to so while this is being loaded. Let me quickly go to the properties of my database server. Right and include the inbound security rules according to what I want. So I will first have to enable the SSH rule, right? So this is how I will be able to connect to my server. So I'll select the SSH service. The action is allow. I'll click on OK. And my security rule will now be created. Also I should also be able to create a MySQL connection to the server because I want this this server to be accessed through my computer, right if I write a for example, I will be creating a database I will be adding the table, right so I won't do all of that through my computer. I don't want to SSH into the Ubuntu again to configure anything. So we'll be doing that. So we need a MySQL connection as well. So let's That so it would be MySQL. And the service would be MySQL. Action is allowed I click on okay. And this is it guys. So now the security rule will be created and if we try now to connect to our database server, I will be able to do so, so I will copy the IP address. I will click on open. I'll say yes, and now it will ask me for the login name. So as you can see the security rule worked it is asking for the login name and now the password so I'll give the password for this. I'm done with this. I'll be authenticated to my Ubuntu Server. First of all, I'll update this machine with the update command like we did in the previous over as well. Right? So now it will be updated after this. I'll install the MySQL service that we'll be using to that. We'll be using to connect our website from right so I will now install the MySQL service which is sudo apt-get install MySQL server. Right. This is it. I type in by which means yes, and now it is a still ask me for the password. I'll type in the password and confirm it again. Hit enter and that is it. Okay, so now I've configured MySQL. I've installed my skin on my system. The next thing is by default MySQL only allows the Local Host to access the root user. Right if I want to connect through my machine. I have to create one more user for MySQL for me to access it. Right. So once my MySQL is installed I'll show you what I mean, right so we'll be doing that. And I think we are done. Yeah, so we're done. So let's connect to a MySQL service now. So the user is root and the password was a Eureka one, two, three to connect to my database and we are in so like I was saying we have to create a user that will that will be accessing from so let's create a user for MySQL. So I type in create user say the user name is Ed Eureka for my database whereas it is on localhost. And I should add the password for it. Let me add the password as Ed Eureka 1 2 3 right? And let me deploy this over. So I've created the username now. I'll have to Grant all the Privileges to this particular server. So let me give the command for that. So it's Grant all privileges. On everything that is there on this database to this particular username, which resides on localhost. So this is a command that will be configuring or right now same set will be configuring for the percentage host. So let us do that as well. All right, and then Grant all the Privileges for the same. All right, so done. So we have created successfully a new user now. If I try to connect to this database using this user, let's see how we can do that. So I'll dive in MySQL. So previously I authenticate myself using route. But now I'll use the L Eureka username and see if I can connect to it. Sorry. I misspelled it. So it said Eureka - be and now the password so as you can see I am I cannot authenticate through. Alright, sorry for that glitch. All right. So now what we'll be doing is we like of a saying so we have to configure one more file for a MySQL to get configured right? So for that let us go to our directory. That is e TC. And in that MySQL right now in this particular directory. I have a file called my DOT c n r so this is the configuration file that I'll have to concur configure for connecting to my MySQL. So I'll sudo Nano into it and then I will get To this particular statement, which says buying a dress. So this binary dress be statement basically says that only localhost connections are allowed to my MySQL right? So I'll have to comment this part out and then I will save it. And there is a guy so this was the last setting that I had to do now if I try connecting it through my computer. I'll be able to connect to this particular MySQL instance. So how to do that there first. I have to go to my MySQL installation folder, which is somewhere here. Right. So let me quickly go to my folder. So this is the folder where MySQL resides so now I'll connect it using this particular command, which is MySQL - eh now I'll paste in the IP address the username, which is L Eureka the port number which is 3 3 0 6 and then the password it will ask me for the password for the password is a Eureka one, two, three now mind you guys it will not connect right now. It will give me an error that it can't connect to mySQL. Service, and the reason for that is that we have configured everything after the MySQL service started on my server. So now I'll have to restart my server to connect to it. Right so it will take some time and then it will throw an error that it can't connect to the particular MySQL server, right? So as you can see so for now connecting to it we will have to Restart the service. So let me restart it by typing in sudo service. MySQL restart All right. So with this command my MySQL will get restarted. So let's see. So my MySQL has stopped and now it has restarted. And now if I try to connect to a MySQL server. I will be get yes, so I have it on my computer. Now. I am able to connect to my MySQL server. Let's quickly create a database for my website, which is create database entry. So I quickly create a database and I'll create a table for this, right. Which is create table entries. I will give the name. And then the second entry is email address that is work at 30. Right and then the location which is again where car 30? And then my mobile number. Which I'll be feeding here. Alright, so I think the net is giving some problems. All right, so I didn't select the database soyuz entry. And then I will create the table. So guys there is some problem with our internet connection. I think it is residing on your end as well. So what we'll do is we'll continue this session in our next video. So we have created the database now next is creating a web server that will do in our next session. All right, so let me quickly come back to my slide. which is Here, right. So we have created a VM for the web server. We have created a VM for database. We have configured a database you can connect to a database to our computer. All that is left is configuring the web server. So we'll do that in the next section and I'll show you how you can configure the properties for it today in this session. I will show you guys how you can configure the web server. All right. So let me quickly go to my as your dashboard. Alright guys. So this is my as your dashboard. And for those of you who are new I will show you how you can deploy a virtual machine. I've already deployed one, but let me quickly show you how you can deploy another virtual machine. So in the in the dashboard, you will go to Virtual machines. You will click on ADD and then you can give the nerve the you have to choose an operating system. You choose your operating system. You will click on Create and then you'll have the In where you can fill all the information right once you fill in all the information, you just have to click on OK and in the last part It'll ask you to agree to the terms and conditions you can do that and your virtual machine will be deployed. All right, so I've already deployed one virtual machine that is for my web server. Now in the web server, you can see these are the properties that I have attached to my web server. So this is basically my network security group for my web server in this. I have configured that my web server. Can we should? Of HTTP connections should have https connections and an SSH connection right now. If I want to add more properties to it I can add by clicking here that has that is inbound security rules. I'll go here. I click on ADD and then I can add any property that I want from this list that is available here. Right? So I've already added the properties now, what I'll do is I will SSH into my web server and see how we can configure it. All right. So this is my web server page. So I've just gone to Virtual. So if you go here in the virtual machines tab, you will find all the virtual machines that are deployed over here. I selected my web server and then I reached this page now. I need the IP address of my virtual machine to connect to right. So as of now if I copy this IP address and paste it here. You can see I cannot connect to my virtual machine as of now because there is no nothing installed on this web server. So what we'll be doing now is we'll be installing the sort necessary software's for my virtual machine to work. Alright, so I will enter the IP address here and I click on open. And it'll ask me the login name. So I'll give the login name that I have configured. That is ID Rekha now to last me the password, so I'll enter the password that is this. And by disconnecting let me show you that as you can see the page is not working as of now. So we will install the necessary software here and then we'll try again to connect. So if you guys want you can actually connect to this website the IP addresses 13.9 3.20 9.3 eight, right? So my team here they will they will put it in the comment box for you to access you can go to this IP address and you can see that as of now we cannot connect to this particular website. Alright, so now So this is the wind machine. This is my server. I will install the necessary software. So I'll pseudo updated first. Alright, so my updation is being happening. And now I will install the PHP software. So my website for that, I want to deploy on this particular server. Let me quickly show you the website that I want to deploy. So it's hosted on my Local Host as of now. Right, so let me go to my website. So here it is. All right. So this is my website guys. I'll enter a name and email address or mobile number and a location I click on submit and it will enter all these values into the mySQL database that we created yesterday. All right, so I'll show you how the values that will be replaced reflected in the MySQL. But for now, let's configure web server first. So this is the website that I will be uploading to my web server. But first I have to install the necessary software. So this is the PHP website guys. So I'll install the PHP software now. So zile sudo install the PHP. All right, so it will install the PHP now. And then we can go ahead and now since my website has to interact to mySQL. I also have to install an extension for my MySQL to work so I don't do that as well. Once this is done. So, yeah, so my PHP is installed now, I will install the extension for my PHP MySQL so to do that pseudo install. the PHP extension which is this so I misspelled it one second. All right now for all of this to work, I also have to install the Apache server. So let us install the Apache server. So like I said as of now we cannot connect to it. So what I'll do now is install the Apache server so sudo apt-get. install Apache All right. So now if I try to connect to my website I'll be able to do so, so let me quickly check my network security settings. So I will go here. I'll type in network security groups. And that will last me all the network security groups which are present as of now, right? So I have to network security groups. This is the new web server network security group that I have configured. So I'll go here. And as of now you can see only the SSH rule is there so what I'll do now is I'll install the Apaches. I'll configure it to allow HTTP connections. So to do that, I will go to inbound say security rules. I'll click on ADD and add the HTTP rule. It is I will click on low and I'll click on OK. Alright, so my security rule is being deployed. I also have to configure it to have the HTTP rule as well. So I will configure it to have the HTTP rule. I'll click on okay. And yes, I have the security rule for this as well. Now. Let me restart the Apache 2 service. sudo service party to restart Right, and if now I try to connect to my website. Yes, so I can see that a party to page is now working. Right? So if you guys will now try to access this IP address the Apache 2 page will start working. Alright guys, so now since our page is working. The next task is to connect through FTP and upload my website. So to do that, I'll have to First add the FTP rule in the inbound security rules. So to do that. I'll click on ADD. And in the name I'll type in FTP. Right, the service would be FTP and then the action is allow and I click on OK. So it is now creating the security rule. And once this is done, I will be able to connect through an FTP software that I had. This is called filezilla. All right, so you'll enter the IP address here your username your password port number for FTP connections. It's 22 and then you'll click on Quick Connect and then we'll have the all all the directory listing of that serve over here, right? So as I can see the FTP rule has been added. So now I will go to the dashboard. I'll go to my web server. I'll copy the IP address I paste it here in the host the username for it. That is either a car password. Let me enter the password. And now the port number I'll click on Quick Connect. Now it'll take some time to connect to the directory of my server. So now I have the directory. All right, so now I'll have to upload my website, right so for doing that I'll have to go to this particular directory. That is slash bash / www slash HTML. All right. So this is the directory where you will be uploading your website now by default. You cannot upload your website. So let me show you what I basically If I try to upload my files here. You'll see that I'll have an errors that file transfer has failed. So that is because over here we don't have the access right side when I cannot read write in this directory now for doing that. I'll have to allow myself to allow myself from the shell. So I'll do that. Let me cancel all the file transfer that are happening. All right, so now I will go here. I will type sudo chmod. - Capital are triple seven. So this will basically give me the readwrite access to this particular directory. And once I have that I can upload my files. All right, so this should be it now if I try to upload my files over here. All right. So now like I said if I will try to upload my files. It should uploaded successfully. So as you can see the file transfer has now started. Right. I don't need the index or - HTML. So basically, this is the Apache page that you were seeing so we can delete this page. Okay, so my transfers have finished. So now if I go back to my website and a try accessing it, I will be able to see the website that I just uploaded. Right? So this is the website that I just uploaded now. Let me show you the database server that I configured yesterday. So for that, let me open my command prompt go to my MySQL installation. So this is MySQL installation guy. I will type in the command MySQL - H and now the host name, right? So for the hostname, I need the IP address of my server. So for that I will go back to my dashboard and my database so which is here. I'll copy the IP address from a database server. I will paste it here. And then the username which is at Eureka the port number which is 3 3 0 6 and then the password. All right, so it lasts me the password. And with this I am there inside my MySQL shell now this MySQL shell. I have created a database called entry. So let me show you. So as you can see, there's a database called entry in this my all my website data will go right and inside entry. There's a table called entries. So as of now if you can see this table would be entry empty. Right? So this table is empty. Now my website will actually upload all the information that I be typing in here to this MySQL shell. So if you guys want you want to try this website out you can go to this IP address. S you can type in all your information click on submit and it will get reflected over here. Right? So before that before you could actually do that. Let me change the index file, so I'll have to update it with the IP address of my server. Of my database, right? So for doing that, give me a second. I'll go here in the host name. This is the IP address that I have to change. I'll change it with the IP address of my database server. So I'll save it. And now I override this in my soul. So I take this file index dot PHP based it here. Now, it'll ask me whether I want to overwrite the file. So I'll say okay. And now it has transferred my file. All right. So now if I enter with details as in my name my email address. my phone number All right, and then my location? So now if I click on submit, it will enter the values in the MySQL. So now if I refresh my MySQL, I'll be able to see the entry which adjustment right. So this is it guys. I have configured my web server on the has your VM and we have configured it from scratches or so. You'll find there's a service in Azure called app service. So you could do that automatically all of this that is configuring your web server and everything. Just have to upload your code editor which would have installed everything but it's good to it's good to learn from scratch, right? You should understand how things happen in the background. And that is the reason that is the motive behind today's demonstration today. Alright, so with that guy's I will end today's session right? So let me summarize what we did. So we created a virtual Network. We created a subnet. We created a network security group. We created a VM. We attached the VM through the subnet and since the network security group was attached to the subnet rvm could access the properties in the in my network security group in my network security group. I allowed all the HTTP connections, right? I allowed the SSH connection. And that is the reason I could connect through SSH. Right? And that is the reason you guys could also connect to this website if you try to open it and in case I would have denied All the traffic from HTTP you guys won't have been able to access the website. And that is the reason we need firewalls. Today's topic of discussion is azure active directory. But before we do go ahead and understand what an active directory exactly is, let's start by taking a look at today's agenda first. So what do we have here first and foremost we would be starting things off by understanding what an Azure active directory exactly is and why it is needed. We would also understand what is the difference between Azure active directory and Windows Active Directory would also understand what are the different audiences this active directory caters and discuss water is different editions and also talk about what our Azure active directory tenants. Finally. I would finish things off with the demo part. Now when we talk about the demo I would be talking about how do you go ahead and create users? And how do you go ahead and create an active directory? And also be discussing quite a few other terms as well, but that is for the later part. Let's start by understanding. What an Azure active directory exactly is let us start by taking a look at the definition first. Now if I talk about the definition, this is what we have. It is Microsoft's multi-tenant Cloud base directory and identity management service that combines code directory Services application access management and identity protection into a single solution. Not the so many terms in it and so many things to understand let me simplify this definition so that you understand it in a much better way to do that. I would be giving you an example Think of it in this way suppose. I am a cloud vendor or not a cloud vendor. I am a service vendor and I reside on a cloud that means I have a particular application that runs on cloud. Now. This service is used by quite a few customers. Plus there are quite a few organizations that I have to interact with. Now in this case all these medias our customers and organizations, they have to communicate with me. So how do they do it? Well, what they would do is they would go ahead and create an account or maybe have some user IDs through which they can actually communicate with me. Now this is okay. If the number is countable or manageable Suppose there was a situation where we had a number of people and the number of people who was constantly increasing suppose. I have somewhere around thousand two thousand people. Now these many logins and these many credentials managing all these can be a huge problem. Let me give you an example. How does this happen? Exactly or what problems do you face? Normally suppose I have ten organizations now to log into all these or give access to all these ten organizations can be a used problem. Why all These organizations might have different kind of accesses based on that. I have to set in different security protocols as well. If certain organizations have an easier protocol. What if they get an access to other organizations as well or to the data that other organizations have to correspond to in that case. It can be a huge problem apart from that. I might have n number of customers and keeping track of so many customers can again be a problem when you talk about creating credentials. So all this is a huge problem. So what happened was Microsoft Azure, it went ahead and created something called. Azure active directory it is nothing but something that acts as a middleware it takes care of all the signs and all these things how now the users will have a single sign-on process. That means they would sign in only once plus they can have access to the applications that are there which I provide them. Now this intermediary that is active directory. What it does is it federates all the responsibilities of taking care of access and all those things. That is the way I set all the rules. It just incorporates those rules and accordingly it gives access to To all the users the simplifying all the complexities that I would face otherwise, so this is what an active directory exactly is. It basically goes ahead and simplifies all the signing in and user authentication processes or identification processes are there now as we move further we will be discussing quite a few other terms and you'd be having a clearer picture as to what I am saying. Exactly. But meanwhile you just bear with me and let's move further and try to understand what are the other points that we need to talk about. Okay. Yes. I did miss out on this point what Microsoft Azure does is it also gives you Thing called as a better platform where developers can develop the applications with a lot more ease again as we move further with by understanding this point as well. So what is the exact difference between Windows ad and as you're ready, let's try to understand that as well. When you talk about Windows 8 e that is active directory. These are the layers it has to take care of you have something called as your domain Services you have your lightweight directories you have your Federation services. Has certificate services and Rights Management Services as well. Now, these are so many things to take care of when you talk about your active directory with Microsoft Azure. It combines all these layers into to firstly you have your windows Azure active directory now, it is something that takes care of all the services that surround or revolve around identity problems. That is when you talk about identification management. This is the part that takes care of it. That is your W aad and then we have the other part where you have to actually go ahead and come. Get with other organizations. I give you an example of 10 different organizations needing 10 different things that is federating all these organizations your windows Azure access control services. It takes care of all those things. So both these so-called active directories the more or less serve similar purposes, but the approach in which they do is is completely different your active directory has more layered approach where every service is given a different layer or different way of handling it. But when you talk about your Microsoft Azure active directory it simply Sighs things your first layer takes care of most of the things and the remaining things are something that is taken care by our Windows Azure Access Control service. Also, when you talk about active directory, it uses something called as ldap for various other Communications, but when you talk about your Azure active directory here, you use something called as your rest apis again, the approach is completely different. So what are the audience's that are catered by this directory first and foremost we have I Edmonds now when I talk about it admins what Microsoft Azure active directory does is it provides in single sign-on for various applications now, they're quite a few SAS applications that is software as a service applications and various on-premise applications to which you have a single sign-on you do not have to log in every now and then now I've worked on quite a few applications and places where you have to log in every now and then you have a lot of trouble because you have to remember so many passwords and so many logins and these different credentials can be a problem. Now, this is something your Microsoft azure. Takes care of single sign-on is very convenient apart from that. It ensures strong identification and the quite a few processes that ensure this now I won't be discussing those points in detail. But yes when you talk about identification Microsoft Azure ensures that it happens in a very good manner plus it Autumn. It's quite a few processes again easing up this process apart from that. It also caters quite a few developers as well. Now I'm talking about quite a few organizations and since sign on becomes easier here. Your application developers can focus on building applications. And since they have access to so many organizations and so many resources application development definitely becomes easier online customers. Now people who have been working for quite a while. They might know that we have things like Office 365 or you have your CRM Services as well. Now you had an access to all these things by using your Windows Active Directory, but your Microsoft Azure active directory also gives you access to all the services that means if you are using or have account on any one of these things you can have access to all the services or have access. To all the active directory services that user has to provide to you. So what this does is it caters the needs of various online customers as well. So let us try to understand the next point that is azure active directory additions for that. What I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and switch into the Microsoft web page. Basically our I'm going to switch into my browser and move to the website and talk about all these points. So instead what I would do is I would first discuss the last point and Before we do go ahead and take a look at the demo than we would just go ahead and talk about these points as well so that we can directly such into the demo part. So let's move further and try to understand the next point and then come back to this point. So what our tenants basically now when you talk about a tenant it is nothing but an organization I just mentioned that we have tens of organizations that a particular application might cater now all these organizations are treated as tenants. All these tenants can Have access to a particular active directory or more than one active directory as we move into the demo part. I would be talking about how to create multiple directories as well. Yes, we can have more than one active directory will discuss this as we move into the demo part, but before that you just understand these points as in what I'm trying to say. Exactly. Yes, what happens here exactly is when you talk about a tenant first and foremost, it is nothing but an organization and it is a dedicated instance of your other active directory Service Plus. These are isolated instances that And as I mentioned we have ten organizations or five organizations could be having isolated instances for each of these organizations ensuring that they stay aloof and their services and their Protocols are maintained differently. This is where your Azure active directory steps in. It takes care of all these things. It ensures that nothing is ambiguous or nothing is intermixed. Everything stays separate plus each and every platform or organization gets serviced equally. Well as you move further would be creating users and then then I would give you the differences as in what a tenant is. How do you go ahead and create all the domains and all those things? So again into the demo part you'd be understanding these topics with little more clarity or more understanding other. This is the demo part. But before that as I've already mentioned, let me quickly switch to the website of Microsoft Azure and I would be discussing the additions that you can choose from and then we can directly jump into the demo part. Okay guys, so this is a Microsoft dog. Basically which talks about choosing an addition. So these are the options you have we would be finishing this quickly and then we would be switching into the demo part. So let's understand this now what Microsoft Azure does is it gives gives you various options first and foremost you have three options to pick from and out of these three options. The first one is your basic option that is your active directory basic. Then you have your premium which is P1 and then you have one more premium, which is P2 all these things provide you with different options that you have first and foremost. Your main job is to have your access that is your identity management your security and your single sign-on and all those things. Now, these are some of the services that come with your basic account as well. And also with your free account what Microsoft Azure does is for people who are completely new to the session and Microsoft Azure. Let me tell you that you have a free sign into Microsoft account. That means you can go ahead and create your account there and Avail these services for a certain duration which are available to you for free. So, yes, you do not have to pay anything there. You have a free account in that you'll be having access to some of these services but if you need Advanced Services, then you have to pay for it and for those things you have three options. Ian's that is your basic premium P1 and premium P2. Let's try to understand these one by one as in what are these and what do they have to offer to you now if you scroll down and if you take a look at this thing, you have your Azure active directory basic now this basic is nothing but it is designed for people who are task workers or who are focused on a particular application of on cloud and it takes care of everything your single sign ons your essays and it ensures that the security is 99.9% and it provides you with all these features which you can see here that is Yes, self-service password resets and all those things you also have access to quite a few things like your proxies and all those things. I won't be getting into the details of what proxies are and all those things. But yeah for people who are admins and who have worked on these topics are in these domains. They would understand what do these things mean? So yeah you have access to all these things which fall under your basic option apart from that you have something called as your premium P1. Now, this is for people who want to scale up. So when you try to scale up you'd be dealing with quite a few things and And terms like your I am and all those things would come into picture. Now. I am is nothing but your identity and access management basically, which is a very important point when you talk about active directories, so yes, it provides you with these things as well or these facilities as well like identity protection your security in the cloud and all those things. Everything is taken care of for this particular model. Now when you talk about premium P2, if I scroll down this is what you have. It is designed for more advanced protection. That means you'd be getting all the services that were provided in. And P1 apart from that you'd be having some additional Services which ensure more security that means it focuses more on privileged identity management. Now again, this is something that you can read and understand it is very easy. But to give you a basic difference your first thing provides you with your basic services, that is your basic access gives you basic active directory service access. Then you have your premium version which is focused for scaling up and when you talk about P2, it focuses more on Advanced security. So these are the three different editions that you can choose from now. If you are somebody who is belonging to a particular organization and wants to go ahead and use the services you can actually go ahead and read all these things and then go ahead and take a decision accordingly. Now, what I'm going to do is I'm quickly going to go ahead and switch into the demo part for that. I need to go ahead and open my Microsoft Azure account. So let's do that. Well, My internet is kinda slow today. So it might take a little longer while the normal I can click here on Portal and there you go. It would ask me to sign in I would be using a dummy account today for this so-called demo. I wanted to give you an access to our view to quite a few directories and all those things. So that is why I did go ahead and create an accountant or certain active directory is created or basically certain accounts created. Now, this is how the Azure portal looks like for people who are completely new again. You have your dashboard. Here apart from that you can actually go ahead and create quite a few things that is your virtual machines your data factories and all those things for people who want to know all those things. They can actually go ahead and refer the other videos that are there in the series and you know, quite a few other things as well. But as far as this session goes we are here to talk about active directory. So let's head into it and try to understand how do you go ahead and create active directories and all those things. Now, how do you navigate to a particular active directory now, if you scroll down here you would be seeing an active directory here for people who have an account on Microsoft Azure and Access to all these things they would have an active directory by default. So you just have to come here and click on it and a particular dashboard would open up for you people as well. Now. This is how it looks like you have all these things and overview getting started you have users groups, which you can manage and monitor you have devices. You can connect to your various app registrations as I've told you can manage multiple applications as well. Now in that case what happens is as I mentioned you might be dealing with multiple applications. So a particular user what applications should have access to What domains does he have access to what are the devices that are configured? All these things can be controlled or managed from here basically, so this is what you are so-called active directory does now, let's move further and try to create some users. Now. How do we do that? Well, I can click on this icon here and it would give you the list of users that already there as you can see the quite a few users here at this was our demo account. So we did go ahead and create so-called users so that you can have a look at them. This is something that I created yesterday. That is Chris Pratt. Now, how do you go ahead and An account I would be talking about all these things to give you a start. You have to click on this thing new users and this window opens up now again, I'll have to go back and show you something else. How do we deal with all these things? Well, first and foremost, you need to given a pseudo name or a name of the person for which you want to create a user apart from that you need a particular domain name or yes a domain name for a particular domain service. Now, how do we get that now these domain Services have to be registered with your so-called. Old Azure active directory so I have these accounts are right so I can use one of these accounts to just go ahead and create a particular user suppose. I want that user to be assigned or maybe associated with this ID so I can select this domain service extension basically again, click on new user. So what name should I give to this particular user now? I am a huge cricket fan and recently. I watched England's match. So let's pick a name of one of the players that belongs to. Sam Billings and again, this is where I would be creating. The user say I say sample as a pseudo name and I given this domain details that is at her a card TK. Now, this is something that is configured already. That is why I can use it and I can have an account if I used an ID that was not registered with this as your account. I wouldn't have been able to create this user because it would have given me a particular error as we move further. We would be taking a look at that as well. But for now, let's go. Ed and create a legitimate user that is this one now it verifies whether the name is proper or not name is something you can use in any which way you want to but your username has to be legit and valid so I have these details which I've been turd configuration not required properties can be default. And if I have to assign him a role I can click here you can see the name is verified here as well. Let's make him a global admin maybe and again you'd be given a password Here If you say show it would show you the password and I would suggest that you Note it down because you would be required to go ahead and login and in that case you might be needing this password. So a suggestion that you noted down. I say okay here and I create the user now. It might take a while because at times there are certain things that take awhile. But in this case, it has happened pretty quickly. So as you can see we've gone ahead and created a user his name was sampling if I'm not wrong. So yes, do you have this account which is sample and if you click on it and open it you can have access to to that account where you can enter another details what applications that are. They under this user and what applications do you want to assign? Which devices do you want to configure and all those things? If you scroll down you have some other options as well sign ins and audit logs now, I won't get into the details of these things, but you can assign all these things to this particular user as well. So yeah, this is what the user looks like and you can actually go ahead and log into this as your account through this user profile as well. We can do that. What I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and create Or open an incognito window where I'm going to go ahead and log in as this user. Let's just say Cognito and Now if I try to login, I would have to enter in the details. I've actually gone out and tried logging in but I fought in the credential detail. So let me just quickly switch to this window copy this email ID and again switcher. So this is the email ID which we have sambal next and my password was I hope it is right. Yeah, so when you log in for the first time it would ask you to enter the current password. And then you can enter the new password. Let's say and then you re-enter the password. There you go. And you sign in so what happens is you enter into this portal as a fresh user. See, I'm a completely new user and it says do you want to start a tour but I don't want to do that. So I would just say maybe later. There you go. You have your fresh dashboard. There is nothing pinned here and everything is completely new. So, yep, you've entered in as a completely new user. And this is the active directory where I'm assigned to that is my previous active directory as you can see. This is what we have here to offer. So yes as a user I have certain Privileges and I can have access to this so-called portal. So this is something I wanted you all to see the the quite a few other things which we are going to go ahead and take a look at it. But for now, let me just log out and close this tab. I'm back here the other things I want you to understand and those things are if I come here what you can see is we have certain users here right there. Go if you take a look at certain email IDs, you can see these email IDs not these are quite huge email IDs, right? What happens is when you do go ahead and register your domain service you register that domain service with Microsoft Azure account. And when you do go ahead and create users you would not want to have such use names that are say, for example, we shall act Microsoft something something something something that can be long, right and that is complicated to handle or manage. So instead what you can do is you can provide them with sudo identities. Disorder ID is as well. So that the process becomes easier or simpler to handle. Let's try to do that and see how can we do that? Can we just go ahead and assign a particular domain name or a domain service when we just go ahead and create a new user or all those things. So in order to add a particular domain what you have to do is you have to go ahead and again, where is my active directory? Here it is and I just kind of scroll down you can see custom domain names where you can actually go ahead and add domain names but there are certain catches to it. Let's try to Stan those now it would ask me to enter a custom domain name and I say demo domain maybe yeah and let me give it some extension now again, let me tell you that this is a demo practice and it won't take in this particular domain name. I'll tell you why but first let's just try to add this domain. Yeah, the domain name is added but as you can see to use demo domain dot at with Azari create a new text record with your domain name registrar using the info. No, so if I say text, I need to copy this part and I have to actually go ahead and add this to my particular domain name. Now. I won't be going ahead and doing that because that is something that we are not discussing here because for that we would be needing some other domain name, which I don't have right now with me. So if you do go ahead and try to add a particular domain name, you need to have that particular domain that is suppose. I'm using a particular website or I have a particular organization, which has a particular website or a domain name. That is XYZ at or something like that. That so I need to make sure that I go ahead and register or have access to that particular domain and then I need to go ahead and attach this particular text to it or authorized this text with it so that I can actually go ahead and confirm with Microsoft Azure that yes. I have an access to that particular domain and only then can I go ahead and use this particular domain with my Microsoft Azure if I click here on verify it would give me an error that I'm very sure of C could not find the DNS record for this domain DNS changes may take up to 72 hours. To propagate that means I have 72 hours to go ahead and add this particular text message to that domain and so that I can verify that yes, this domain is legal. But in this case it isn't I just took something for the demo purpose or for the reference a and this is the domain that I might have or which I can actually go ahead and use so yeah, this is how you actually go ahead and add a particular domain and you can actually go ahead and create a user as well. What you have to do is when you do go ahead and register this particular domain you can just go ahead and follow the processes like creating a user. Which we did in the previous case because that was the register domain when I use that so called Erica Dottie Kate was registered with my so-called as your account and I could actually go ahead and register that particular user. But in this case I cannot but yes, if you do go ahead and create a particular domain or you want to go ahead and create a particular domain or register a particular domain make sure that it is valid and it is underused and you can actually go ahead and register that particular domain by using this particular process. So yeah, this is how you actually go out and do all these things now when you have this particular Which is not registered and if you do go ahead and create a particular user on it. What happens is your Microsoft Azure would let you create that user but the credentials are the access that user has is as a guest user because your Microsoft isn't sure that this domain which you just created is actually registered or something that you can actually go ahead and use so that is one point which you need to consider now, let me just quickly go back to Mac to directory and see if there are any thing or any points that I need to discuss with you or something that we have messed up one. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to talk about something else called as creating an active directory or can we create multiple active directories? That is a question. If you ask me I would say yes, definitely you can create multiple directories. Now as you see here if I go to a particular directory, I would be having an option called as switch directories. Now if I click here I have certain options from which I can pick a default directory now in my case. I have quite a few directories which I can actually go ahead and choose from but I want to give you all a demo as an how do you go ahead and create one because these are something that we have created for the practice purpose or certain usage purpose. So let's go ahead and create a fresh one. So, how do we do that? Can we just go ahead and create one? Yes. Definitely we can create one. If you just scroll down you have certain options here. We had an option of creating a new directory. Let me just go ahead and see where that option is CS this option create a directory. So let's start by giving it certain name. Say Eureka one, two, three four. Not one two, three four, let's call it. Say idiotic. Idea Rica. Maybe is it the yep, and what should be the domain name? We did a car one-to-one and Eureka one-to-one State. Well, since I'm from India that stick to India and I say create it might take a couple of minutes when you just go ahead and create this so-called directory. So, yep. Meanwhile you bear with me and there you go. You have your directory here. You can just click on this thing to manage our Is as you can see it's a completely new directory which is fresh and new to use. That means as you can see it said Eureka Eureka and if we click on any one of these things you won't be having anything else now in my previous active directory. I had so many users if you come here you would see that as just one user main admin. I'd not have anything else or no other user whatsoever. That means this is a fresh directory because you can see if you just go back to the editor academic option you'd be having an option of Setting your so-called directory and you can do that as well. But I do not want to do that for now. I can just click on this and I go back see he has the option you can click on it and you can switch the user. So yeah, you can use multiple directories and you can have multiple uses for these directories as well. Now I can just go ahead and create users for this directory as well. But I won't be doing that now since I do not need this directory. I'm just going to go ahead and delete it. So I click on this icon. I'd not have permissions probably so I click on it and I ensure that permission. I entered I say yes, and I save changes it might take half a minute to update these properties or if the Internet is slow. It might take a long as well there. You see the changes have been updated if I refresh this thing. The access is given to me I can just I don't want to delete the dashboard. I just want to go ahead and delete my so-called active directory. So I do not have an access to my domain Services because of which I'm not able to delete this account. But yeah, you normally have an option where you can actually go ahead and delete this directory. So, yep, you can go ahead and do that as well. So this was the demo about active directory as in how do you go ahead and create a user? How do you create a particular domain space or Plumbing Service? Basically, how do you go ahead and create multiple active directories? We want to know about what is devops. These services available in Azure to handle the devops. So let's first learn about what is devops. Alright. So first thing is when we say what is devops. So basically just for the definition perspective. It's a set of practices intended to reduce the time between committing a change. So let's say you are building an application. If you commit a change committing this change and taking it to the production is a very long process, but then devops means that once you commit a change and finally taking that change to the production. Devops is something which can help you reduce the overall time and provide your standard set of practices using which it makes your deployment very very smooth. Of course, it can help you maintain high quality in your application. This means if you want to do testing if you want to do some reviews all these things basically are covered in the develops. Some of you guys might be coming from the development background some of you might be coming from the operations background. So this is a place where both of us meet together the developer The operations guys, they come together and work together so far in our normal work environments, if we are not into devops, what do we do? The developers have the responsibility of you know, doing some coding building that and finally putting it into a source control once you put into a source control the test team will actually take that source code do their own builds and start doing the testing on top of it. Now once they are doing this testing they will do some tests of push it back to the development team and this to and fro keeps happening. Once all this testing is complete then you put everything into the operations bucket. Then you tell them that yes, we are done. We have completed everything. Now you go ahead and make a release of it do the deployment to the operations on top of it. Keep monitoring the stuff if you face any challenges then inform the developing T. Now. This used to be a very siloed approach so developers and testers working separately. The operations guys are working separately and there is news to be a lot of friction between these two areas. So now when we come Devops environment these two set of people. They have actually become one which means you together do the development you together put it into the source control you do the testing and finally you go ahead because it's not just individual people. It's a team so you go ahead and do the release you do the deployment and finally do the monitoring so that you know, because if you have started developing something, you know that what is the best thing you have developed and how you need to handle that. So this is one area where the developers and operators Nations they come together and work as a team friction can be reduced to the time to Market becomes faster and the quality even becomes much better. Do not worry. If you do not get the hundred percent of what is happening. But then the overall idea to understand is that now the developers and the operations they come together and work together as one single team just for this, you know, a very small diagram the developers they will build something they'll start pushing it to the operations team. So you do the deployment you take care of everything the operations if they will face. The challenges they'll start pushing it back to the developers team looking at a very small thing. Okay, if I can solve something very quickly. That's fine. Otherwise, I'll start pushing it back to the developer team saying that this is not working. So there is lot of friction and there is lot of miscommunication that happens in this kind of environment way to solve it is that both of us the developers and the operations work together as a team. OK. I hope you got some glimpse of what is devops. And now we'll going to talk about some tools which are available in devops when we say divorce. Oops, each of these areas are covered by different kinds of tools. So if you are doing some development, you might use let's say Eclipse, you might use let's say a visual studio, you might use Visual Studio code and then you are checking in your code and TFS team Foundation Services. You might be checking in your code in jira and get a lot of different repositories. Now, this is one area. Of course, if you have to do some builds, you can use a kudu server. You can use Maven you can use Gradle. So all these different tools are used to Build your applications. Finally if you are done building your code. And if you have done all the check-ins, then the testing happens, you might be using selenium you might be using selenium or J units to do the testing of your applications. Now again, you can see here all these different areas require different kinds of tools. And if you are releasing something then of course you can use Jenkins and bamboo to release your stuff. Finally you do the deployment. All right, so there are different tools to do the deployment and then you do the operations. Which means Has your operations team is sitting there and doing all these operations stuff and they are monitoring this stuff using different tools. When we say that we want to build a devops platform. We want all these tools what you see here to work together so that you can do this activity without having to do any manual intervention. Okay, and this is where we are going to spend our time into looking at how these tools can be used when we go to Azure devops. I guess you guys have learned about what is your some basic stuff? And what is devops now? We are going to look into if I have to do all this develops activity in assure. Okay. So what is it that is available to us. And now let's learn about what is as your develops. So as you develop something which is providing us all these set of tools integrated into one single environment. This means that if you don't know how to work with the clips, if you know how to work with TFS if you know how to work with get selenium all these different tools then you can Use as your devops or in fact in my case as well. I didn't do you know lot of tools but still when I started learning about SEO develops, I started learning about all these things as well. So you don't have to worry that if you are not a part of any of these particular areas, for example, if you're not part of right now how to do the deployment or if you're not part of how to do monitoring and you are on the developer site or basically you are into the development side, then you don't have to worry that will I be able to use Dev Ops or not. So the answer to that It is. Yes, you will be able to use the dev Ops or in fact that will help you move towards the devops, even if you know, maybe a couple of parts of it. So now we are going to talk about what are different components of azure devops and ones will see some demos you will be very clearly able to understand how you can take your application from the planning stage up to the deployment and monitoring stage using the tools in ashore. Okay. So let's learn about what are different components of has your devops which are available now, let me just Just show you all five actually. So there are five different components which are available as part of azure devops. First thing that we need to know is about as your boats. There are people who come from the scrum background. They are coming from the project management background. They know how to create some features. They know how to create epics. They know how to create the stories. They know how to create tasks and all that stuff and then there are developers who themselves go and create the task on which they are going to work and there are red. Or soon just want to create some test cases and after the test cases are done. They want to create the bugs which they find in the system. Now all these activities can be done as part of the Azure boats. Number two is of course after you have done all the planning after you have created all the epics all the features all the stories task and everything. Second thing you want to do is develop it. For example, you start doing development in TFS you start doing development in Eclipse any ID that you want to use you can do the repent once you are done with the development. Now you want to push all this into a source control. Now, this is where as your Repose will come in and it will help you store all the information. So in the source control you check in your code. And as your Repose is a place which provides us with lot of different repositories. In fact right now it's too if you want to use team Foundation services or if you want to use get so basically you can provision that in Azure Repose and you can start checking your crap location code in azure. Looks so again. We are going to see all these things in action today. The third thing is once you have checked in your code. What do you want to do next? So there are two things that you want to do. First thing is that you want to run something called as a build pipeline when you have checking your code you want to make sure that nobody has checked in some wrong code. So this is where you build your code. Of course, the developers have the responsibility to build the code on their local machines. This is not a good practice. Now if developers is just building it on there. Our local machine this means that maybe some of the dependencies on that machine are not correct, or maybe it's not in sync with the other team members. So this means that if person says that yes, it is building on my machine and I just want to push it in the source control is that good? The answer is no because this means that if somebody will have it special dependency in the application, which is installed locally, but it's not installed, you know for everyone for others when they will download that code it will fail so that is why whenever the Developers Something in the Repose or basically in the source control it is going to be taken by the issuer pipeline. It is going to do something called as a built. Okay. So the building of code happens in the Azure pipeline. Now next thing is the build has already happened. What do we need to do? Next? The next thing we need to do is release this code now, I can release it in the dev environment. I can release it in let's say a pre prod or you at environment or I can also release the stuff in production environment, but Ali what do you do if developers check-in something we do the build of the code and then we release it in the dev environment now once it goes to the dev environment or maybe in a test environment it is going to run after it run completes. Then you would want to run some kind of, you know, some tests on top of it. Let's say you have deployed a web service. So if you have deployed a web service, you would want to test if it's behaving correctly or if let's say you have deployed a web application. You want to check if everything is looking fine in that web app or not, so Are you can run manual test cases automatic test cases? You can even do the exploratory testing all that stuff can be done as part of the assure test plans. All right, and finally once all this test pans is done we can again use basically the pipelines to release something to different environments like you at production and all that stuff while all these things are going on. There are a lot of things you can configure like workflows or in fact, let's say approval workflow. So if you are checking in something you want to Make sure the review happens so that can be taken care in the as your Repose. If you are leasing something to the you at environment you need let's say an approval from your team lead or you need an approval from the program manager. So all these approvals are by default built in into all these Services now one thing which I haven't touched upon is as your artifacts. Now, this is something for example, let's say you have got ten projects and all these ten projects have got common dependencies. It may not be common in all but let's say three. Ticks are using one dependency five projects are using some other dependency. So what you can do you can collect all these dependencies and put it into a one single location called as your artifacts. So I'm going to show you few of these things in demo today that how you can use as your boats as your Repose as your pipelines. And of course, I'm not going to touch in the demo on test plans and artifacts now, I hope everybody understood this overall infrastructure. We have got as your boats to create our work items we have got Has your repose to store our code we have got as your pipelines which can help us do the build of the code. Please of the code into a particular environment. Then we have got SEO test plans, which we can use to do our testing which could be a manual test cases automated test cases exploratory. Testing all that can be done as part of the Azure test plans. And finally if you have got some common dlls or common jar files, which you want to store it as part of your repository, then you can use as your artifacts now. Look at some of the more things now first thing as I said is as your boards, so we have got five different components as part of as your boards. Alright, so as I said earlier as your bolts is a service for managing the work of your software project, which means you want to create some let's say epics you want to create some features basically some tasks some product backlog items. You want to create some bugs all this can be handled in as your boots so you can set up that I want to follow the a child process. I want to Follow the scrum process. I want to use the conversion. So all these things are available as part of the Azure boots. So it does not matter that what kind of process you want to follow. I know that a lot of people know about agile. So guys, I am also an agile and save certified so I know there are different processes and all these different processes can actually being handled by as your boats. So what you can do you can go ahead and create a work items. Then you can have the backlogs now. I'm going to tell you what is a work item. There's a backlog and then we have as your boats. In fact board is something very basically you can run some queries and see that what is something in particular Sprint or let's say what are the tasks which are active or what are the tasks which are closed if you just want to say that whatever the task which were released in this particular Sprint. So all this information you can get it from the board's next thing is about Sprints. Now, let's say a Sprint is of 15 days. So in 15 days what other work that we are going Going to accomplish. So those things are basically those tasks or features. They go into Sprints. All right, and finally, we have the dashboards which can help you have the overall picture of what is the progress of your particular Sprint or what is the overall progress of a particular release? Okay. So this is what is covered as part of the Azure boards. We can just talk slightly more on this and then we'll see that in the demo. Now. What do we see here? We have got work items pretty simple stuff. Let's say you can see here. This is a bug being created. This is a user story which is created or basically the backlog item which is created. Then we have the tasks which are getting created and the same way we have got features. We have got epics which we can create as part of the work items. Then we have got boats so you can see that what is basically the particular fro of your current Sprint or what is the flow of your project? Of course, we have got backlogs now we can arrange what do we want to do as part of the backlog? How do you want to prioritize your different work item? So you can deliver your software on time? Next thing is about Sprint's if you guys have not worked with Sprint, so do not worry because we don't want to go into that whatever details of Sprint's but then Sprint is basically let's say a small time boxed window in which you can go ahead and deliver a particular part of your product in your e-commerce application. If you say that we want to deliver the check out functionality. So let's say if you are ready to deliver the check out functionality Not two weeks as part of the Sprint so your checkout feature or your checkout epic will go inside that particular Sprint. So once it goes in tide that particular Sprint the whole team starts working towards that particular area and what they do they try to complete all that stuff during that 15 daytime box window and that is what you can build as part of the Sprints. All right. So then we have the final dashboards where you can see. What is the current status of your project before we go further and look into Other different aspects like pipelines and stuff. I just want to give you a small demo of how you can create the work items how you can create the backlog items and how you can use the boats. So let me stop here for a while. Okay, and what I'm going to do now is going to go to something called as Dev dot as What you need to do here is if you are not signed in till ask you to sign up or sign in and once you sign in this is the kind of basically the dashboard you will see what you can do here. First thing you can do here is create a new project. Alright, so let me create one. What do you see here? It is asking me that. Is it a private project or is it a public project? Now, let's say if I want to create a project called my test project for and not going to create it it takes some time, you know to set up everything but what I can show you here is that now it is asking that what is the Version Control? So basically, where do you want to keep your source code? You want to keep it in get or do you want to keep it in TFS? Okay, so you Go ahead and select the different version control options which are available. Now, of course, I think with time they will keep adding more and more, you know Source controls of the Version Control repository is here which you can use but most common ones which we everybody knows is get we also have GitHub which is again a repository for storing the gig base Version Control. Of course, there is something from Microsoft which is available, which is the team Foundation if some of you guys have worked before with the fs or the team Foundation services, this is the one it is Totally up to you. How do you want to store your code? So I'm going to select get right now. The next thing is about work item process. So if you want to follow the agile process, you can use this one. If you want to use a scrum process, you can follow this one then of course, you have got cmmi and a basic one now basically something which does not follow a particular process, but this is something which can help you set up either the agile process or the scrum process. It's like a kind of a blank template, but if you are comfortable working With agile environment, you can select this one and you can click on create now as soon as you do that what you will see is something like this one my test project three because I created this one and I added few things here. So I want to show you that. All right, before we go into inside this particular my test project 3, what are the things you can see here? Something called as as your boards, which we have already talked about the repositories as your Repose. Then we have the assured pipelines. We have got the test plan. It's and then we have got the artifacts the same stuff that we have seen in the slide. It's available on devadatta Once you create a project now, let me go ahead and first of all click on this project what I have done in as part of this project. I am using agile. Plus I am using get so I've selected this one and this is now showing up in my test project three. The first thing as I told you that I want to show you about is boards now, let me go here on the left hand side. You can see boats. A proposed pipelines test plans and artifacts. So I'm going to go inside boards right now and straightaway show you what you can do in the boats. First thing is of course pretty simple if you want to do the planning. So what do you do you create something called as a let's say a task or basically you create a work item now work items are of different types. You can have something called as an epic. Now epic is something which is very very high level. So let's say your leadership team comes up and they Define Thing called as an epic. Now, they will say that we want to deliver this kind of project. All right, so there they are defining a particular epic now inside the Epic what you can do your product owners or let's say your project managers. They will go ahead and decide on the number of features that you want to have as part of the Epic. Let's say you want to build an e-commerce site. So in e-commerce site the business says that we want to set up some eCommerce set up for our this business that's in Epic once you go inside that Epic. You will say that I want to create a feature now. What is the feature here? I want to deliver the card functionality. I want to deliver the product page. I want to have a recommendation engine or maybe I want to have a search engine in my e-commerce portal. Now. This is what will be created by product owners or they will be created by the project managers. Now when you say I want to create let's say n search service in my e-commerce site. So as part of the search service, what do you need? You will go ahead and create some stories. So in the story, what will See, you will say that I want to have some database ready which will contain all the information of my products. Then I am going to have let's say one more story for building up a middle layer, which can help me, you know some building some apis which can help fetch this information from my database and show it to the end users. Then I will build another story to say that I want to show it to the end customers. And once you have these user stories, then you go ahead and create tasks inside that particular story. So let me start building up. Let's say one feature. I'm not going to you know, go into the complete agile model. But right now I'm just saying that we want to create a feature for let's say search in e-commerce. Okay, just remember guys. This is not the way we write in a child format. So if you want to, you know, just create a new feature. There is a particular format in which you should create the feature. Basically the text has to be in a particular format, but that's not the agenda for today. The agenda is to show you that you can create a new feature. You can provide a particular iteration path this I want to do it in this particular time frame. Okay, I can create multiple iterations. Okay, and I can put up the I thracian here now next thing what I can do here. I can link it to some existing item. All right, so we'll do it later. But then we'll say what is the business value of this? What is the time criticality? What is the start date? What is the target date which we want to complete this particular feature. This feature is new right now. So let me save it you can go ahead and provide description. You can use the discussion board to do some discussion on top of this particular feature. And once you are final that yes our Future details are ready then what is the next thing? Let me go back to work items and let's say I want to create a particular user story. What will I do? I will say that I want to create let's say in the search. I want to create the apis. And what do I need to do? I need to link it to the Epic or in fact, I'll need to link it to the feature on the right side add link existing item and I can also say that what is the parent here? So the parent is We searched for it. So the parent is search in e-commerce. Okay, so I'm going to link in this one and say that I am creating a user story. Let me save it. In fact, you can see that if you know about what a story pointing so you can add story points here or in fact, let me tell you this if you go for you know for any kind of course or not just from here, but if you go for any kind, of course about how do you handle a child? So there you will learn more about story pointing so you can also provide the risk. Let's say this is a medium risk. What is the priority here? All this kinds of setup. You can provide here that are you want to do some architectural thing or you want to is it a business feature? All this information is provided as part of the user story. So let me save this one. Go back to the work items. So right now this is showing is separately but once will go to the boards. Let me go to the backlogs first what you will see here all the different stories which are available. Now. This is something on which we want to work. Let me add one more story here new work item and let's say UI for search. Okay, let me add this one. Now. What you see here is we have created now to stories in the first print or basically in the planning side. let me just open it up and So as part of the eye tration what we are going to do in the first iteration or let's say in the first 15 days what we are going to deliver. We are going to deliver API for such service. Or in fact actually both of them have got into the same iteration. So now you can see here. We have got one story which we are going to cover in iteration 1 which is right. Now the current one and one story we are going to cover as part of the second iteration. Now, in fact, if you go ahead and add more tasks to it. Let's say if I click on I can even change the priority for this one by dragging and dropping now click on API for set service. I can go ahead and click on or in fact, I can see the whole history of that particular. Feature or in fact that particular user story I can also go to this particular link and I can say that I want to add some child items here. Okay, so I can say add a new item and that is a child item which is of type tasks and then I can say that I need to do some basic setup or maybe let's say some design of my service. So that is one task. I'm creating. All right. So what is the original estimate for creating this particular task? I can say 10. Ours what? Is the remaining time Tenors completed 0 and I will provide some description here and save it. So this means if I close this one, and in fact, I'll just refresh this page. You will get a complete idea of what are the tasks which are or what are the stories on which you are going to work on or basically, what are the backlog items on which you are working in and what are the tasks under that? So this is the kind of thing that you can set up with Azure develops. I hope this stuff is clear to you guys. So we have got different titrations. Let me click on Sprints so you can see right. Now. The first citation is going on and the design is here once I start working on this. I can even use the visual Editor to make it active. Once this stuff is done. I can even move it to the result state. Okay, let me just open this one. I can just close this task. And say that's it. So this is how my overall flow of basically the work items work. Now next thing which I want to show you is repositories repositories. We mentioned that we can use either get or we can use TFS to basically maintain our source code. I'm just going to show you a demo right now to show you how all this stuff works. So what you will do here you can set up a repository which is like a get or a TFS. Then you can go ahead and start checking in your code. What? First thing you will see here is because we are using get so I'm clicking on something called as branches and in the branches there is a default branch, which is always available. Now that's called as a master branch. In fact, you can go ahead and create more branches in some of the source controls like TFS you will have one single place where everybody's checking in the code now in case of get it does not work the same way. It's a very different structure. So what you do is you create your own Branch you work in that branch, which means This branch is basically a copy of a master Branch. So you will go inside that Branch you will make your check-ins now that is your branch in which you are making the changes. You will do the testing. Once you are completely fine that everything is running fine. Then you are going to push those changes from your branch to the master Branch. Remember that if you haven't worked with get before so there is nothing to worry about because this is not something specific to Azure devops what I am talking right now about the branches. This is something specific to the Get so let me show this thing that we have right now a default Master Branch if I'll click on this one what you will see I have already check in one particular project into my repository. Okay, that's called as a web application to if I click on this one. It's a very simple MVC application that I have created and added it into the source control. I'll go to the visual studio. Now in the visual studio, you can again see that I am using git tools for visual studio. And this is showing me that I have got a master Branch. Now what I can do I will let me create one more application and check that in. So let me create a simple application file new project core web application drawn. Remember remember you can use Eclipse you can use IntelliJ or And use any other ID to do the development. Okay. So this is not restricted to dotnet or Visual Studio. You can do use any kind of platform or any framework to build your application or it can be in any ID Eclipse IntelliJ. Anything will work here. All right. So what I'm going to do is create a new application called Web application 3. Let just application being created. All right. Now that we have created our application. What do we need to do? You can see here that my project is ready. I am going to Simply push this code into the source control. Okay. How do I do this? Let me first of all. ignore few of these items and what I'm going to do is Okay, I'm going to Stage these items now this something very specific to get so if you are not comfortable with gig do not worry because this is something you can learn very quickly. All right. So what do I have here? I have got my full application, which is web application 3. I can go ahead and check in into a git repository which is managed by as your devops. So I'm going to say Checking in web application three. Okay. Also, I can actually go ahead and map it to a work item. Let me click on this one and go back to portal to my work item. In fact, we do not have a work item for development. Let's create one. So UI for search service. Let's go back to the links. I hope you guys remember now. You can click on ADD Link new item and let's say we call it build web app 3 Okay, let's call it create. I know this is not the way we write the task. But just to give you an idea that I am just creating a new task called create web app 3 that's it. So it is going to give me create web three tasks is ready. I can click on this one. And the task number is 10. Okay, so I'm going to copy this one go back to visual studio enter the ID of the work item. Okay, so I'm going to say 10 is the ID. And you can see basically the related work item. Now what we are doing here. We are creating a new application when we are checking in the code. We are also specifying. What is the related work item? All right. So let me commit all the stuff in the code sink it back to the cloud, which means now I have checked in into my local environment. I just want to push these changes into the cloud environment. So again, this is specific to get you do not have to worry about this. Just give me a second. I'm just something related to you know, get I need to. Okay, so I think they should work now. We push these changes. Okay. So now this is going to push my changes to the source control. All right, so you can see here. It has been successfully pushed to the master Branch. If I go back to the devops environment what you will see here. In fact if I just open up the application as well so you can see here. This is the parent side and fact, let me just refresh this one. Okay. So what do you see here in the description or basically in my history? I can see that I have done some checking here. So it is linked to that particular check in. Now you can start visualizing this stuff. So you have got tasks you have made your check-ins from those chickens. It is coming in once you make a check-in and attach it to a particular work item. It will be linked to that particular work item. So if anybody is going and looking into what changes you have made as part of this task, you can actually go ahead and see all that stuff now, this is a part of Dusk next thing is let's go back to the proposed and see the Comets. Okay, we have made a commit into the repository. What do we see here? We have got check-in web app three. Okay. So this is what we have checked in as part of the web application three that we just created. Now. The next thing is I want to build this application. Okay. So if you guys remember the second thing was checking in the source code after checking in the source code. I want to automatically build this particular code, so What do I need to do here? I need to go to the third component called pipelines. I see something called as belts which means I want to take up this particular source code and do an automatic build of that. So what I can do I can click on something called as new build pipeline have already got to create it, but I just want to show you from scratch how this is done. So where is your coat? It is asking me so my code is present in a git repository. So I'm going to select this one. And what is asking me that? Where is your Source? Okay, or where is your git repository? Alright, so my repository is in as your Repose get okay, so I'm going to select this one. You can even select GitHub. For example, if you just want to pick up the code from GitHub directly and use it you can do it here or you have the GitHub Enterprise server. If you have got GitHub deployed in your local environment or in your Enterprise environment, you can use subversion or you can in fact if you have got TFS there's a different way to use it. But then right now we are Focusing on using the get in as your Repose. Alright, so here you can see it. I have got my test project 3 which is my basically my repository and my team project then I am going to pick up all the code from Master Branch. Okay, so I'm going to click on continue. And the first thing that I need to do is tell Azure how to build my project. So how do I want to build my project? I want to build this project as part of as your web app. This means I want to take my Code and finally, I want to deploy it in a service in Azure called as your web app when we say as your web app, then I want to build my project as part of the as your web app. Okay. So if you want to a do a normal build, for example of your application you can do it. If you have a gotten Android project you want to build it if you have got Maven, let's say you have a Java project and you want to use Maven to build your projects. You can do it. You have got python packages. You have got SP dotnet core then. Have got if you have know what is a container. If you want to build Docker containers, you can do it from here. If you want to deploy basically build and deploy for as your community services. You can do it. Then if you have got just a function you can build a c-sharp function you have the as your web app for Java. So all these things can be done as part of the Azure build pipelines. Okay. So what I'm going to do right now is select a service in Azure. Basically, I want to deploy in this particular service called as your web app. Oops, and that is why I'm going to select this one to build my code. Now if I have to build my code, what do I need to provide? I need to provide where is my solution? All right. So I'm going to click on this one and tell the system or basically tell my build pipeline that it resides in web application three. Okay. This is my new project that I picked up. I'm going to select this one and click on OK then finally provide. Where is this Azure subscription in which I want to deploy. So I'm going to select this is my subscription in Azure. And what is the name of the app service again? There are few things that we are rushing through. Okay. So this is what we can select and next thing is I can go ahead and select. So this is what we are going to do. We are going to build as part of the build pipeline. So we are going to take the source code from the git repository do a build of it automatically. Let me save this one. And cue it which means I'm going to save this Pipeline and start doing the build of my project. So now that we're are build pipeline is ready, which means you are code is going to be get built. Let me show you when the build is happening. What is going on? So it is does going to take some time to do the build because this is the first time it is happening. But I'm going to show you that I already have one pipeline which is already built for my web application to which was very similar. So while this is running let me go to builds. And this was a pipeline which was completed successfully. So let me select this pipeline. So this is how the build happens. So if you open up anything it is going to give you the detailed logs of how the build happened. So it picked up the code from your Source control it data built and you can see all the build activities which happened as part of this pipeline. So you can see here. It picked up the web application to project and it started doing the build. It did all the copied files to Output directory. And clean up and all that stuff and finally it did a build of my project now once I did a build of my project what next so you can see here it approximately took five minutes to do the belt. So what you can do as part of your as your devops as soon as somebody checks in the code, it will automatically trigger a build pipeline using which your application will be built. And if there is a failure then the person will be informed back using a male that your code is not correct. Okay, so you have to rectify the your code as soon as Chablis now once we have done all this build activity what next we need to do. We need to release it to a production environment, or maybe to a you at environment. How do we do that? We do it using something called as releases. So now that our this one is ready either. I can click on release and build up a new release pipeline. So let me click on this one. And I'll say I want to create a new release. So I'll click on release to and what you will see here now that the complete build which happened now it is asking me that where do you want to release it? So, I've already created a release pipeline. In fact we can let me click on this and let's create a new one as well releases new pipeline. And is asking me where do you want to do the deployment? So I'm telling a sure that I want to do the deployment in as your app Services, you can deploy a Java application. You can deploy a node.js application. You can install it in service fabric. You can install it, you know deploy a rails on Ruby application on app service. You can deploy an is website. All right. So all these things you can do. And I'm going to deploy in as your app service. Alright, so once I select this. I just need to provide what is the application basically which I want to build and what is the Azure subscription in which I want to deploy the application. Let me select this one. So there is one. I've already created my test app service. Once I've done this I can save it. So this is my release pipeline is ready. So now my code has gone into Source control my build pipeline which is picking up that source code and building it that is ready. Now. This is my release pipeline which is going to take that build code and going to do the deployment. Okay? So I can click on here and say create a release and that's it. Or in fact one more thing. I can show you if I go back to the main pipeline. I can even set up who will approve it before it goes into a particular environment so I can click for example pre-deployment conditions. And say who is going to do the pre deployment approval if your team Lee needs to approve the overall release before it goes into you at or production, then you can specify who is the approval. So in this case, I'm going to put in my name. All right, and I'm going to save this one. So this means as soon as the deployment will start happening it is going to ask me for the approval. I will get an email that please approve that release deployment then only it can go to production. So I'm going to click on now create a release and click on create so go to the release which has been created now and you can see it is saying pending approval. What I can do is because right now I am the owner so I can click on approve and say Yes, I want. to basically approve this particular release And then it will continue further to do the deployment. Now you can see here the approval is done. And right now this is under queue, which means as soon as the resources are available in Azure, it is going to start the release deployment. And while this is right now, it's in a queue State I can show you the one which I deployed for web application to so I will go back to the releases. Okay, so this one is already done. But not this one. Just give me a second. Okay, so this one is already done. So what you will see here after basically, everything is done or basically the release starts and it starts deploying you can see the logs here. If there is a failure in your pipeline it is going to you know inform you that there is a failure in the release that you will get email so you can quickly act on that. Otherwise, it will download all your build artifacts in our case. It was a web application. So it downloaded all the artifacts of my web application and then it is starting. Deploying it to the Azure app service. Okay, so you can see all the logs. In fact, you can even write custom logs here that this is what we are doing as part of the release deployment on Azure app service. Alright, so you can see here successfully updated the deployment History app service application is running at this particular URL and then you can use this URL now once this release completes which means our code which we created has been deployed into production. Let me go back to a show or now. Okay, and I'm Right now into Azure portal which you can get from Portal not as You can click on my test app service which we are using for deployment. And if I run this particular app service, which is basically a platform for hosting the websites or in fact platform for hosting different websites. API is mobile applications so I can click here and see my application is successfully deployed. So just to summarize all this stuff now you can see here the application is ready. There are five components basically. Of the as your develops, which means that we have got as your boats in which you can manage your work items. You can manage the tasks. You can create either a scrum boards Convent boards, or you can have the a child process all this is being handled as part of the as your boots now. Second thing is about as your Repose where we have got get NTFS in which you can check in your code and you can manage all the branches you can manage complete get functionality which is available as part of the issue reports so you can check in your source code there. R the third thing is about as your pipelines in which after you have done the check-ins, you can build your solution and you can also release Your solution in multiple environments like Dev pre prod you at production all that stuff. Next thing is about as your test plans which we haven't covered. I just wanted to give you an idea of what other test plan so test plan is something where you can run your automated manual exploratory testing under as your test plans and finally you have the Azure artifacts. Which you can store some dependencies. So this is the overall picture of azure devops. Today's topic of discussion is as our data Factory, which is very important from data integration and data management perspective. But before we do go ahead and dive into the concepts of this particular term, let's quickly start by taking a look at today's agenda first. I would start things off by talking about why do we need a user data Factory and what it is exactly then I would talk about various Concepts that surround this particular term would also understand something called as data lay not in to death but to some extent and would also understand various. Steps that surround this term as well. I would discuss two other terms that is data like and data warehouse. And what is the difference between these two terms? And finally, I would finish things off with a demo part as far as this demo goes. I would be talking about creating a pipeline and moving data from one source to the atom. But that is for the later part. Let's start with the first topic of discussion that is azure data Factory. So why do we need a user data Factory? Well first and foremost we need to understand the fact that the amount of data that is being generated. These days is huge and this data comes from different sources. Now when we move this particular data to Cloud, there are quite a few things that needs to be taken care of now this data it can come in any form because we are talking about different sources and these different sources would be Fedor channelized this data in different ways and it can be in different formats. So when you do decide to bring this data on cloud or at a particular storage place you need to make sure that this data is well and truly managed. Now. What do I mean by this? Well, you need to transform this data, you need to delete unnecessary part or get rid of all the things that is not needed now, that is an after party or pre-processing part. But as far as moving this data is concerned you need to make sure that you pick this data from different sources and bring it at one comment. Place then store it and if required you should be able to transform it into something more meaningful. Now. This is something that can be done by using traditional data warehouse as well. But then there are certain disadvantages. What happens is at times you're forced to go ahead and have custom applications that deal with all these processes individually and this can be time consuming and integrating all these sources can be a huge pain. Now, how do we solve this problem? Well, if there was a way to automate this process or create For workflows. This burden would have been taken care of. Now. This is where data Factory steps--and what it does is it kind of helps you automate this complete process instead of seeing automate. I would say it helps you orchestrate this process into more manageable or organizational manner now that is something that is needed. And that is why we need something called as data Factory which lets you automate all these processes. Let us move further and try to understand exactly what data Factory is. So if I just go ahead and talk about its definition I would say it is nothing but a cloud-based integration service, which lets you do quite a few operations, like create data-driven workflows basically and to go ahead and orchestrate all the sources that are there. But what exactly does it do to name few common operations what it does is it helps you create pipelines which are nothing but you can think of it as a logical pipeline which supports various. Does that happen it lets you ingest data from different sources and then process it when we are talking about processing it. It also helps you go ahead and do analytics which is very important these days because we know that the amount of data that is being generated. It can be helpful and it can help you take various good business decisions. And this is where analytics comes into picture. Now what data Factory does is it lets you transform this data and make it ready for something like data Lake to use it now data like is something that lets you use various analytical tools or methods. Words like you have something called as a juror hdinsight maybe a Hadoop Spar other data like analytics and all these things. Now as we move further, I would be talking about these terms to some extent but till then you'll have to wait for now just understand one thing that these are nothing but platforms or tools which basically let you go ahead and do various analytical operations. So that is what data Factory lets you do it lets you get in all the data arrange it in a particular manner or order and then supplied further for various processing or various other things that can be done with the data. So if Talk about particular steps. What does it do? Exactly? Well first and foremost what it does is it helps you collect and connect data. Now when I say connect I'm talking about connecting to various sources from which the data can come now, there are quite a few desperate sources from which the data can come you can connect to all these Resources by using your data Factory. And then once you have this data, you can collect it and store it at a central place. Say for example, your data warehouse, then comes the process of transforming and enriching it now when I say transforming it, I mean running various patterns on it creating schemas and all those things we can then actually go ahead and publish this data. Now, we all know that Microsoft Azure supports various other tools as well. We have one more popular data visualization tool called as power bi which is very good. When you talk about data integration and various data visualization capabilities, what you can do is you can connect power bi to your Microsoft Azure and publish this data that is create various dashboards and all those things now that can be very insightful when you talk about it from business intelligence perspective. So, yes, you can go ahead and do that as well and then you can actually go ahead and monitor your data that means You can take a look at all the data that you have and you can actually go ahead and analyze it in real time as well. So these are the processes which we are talking about that is connect and collected data transform and enrich it publish it and monitor it now that is what a data Factory lets you do. So what are the concepts that surround this particular term? So when we talk about data Factory Concepts, we have quite a few terms to discuss like we have pipelines datasets activities and linked Services. Let us try to understand these one by one first we would be talking about pipeline now pipeline is nothing but think of it as a proper pipeline that is it is something which acts as a carrier in which we have various processes taking place. Now, this individual process is nothing but an activity if you take a look at this Understand that activities represent processing step in a pipeline. That means your pipeline can have one or multiple activities. Now when you talk about this activity, it can be anything. It can be a single process like wearing a particular data set or it can be something like moving data from one source to the other. Then you have something called as data sets now data sets are nothing but sources of data say for example, my data is stored at an end location and that in location is nothing but my data set so in simple words if there's nothing but a data structure that holds my data link Services now, this is nothing but a law say, for example, I need to move my data from a particular database to a blob storage. They need to be something that connects these two things that is a law or some information that lets a database understand that it has to move the data to a particular data source. So that is what a link service is. It is nothing but an information that tells a data Factory that is you need to connect to these particular sources. So these are some of the Concepts that form a central part when you talk about a data Factory Now next we are going to talk about something called as data links. Now. This is something that we won't be seeing in the demo part but it is important when we talk about data warehousing and I feel that when I move further or I create more sessions or videos as far as this topic is concerned. I would be talking about analytics and quite a few other terms as well. So this is a particular term which is reserved for those sessions and videos. But for now, I would be giving you an overview of this topic as well because I feel that it is important when we talk about data warehousing. We need to understand what data lake is. First of all, let's start by understanding what it is exactly. Now think of it as a container or basically a storage that holds data. Yes. We already have databases. We have so many things. So, how is your other data like different? Well think of it as a hyperscale repository, which lets you do quite a few other things as I've already mentioned analytics is something that is very important. Now when we talk about huge amount of data the quite a few things which you can do with it, you can use various analytical tools. To name a few we have some here. We have our observed data like analytics. We have SD insights are spark and machine learning. Now. These are some of the commonly used and very popular tools which are there what other data like does as it supports all these tools? That means you can store data from any source and in any form at your other data leg and then you can use these tools and terms to actually analyze this data. So that is true in one kind of an operation. In fact, it is multiple in one kind of an option basically because it lets you do so many. the things so what are some of the concepts that one should know first? Let us try to understand some of the components when we talk about this particular term. That is your other data, like basically it forms of two parts one is your analytical part and the other one is just storage part when I talk about the storage part the best thing about your other data lake is it does not have any particular schema that means data from any form can be stored into this particular source. That is it can come from different sources and it can come in different forms as well. And then you have something called as your analytics part. That you have something like that SD inside it lets you form those Hadoop clusters. Now, I won't get into the details of what are the cluster is but it is a process or a way by which you can actually analyze data. So yes, you can actually go ahead and create those Hadoop clusters take that data in and then process it as well. You can also go ahead and use other data leak other data like analytics is something which is again used for various machine learning and other analytical process as well. So these are the two things which your analytics part will have and apart from that you have something called as a Purchase Park, which is nothing but a fast computation processing thing. That is something that lets you process data parallely and in huge amounts as well. So these are some of the basic concepts when we talk about your Azure data Lake and how does it actually go ahead and process the data? Well, let's see that as well but there are certain key points, which you need to understand that is when we talk about has your data. Like the first thing it does is it lets you store data in any size and of any kind which is very important because what this does is it kind of takes away the barrier where People had to wait to go ahead and process the data. They had to take this data first clean it arrange it organize it and then put it somewhere from where they could actually go ahead and use it. Now. This is something you do not have to worry about here. Why because you can just go ahead and dump your data in your data Lake and then actually take a particular schema pick the data and then start processing it. So it helps you save time and it lets you store data of any kind in any size. Now the second point is all users productive on day one. That is what I mean. That is since the data. A of any type can be stored here. You are not restricted. You can just start working on it from the very first day and it is ready for any kind of Enterprise. That means there is no restriction on what kind of tools do you want to use and what kind of business problems are you dealing with? So what are the types of data that your data leak stores first and foremost what it does is it stores structured data semi-structured data and unstructured data, that means all the types of data that can possibly be there. As far as touring is concerned. Everything is taken care of now when I talk about structure data I'm talking Our data that has a particular schema. Then you have something called as your semi-structured data. Now this is nothing but your Json files or maybe our XML data even that kind of data can be handled and when I'm talking about particular unstructured data that is data which can be in text files and has no schema or no pattern whatsoever. Even that kind of data can also be stored by your data link. Now, let us try to understand how does it actually store data. If you all know how Hadoop stores data this would be quite easy to understand now we We all know that what Hadoop does is it takes a data? It divides it into chunks and then processes it parallely. Now, this is what a data Lake also does say for example, you have a particular file which has some amount of data now as soon as the size of the data goes about 2GB it breaks this data into two chunks. Say for example, I have maybe 10 GB of data so it would break my data into five chunks of 2GB each and then it would replicate this data that means three copies of this data would be made and Would be stored at three different locations or at same location as per the values are rules. The user has set. So when you store this data and replicate it at three different locations, what happens is even if your data goes down at one place, it is still available at the other place to use it or to recover it rather. Now, when you talk about this particular data storage method you can read something called as extends in the slide now extends are nothing but these chunks those 2GB chunks which are there and when you process this data using Thing called a zero SQL which is a language that your data Lake uses. It actually goes ahead and Maps various vertices, which lets you keep track of all this data that is there. So yeah, these are the terms that is extent and vertices. Now what happens here is since you're replicating this data and dividing it into chunks. You can actually go ahead and process this data parallely saving a lot of time and giving you high computation. It also supports replication of data. This is something that I've already discussed. So I would just move further and try to talk about other Concepts as well. Next we are going to understand what the data lake is and what the data warehouses now, why did I bring this topic up? Well data warehouse is something that is a traditional approach towards storing data and it is still used widely. But then why do we need data Lake and why am I comparing these two terms will quite a few people confuse these two terms as and what is the difference between them? Exactly? Well the quite similar to each other but there are slight differences which are important and I felt that we should have gone out and discuss those that is why For this slide here. So let's try to understand that as well. Well, this is a clear differentiation between these two things not as first of all you need to understand that your data lake is nothing but something that is complementary to Data Warehouse. That means if you have your data at a data Lake that can be stored at data warehouse as well. But there are certain rules that need to be followed. Now when you talk about your data warehouse, what happens is you can use again your data Lake to bring in data, but the main difference is so when you talk about a data Lake the data is detailed data or raw data. That means it can be in any particular form. You just need to take the data and dump it into your data link that is not the case with your data warehouse here. The data is filtered summarize refined now, you might wonder that. Okay, if everything is happening here at your data warehouse, isn't it better in some situations? Yes, definitely it is better. But as I've already mentioned so many times in this video the amount of data that is generated. These days is huge and it can come from any particular source. This might not be the best of options to deal with why well, your data leak has something called as schema on read and your data warehouse has a schema on right kind of an approach what this does is if I talk about it from a data warehouse perspective where you have scheming right? That means when you're writing a data to your data warehouse, it is written in a structured form or in a particular schema. So when I'm reading this data, I have to read it in that schema only but when you talk about a data Lake here you just dump your data it is not Structured so when you are using this data, you are free to go ahead and Define your schema in a number of ways as it suits your needs. So this is where the benefit lies in that is the data does not follow a particular schema. You can just go ahead and pick a schema for it. So that is a plus Point again one more Point your data warehouse. Basically, it works in SQL. That is it uses SQL to choir or question your data, but when you talk about your data Lake no matter the data comes from different sources, it can be acquired by using one single language. That is your USB. Good and again that actually helps you reduce various barriers because you are talking about different data sources, but still something that lets you access the data is one single programming language. So these are some of the concepts I felt that you all should know that has what a data factor is and what a data lake is again. The reason I talked about data Lake was it is an important part when you talk about data warehousing and data integration because all these topics would form a base when you talk about analytics and processing data and that is why I wanted you all to know all these terminologies now since we started our session talking about data Factory, let us move back to data Factory and try to visualize all the concepts that we talked about because I talked about something called as pipelines activities and all those things. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go ahead and give you a demo where I'm going to actually go ahead and create a database probably load a table in it and then move the data from that particular source to a blob storage using a data Factory. So yes, this might be a lengthy demo, but I'm sure that you all would like it and have something new to learn out of it. So let me quickly switch to my Azure and we can actually go ahead and see how it works. Okay. So there you go. What I have done is I've gone ahead and I've logged into my so called Microsoft Azure portal for people who are completely new to this term. That is Microsoft Azure. What you should do is you should go ahead and take a look at other videos if possible. I've created quite a few videos in the series and those videos talk about various Concepts as far as Microsoft Azure goes there are certain Basics as in how should you use it? And what are the things that you need to do? One of the things that is there is creating a free account, which is very important now, Going to go ahead and use our free account or are subscribed account what Microsoft Azure does is it lets you have a free account? You need to just register for it and quite a few resources would be made available to you and some credit is also given to you which you can use that is you would be charged for these resources. But since you are given certain credit you can use that and that means the services are freely available to you. If you already have an account, then that is not a problem. We are just going to go ahead and take a look at the demo part as far as this demo goes. What I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and create a database for that. I need something called as SMS. Let us go ahead and try to understand what that is first. But if you do not have that thing you need to go ahead and install it. So how do you do that? Just go to Google basically and type SS Ms. This is the first link that you get and you open it. You have your SQL Server management studio. Now, this is something that we would be needing. You just come here and you click on it and it would start the setup download. Guess it's getting downloaded twice. I don't need that. I've actually gone ahead and I've installed that thing on my system. I'm doing this for you people. What you need to do is you need to download this particular file. Now as you can see, it is somewhere around 800 MB s that is approximately equal to 1 GB. So you need to download that file. And once you do go ahead and download that file you need to install it in your system. The installation can be a lengthy process. Now when I say lengthy process it can be time-consuming. It is not difficult to do all you need to do is open this file. File and double click on it. It would give you an option to install it and just say yes, once you do that, it takes care of all the processes and once you do go ahead and install that thing now, this is something that would help you have your own server and that is on your local device basically, so this is something that we would be using in the later part. But what I would suggest is you come to this website and download this particular thing, if you do not have it and once you download it, I would suggest that you go ahead and install it as quickly as possible again. Let me tell you it might take some time. 15 minutes depending upon the processor you have and the internet speed that you have. So yeah, once you're done with this then what we do is we are going to switch back to our Microsoft Azure account. Now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and create a database here. So how do we do that? Well, you go to your portal basically. And quickly login to your so-called account. My internet is fairly slow today. So, yep, it might take some time. So this is how you are Microsoft portal looks like you have quite a few things to select and choose from you can just go ahead and click on create a resource here and it gives you quite a few options to select from or instead. What you can do is you can just come here and look for your so-called databases and I select an SQL data warehouse. So it would ask for a database named give it a proper name. Say the move DB is what I would call it. And yes, the name is acceptable. My subscription is as your 533. I would be needing to create a resource Group for people who do not know. What a research group is. It is nothing but think of it as a place where you put in all your resources basically, so it is a group of resources again, if you need to understand more about it, we do have a session on it, which you can take a look at it on YouTube. So I take create a new one say I call it demo car G and let me just pick a blank database. I need to configure server to it. So I would say create a new one. Let's name it say. The most server and I should give it some numbers probably. Yes. It is acceptable and you need to create some login credentials when you do log into the server. So let those credentials piece a admin demo. Maybe there you go. And what password should I set? Let it be strong and let it have a number and symbol basically Location South India that does not matter a lot you can choose the location that is there in here. You have quite a few options. They go out stick to what it is there and I would say select. Yes. So I have a demo server as well performance level now. It depends as per your need as in how fast do you want it to work now as far as my so-called demo is concerned. I do not need it to be very fast or something like that. Let me have it with this value now based on the location where you've created your so-called. Called research the prices would be given to you. Now. This is something that I created in South India. So the price to me is an INR that is Indian rupees and it is to 23.8 it per hour. All I would do is I'll just go ahead and apply. I would say I've been to dashboard and I would say create. Now the deploying might take a little longer than normal because yes as I've already mentioned that it depends on the internet speed and even if your internet is faster at times it might take a longer while for this thing to happen. So what I'll do is I'll just pause the video for a minute and once the deployment is done. I will get back to the demo part again. So yes, guess the gone ahead and done the process. That is we have our so called mod b already it took a while. I actually went back and had a cup of coffee as well. It took that long. My internet is really slow today. So yeah, let's move further and now try to go ahead and do the other thing that we are supposed to do as I've already mentioned. You need to go ahead and install ssms if you do go ahead and install it and this is how it would look like I've since we've already created a database we can log into it. You can go ahead and give me your credentials here that is I would do putting in the credentials which I've mentioned that is demo. So 1 1 0 0 and then the extension that is. Database dot Yes, and the name here is admin demo. I can go to options here connect to our database. We have something called as the Moody be and that is 3 2 1 TCP IP. I say connect. It wants me to sign into my so-called as your account. I hate this each time. It happens because I've already logged in I should have stayed signed in but I did not and that is costing me now. Yeah, one more thing at times you would be logging in from your client user or your client PC and that times you might not be an administrator. So in that case you need to change the firewall Rule and make a system accessible here. And there you have signed in. So we have our information here. That is this is my serve I used to login and if I click on databases the schema is there we have a database. That is mod b 3 2 1 now what we can do is we can actually go ahead and add a table to it. Now. I'm not going to go ahead and create a table a completely new table instead. I'll just go ahead and maybe run a simple query which lets me have two columns. So what query should I put in what table should I create? I'll just go ahead and pick up some query from Microsoft Azure website. Now. This is something that lets you create a table with this name, and these are the so-called variables are column names that you are so called table will have so I'm just going to copy this piece of code. If you wanted you can go to Microsoft Azure website and you can have this piece of code as well. I will share the link do not worry. So when I close this and I come here and I click on this. So I see new query. And I simply go ahead and paste this piece of code now. I'll just make some changes to the name just to get it off ambiguity. Say two maybe three and I would be inserting two records in it. So this is the changes I make here that is insert into this so-called table and to do that. I would say execute but this should not take this long. But at us now, once it does happen, these are the two records that would be there. That is John Doe and Jane. Doh there you go. One R is a vector is what it says. So we have actually gone ahead and logged into my SMS and we have connected to our SQL server and we've created a table there. And as far as the table goes it has these two records. So what I'm going to do now is I'm going to again switch back into my so-called other data Factory that is to my other account and create a user data Factor basically, so how do we do that? First thing you need to understand is in order to have a resource Group or have all these? Resources there on your system you need to have a storage account. Now. This account is nothing but more or less a compliance or a law. Basically what that law does is it lets you have your storage entities on Microsoft Azure. So let us go ahead and create that account first. It is very easy. You come to this portal once you do that you just scroll down and you see storage accounts here and I say add when I say add This window should appear and you need to enter in details. So what details should I give information storage account? Let's call it say essay for demo now. It is not accepting this name. Okay needs to be in lowercase. So I would say essay for demo and there you go. It is taken resource manager is what I stick to and I say V2 location is South India now, I've talked about your I'm getting replicated three times that is three copies of maintained and when I talk about the replication, these are the types of replications that you have locally redundant storage, which I am selecting which is the most affordable one. It is not very reliable. But since it is a small demo I can use this performance should be standard and if you see by default The Blob storage is always hot and when you talk about a resource Group, let's go ahead and use the one that is already. There are Resource Group was demo or GIF. I'm not um, yeah, let's select this you need to dashboard and I say create and my storage account would be created. This should happen quickly. There you go. The deployment again might take a long while. So yeah, what we've done is we've gone out we've actually created a database you've connected to server put a table there. And now I've created a storage account since I have a storage account. I can go ahead and create again containers and then I can use data Factory to basically move data between various sources as you can see it has been deployed. Do I want to go there? Yes, I do. When you come here, you see this so-called tap here. You have something called as access keys. What you can do is you can actually come here and copy some of the data that is here. This is the name of your storage account which you would be needing and the quite a few terminologies that you need to remember when you are using are going through this demo. Like I mentioned you have created a database you need to know its name or remember its name. You need to know the server name. What is a server admin credentials plus? What is the name of your storage account, which is this in this case the key. I'm not sure whether we would be needing it or not. But if we do, I would still say that you copy this. Whiskey that is here control a control C and I would just paste it. There you go. Now when you move back to this page, you have this option yet blops where we're going to go ahead and create a container. You can click on it as you can see there is no container here. So you click on this plus sign and you have an option to create a container. So what do we call this particular container here? Let's call it's a blob again. You need to use something small. That is demo new blob. Maybe is what I'll name it. And a lady Public Access level be the way it is and I would say okay and my blob is created here. Now, I won't be adding a destination folder or something here because when you do go ahead and move your data destination folder is created automatically. So let's not do that. Let it be the way it is. So I have a blob storage or a container with me. Now. I need to go ahead and create a data Factory here. So how do we do that? Come here search for data Factory directly. There you go. Now this is not where I wanted to be so I closed it. I click on analytics and here I have the option of data Factory I click on it. Yes, so I can create a new data Factory. So what should I call this? Let's say the mod f It's still not there. So that is surprising. Okay, let me just try few names and come back quickly. So this name is accepted now. So use an existing Resource Group, which resource Group did we have it was demo as if I'm not wrong. There you go V2 is the latest version that we have and we need to bother about this thing. Let's say okay. These are the areas that are there in the option. We select this pin to dashboard and I see create an I have a data Factory with me. So this might take a while. So let me again pause it and switch back to the time. No, I don't need to do that. It's created. Okay, so I have a data Factory with me now. I need to come here and click on this because I need to go ahead and move my data so I come here. When I click on this thing, I would be given quite a few options to deal with so I need to copy my data. So I click on this icon. There you go. I need to give a name to the task. That is there. Let's call. It's a copy from db2 block. And I go to next. I need to select an SQL Server here. So I come here and I scroll down now the interface might vary from different portal accounts. This is what it looks like as far as my so-called system goes SQL Server. Here it is. I selected and I say create a new connection. There you go. You'll have to scroll down right at the bottom scale server server server. Did I miss it somewhere? Yeah, here it is. You select it click continue and you need to give a name to your new link service. And what name should I give it to you? Chase kill server demo link movie And I also need to go ahead and create an integration environment. So I come here and I click on this thing and I say create new public network. I see next. So what name should I give it to it? Let's call it set demo integration, Maybe. And I said finish. Now as you can see, what we've done here is I've gone ahead and I've been given in details for my so-called source. That is the place from where I'm going to go ahead and use all the data. So I have this so I need to go ahead and given my server credentials again. So if I'm not on the name was I'm telling you you need to write everything down because you would be using all these names. So a best practice would be to write everything down. So in my case, it was something like demo Server 0 0 1 1 if I'm not wrong. 21100 the extension is not database dot There you go. The database name was the move DB 3 2 1 SQL authentication user name was admin demo if I'm not wrong I scroll down and I enter the password that is and I say finish. So you're my source details are given in already. That is this is my source data store. And these are the informations are this is the place from where I would be wanting to move in my data. So I go to next and then I enter the details about the destination now, But before that what we do is I need to select a table. If you remember we had run a small SQL query to give you the details. I do not remember the name it was what was the name of the table? Was it EMP 3 was it yeah. Let me just refresh it to see if the information is there or not. I scroll down and it is here. So I select it and it would load the previous thing that okay. These are the records that are there now these were the records that we entered so I say next. For my destination I will come here and I would select a blob storage. Now. There you go. Create new Azure blob storage and I say continue now. I need to enter in details here as well. Let me just call it say as your storage. No more ink. Let me just do this thing again quickly. We need to select a storage account name as well because we've gone ahead and created a storage account here, which was for the demo part in What was the storage account? I forgot the name of it. It was storage account for them if I'm not wrong and I've selected that and then I say finish. I click on next. Now this is the service that I wanted to connect to. I say next now. I have to enter the so-called details for that. I would be actually needing the name of my blog which I think I've forgotten. So let me just go ahead and get the details of that as well. It was something like this that is demo block and the file name was MP3 if I'm not wrong I see next. I see next next again and I say next. And there you can see the data has been deployed that is I've actually connected my skill server and I've gone ahead and I've moved the data to my so-called blob storage, which you can actually also do then you can go ahead and edit the pipeline if you want as you want or you can just go ahead and monitor this data as well and it depends on your needs as a note you want to do you can go ahead and do quite a few things with it that has you can go ahead and move this data to your so-called power bi and Implement various other things on it as well. When we did go ahead and create our so-called. Blob storage that is block container. You can actually go ahead and keep that part or that so-called window open because when you do guard and deploy this data, you can see all the details not as what has just happened and how has it happened all those things. So yes, what we've done is we've gone ahead and we've moved our data from our so-called database to our blob storage. Now, I actually accidentally went back and did not go through that step where we see the deployment, but do not worry we can just go back to our dashboard and take a look at that thing as Well, so how do we do that? I have this so-called storage account here. Now inside that storage account. We have our blops where we move the file. Now. This was the block where we moved the file. And then this was the file that we moved. So yeah, our deployment has succeeded. That is we move data from a so-called database to show called blob storage. And as far as this demo ghost that is what our aim was. I hope that I did through a sufficient light on following concepts that as our data. And how do you go ahead and create a data Factory in use it as a pipeline? Basically today. We're going to go ahead and talk about machine learning and to implement machine learning models. We would be using Microsoft Azure before we do get into the details of these topics. Let's take a look at the agenda of today's session first. So first and foremost, I would be introducing you to machine learning. Now it being a very vast topic. We would be first taking a look at some of its fundamentals. And then we would be switching to Microsoft Azure and we'd be seeing how machine learning can be implemented by using Microsoft Azure. Finally. I would finish things off with a demo part where I would be talking about has our ml Studio that lets us carry out machine learning processor. I hope this agenda is clear to you guys. So let's move further and get started with the first topic of discussion. That is what is machine learning. Well, if you go by the definition it is nothing but the process where you teach a machine to take in some data analyze it or understand it and based on that data. Given some valuable outputs. Now. This is a very generic definition but to give you more simpler and example, I would say that it is something similar to how we human beings learn. I mean when we are born we have no idea about anything that happens around us, right? I mean, we do not know what shapes are what colors are But as time progresses and as we hear people talk, we see stuff happening when we learn to write. We actually go ahead and understand these things Ellen. What shapes are what colors are what people are in all those things. So machine learning process is very similar to this. This I mean what happens here as well is you provide in some valuable data to your machine and you train your machine with that data again, and again again and again or with new data as well. Now your machine takes in this data and it builds in a pattern or an algorithm using which if similar data is given to that machine it would be in a situation where it can probably classify this data or predict something or collaborate this data into something else. So this whole process is machine learning now as I've already mentioned machine learning is a very large domain as we move forward. The View would be discussing these terminologies as in classification and all those things but for now in simple words, it is nothing but the process where you're given some kind of data to your machine, it understands that data and based on the data it helps you take better decisions. So let's move further and try to explore or understand some other topics as well. So what do we have next? Let's take a look at some of its fundamentals. If you talk about machine learning we need to consider two important points that is supervised learning and unsupervised learning. Now. These are two important classifications if you talk about Machine learning. We also have something called as iterative learning as well, but we won't be getting into the details of that. As far as the session goes. We would be sticking to supervised learning and unsupervised learning. So when you talk about supervised learning it is nothing but a process where you actually go ahead and teach a machine to predict something based on the information that you already have or you at least know the target variable to be more precise. Now, what do I mean by this? Well, in this case, you actually know what your final outcome should be. Like, are you at least have the Meters that help you govern your final output when you talk about unsupervised learning. That is something you do not know. Let's stick to supervised learning for now and consider this example suppose you have some data set where you have information as in you have some data where you know that certain values or certain records are for ducks and certain values are not for ducks. So what you do is you pass in this data to one of your machine learning algorithms. Are you build a model around this data and when you pass in a new value to this so-called Model that model should be able to predict whether that value is for duck or it is not for duck. Now in this case. This value is not meant for ducks. So the answer should be not die because we can clearly see from the image. It is a piglet so that cannot be a duck. Now. This is a very simple example of supervised learning what we are doing here is we know that what kind of output are we expecting? We are expecting an output where we know either it's duck or it's not duck so our Target variable is free. I mean, we know what we are researching for or what we are analyzing the data for these kind of algorithms are called as supervised learning algorithms or this process is called as supervised learning. So this is a part of machine learning now important point to note here is your data is labeled now. That is what I mean by the Target variable which I just talked about. You know what your final value is and that is why your data is labeled. You know what you're trying to predict or what your final outcome is. So this is a very important. Point to consider your data here is labeled and you know your final goal as in what are you trying to achieve? If you talk about the next method or next approach that is unsupervised learning here. You do not have labeled data. That means you do not have a final Target variable in this case your final Target variable are attribute. It can be random or it can vary or once your model ends. You would be reaching there. But that is something which is not consistent that can vary depending upon the needs that you have. Let's take an example to Stand this a little more as you can see we have some pictures are on the screen. You can see certain species of animals and birds. So if I want an algorithm to classify these pictures are this records into their clusters. This would be more or less and unsupervised algorithm. Let's take a look at it first. So as you can see we can pass in this data to our unsupervised learning model or build a model around this data. Once that is done. It should be able to classify. My data into different clusters as you can take a look at the Clusters, you can see that it has classified my data into ducks and something that is not Ducks. Now, you might wonder as a look at this is similar to what happened in supervised learning, right but in supervised learning that is what my target was. I knew that I wanted to predict whether it's a duck or not. In this case that might not be the case because say, for example, I have this data where I have animals and birds and I do not know what animals and what birds are there. They might not be ducks in it, right? They might be just Yes, they might be just rabbits and all these things or you might want some extra clusters as well. For example, I want to segregate words. I want to segregate animals. Now in this case. My final output is wearing it can differ right? I mean, I might expect different outputs out of it. So since I do not know what my final output is, I do not know what clusters are getting formed here. So that is why this kind of algorithm is called as unsupervised learning where this is more or less similar to your black box testing kind of a process where you do not know what your final output is, but you do run into Your algorithm and then you expect a more organized output that would lead you to better decision-making and important point to note. Here is the data are is unlabeled. I hope these algorithms were clear to you guys. If you do have any doubts do let me know about those as well. We would be getting back to you on those doubts as well. But in simple words, this is what supervised and unsupervised learning is now let's move further and try to understand some other things as well. If you talk about different machine learning algorithms, you have these classifications here first, we have supervised learning and in that we have something called as Creation and classification. Now, these are two of the most popular algorithms or two popular branches of machine learning algorithms. If you talk about regression, it is a process where you try to find out relationship between two or more variables suppose. I have to detect as an if I smoke would I be having cancer or what is the probability of me having a cancer now? This is an example of regression because I'm trying to compare cancer with smoking right? So I'm trying to find out a relationship between these two. So these kind of algorithms are called. Has your regression algorithms and then you have something called as classification now in classification you basically classify a data into groups consider this example. I need to classify my particular data set or information into different segregations or into different parts, like male population female population and all those kind of stuff. So these kind of algorithms are called as classification algorithms. And if you talk about regression and classification, you have quite a few Advanced algorithms as well. Say, for example, you have random boost XZ boost and these kind of algorithms are Not random blue sari random forests. So you have these kind algorithms which are advanced level algorithms. Now, we won't be getting into the details of those algorithms but those are important as well. So once you are through with what regression is what classification is, I would suggest that you do go ahead and explore those algorithms as well moving further and talking about unsupervised learning. We have algorithms like clustering the example, which I gave you in the unsupervised learning slide was of clustering so that is one method or one type of algorithm that Sighs learning supports, then you have something called as Association now, we all go to supermarkets, right? We buy stuff probably we go to buy some breakfast stuck in that case. You would be buying breads butter, maybe milk, right? So what shopkeepers do is or what supermarkets do is the normally place in products that people might buy in bunches or in groups and this kind of process is called as collaborative filtering or implementing Association laws rather. So what these Association algorithms do is they help you. As in what is the probability of people buying certain products combined with other products? Because it is understandable for people who are buying breakfast up. There is more probability that if you buy milk, you would be buying bread with it as well. So yes, this is something that falls under Association and dissociation laws, but that is a topic for some other time. I just wanted you to give you an introduction of what supervised learning is and what unsupervised learning is I believe that it is clear now, so let's move further and talk about something else. Yeah. So now we've talked about what machine learning is. And what different kind of machine learning algorithms that are there now, I would like to brief you through the process of how machine Learning Works actually and this is pretty much common for most of the algorithms that you're going to implement first and foremost. You would be needing data. Now, I've already talked about the point that data is sent it to machine learning. If you do not have data you cannot make any predictions and more the data the better it is for you. So the first part is having data and once you have the data the next point you need to confirm or make sure is the data is appropriate for machine learning and this is We're pre-processing steps in what pre-processing does is it helps you process the data that you have and prepare it for machine learning. I mean your data might not always be cleaned there might be some missing values some repetitive values, which you do not want in your data when it is getting processed. Right? So in this case we filter out this data we clean it. We fill in certain values. We predict certain values and be putting those values there. And once this data is up and ready for working then we pass it on for the and then we provide a particular machine learning. This again is a trial and error kind of method where it seems simple at times because we have discussed all those machine learning algorithms, right? So to naked eye or two naked men. Basically we might think in this Direction Where We would think that okay. This is the kind of problem. I'm dealing with so this is the algorithm I might use but that is not the case at times the data is misleading. We are not sure what kind of algorithm I want to use. What kind of data I want to pass on how much data I want to pass in that case. What we do is we first a lot a particular algorithm use it implemented then we test the values then we try out some other algorithms as well. And then we come to a conclusion as an okay. This is the best algorithm and using which I have generated a model which is best to meet my needs and while doing that there are quite a few processes that happen processes like training testing validating where you pass in certain amount of data you build the model you train the model and then again you pass or keep some data behind which you later pass to test these models as an are they working properly or not. So this is an iterative process and this might take in more than one. Chance to actually go ahead and jot down or settle down onto a particular point. So once your algorithm is selected, once your machine learning model is built you can actually go ahead and deploy this model into your environment or real time working where it would be able to predict the real-time data the data you provide your so-called algorithm, right? So this is how the whole process of machine learning works now the processes which I talked about pre-processing than implementing various algorithms training testing a data now this again the look simple or when you listen to them. Um, they seem pretty easy as in training the data and all those things. But once you start implementing these things it is fairly difficult ask any data scientist and that person would tell you that pre-processing is something that is very difficult to deal with and mostly sixty to seventy percent of the work is done in these Pages only. So what if we had something that could actually help us hear what in that b is I mean if we could just speed up this process of pre processing algorithm selection training and testing data instead of doing this manually. Can we do all these things automatically the answer is yes. This is where you are Azure machine learning steps--and what Azure machine learning does is it helps you carry out the whole process but as you can see we have something called as ml studio and it focuses on your pre processing application of algorithms and deployment processes. So while cop the task where which can be repetitive or which can require you to put in more efforts to implement manually. It actually helps you automate or speed up that process. So that is what ml studio is. Basically it is a Our a service in a very popular cloud service provider. That is Microsoft Azure, which lets you implement various machine learning algorithms and it carries out the bulk of tasks or the bulk processes, which you would otherwise not want to do. Now. This is not something that actually is used to replace data scientists. You cannot do that. So no offense to any data centers who is listening to this video or going through this video. It is more or less complemented to data scientists. You would be needing statistical knowledge. And hence. We talked about machine learning a little because even if you build and models using Azure or any platform you would be required to have proper statistical argument or knowledge about data science something that would help you understand the output of the models that you've built. So yes, some statistical knowledge would always help when you cannot replace that but definitely if you are working on machine learning and you need to speed up this process or make it more efficient than Microsoft Azure and ml stood in particular is a very important resource for you to have so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to switch into the demo part and Would the building a model so that we can discuss some of this stuff that I've already talked about and we also get to see how Microsoft Azure Works in real time. Right? So let me just switch to the Azure portal or console that we have at our disposal. So guys what I've done is I've gone ahead and I've switched into my Microsoft Azure portal for people who are completely new to Microsoft Azure. You can actually Avail certain services that Microsoft Azure offers you for free for one month now during this period you can Avail certain credit. For u.s. Citizens or people who have an account in u.s. Region. They can actually have a lip to $200 of usage where you can use certain Services. Now these services are chargeable that is why the free credit that is made available to you. So which I believe is more than enough for one month's practice. So if you're somebody who's new to these platforms, I would suggest that you go through or sign up for Microsoft Azure and you can Avail those Services now since I am from India, we have Indian rupees as our currency and for our usage we You went somewhere around 13,300 INR or Indian rupees which is a very big amount if you talk about using a service for a month's time, so it actually serves my purpose. I have been using it for a long time that is this particular account. I've had couple of accounts but this one is something I created some 15 days back and as you can see I still have like 12,400 something something which I can use and we would be not needing this much today somewhere maybe 10 20 Rupees to the max. And so yes, you can go ahead and create this account. Once you do have this account. Then you would be having access to all the services that Microsoft Azure has to offer to you. You can go ahead and create all the resources you can have or utilize its compute Services storage Services database services and all the services that it has to provide to you. But since we are talking about machine learning we would be sticking to those applications as well. So in order to use your Azure machine learning, you need to create a workspace where you can actually go ahead and put in all your data and once Create your workspace. You actually need to go ahead and sign in to the Microsoft Azure. Ml Studio, which is an interface or IDE where you can actually go ahead and create all those models. So in order to go ahead and create a workspace. You just need to come here and type machine learning and you might be having that thing in the suggestion. It was already typed. I believe machine learning and you have this place where it says machine Learning Studio workspace or service works. Space you can click on these the studio workspace has something I've clicked on and you need to put in some details as in what is the name of your workspace? What subscription are you using Resource Group? You can use the one if you already have one. If not, you can create one just given some name. Our research group is something that holds in details about your resources that you're using and then what kind of storage account you are using you can create the storage account as well. It's not a big deal. It is nothing but think of it as a storage place where you can store in your data, that's it. So you Go ahead and put in these details and then you say create before that. You have to put in what pricing tier are you using and you'd be entering the region where you want your workspace to recite now, what cloud does is it stores a data in particular locations on the globe? Right? So you can choose the location that is closer to you or closer to your business depending upon your needs for now. I'm gonna stick to the basic one that is here because we are just creating a simple demo. In fact, I'm not going to go ahead and create a workspace because I already have my own workspace, but you I would suggest that you put in these details and create one. Once this work space is created. You can actually just open it and at the bottom you would be seeing an option called as machine Learning Studio else. What you can do is you can type in this URL and you would be redirected to this page where you have to sign in with your Microsoft Azure portal account. And once you do that, you would be redirected to the ml Studio that I'm talking about. So the workspace would be created once the workspace is there. Login to your other ml studio. And once you do that, this is what you'd be having at your disposal. Now. These are some of the experiments that I might have worked out or worked on in last week or so. Some of them are finished some are still in drafts. So you can actually go ahead and create these workflows. Are these kind of workflows. Now you have so many options here. What are the projects that you create experiments which we just saw different web services that are made available to you. You can actually go ahead and create web services as well. You have your notebooks now, you might not always go ahead and start from the scratch, right? You might have your code written in maybe our or some other language like python. So you want to import that code you can do that as well or you can use the existing notebooks with Microsoft Azure has offered to you where you have ready to use codes or ready to use models as well. And then we have data sets. Now again, you can import your data sets that you have there was one Financial sample data set which I imported recently. You can actually go ahead and use sample data sets as well. Now you can see there are quite a few. Data sets that are made available here, which you can use and Implement your own algorithms or implement the algorithms that Microsoft Azure has to offer to you, right so you can do that as well. So it pretty much depends upon what do you want to do? And what kind of processing do you want to do as you can see if you come here you have some this is somewhere you can see a train models as well as in the work you've done or some models that you've implemented. So you can have that here. In this case. We are going to go ahead and Implement one of the algorithms are algorithms that are implemented by Microsoft azure. So if I come here to experiments and I go to samples you can see that we have so many implementations so we would be taking a look at one of these and then we would be implementing that on our own do not worry. We won't be copying it right away. So we have quite a few options here as you can see. Okay, let's just go ahead and do one thing. Let's build our own model here. So for that we need to go to experiments or rather. We can come down here and say new and I say add a blank experiment. Let's just go ahead and try to build a recommender system or something like that. So to do that, let's call it. Say my recommender. There you go and save it if there are no model. So you cannot save it. So first let's get started. Now in order to create a recommender for people who do not know what a recommender is it is nothing but P passing certain data and it might suggest or the model might suggest you as in what you might like or what you might want to do. Say for example, Example when you shop on Amazon or any other website that is there. You normally have some suggestions right? I mean you may like this you may like that same is with YouTube view go through certain videos and it gives you suggestions as an you. Preferably might like these videos as well. So that is a recommender system. So let's go ahead and create one recommender system. Let's create one for movies. So let's just go ahead and practice or play with the data that we have for that. We would be needing a data set first right now. If you talk about ml Studio, it is very simple. You just drag and drop stuff just like creating workflows. It is as simple as That now in order to use a particular data set we have these saved data sets here samples. Let's make a recommender systems for movie movies movie. Yep. So movies by have something in movie. Yeah. There you go movie ratings. So we would be using this data set now once you put in this data set is available. You can just go ahead and take a look at it. So let's just visualize this data and as you can see the information is here. It has certain values like user ID. Eid ratings and time stamp times time is something that people do not use frequently. But yeah, these are things that are important to us. We have factors like your ID that is your movie ID user ID and rating it's somewhere around up to 10. So I believe it has started from zero or one maybe so we have ratings from 1 to 10, which we would be using. So this is the data that we've just visualized but at times this data is not as simple and as managed it might have some missing values and you might be required to play with it or make some changes to it. You can actually go ahead and put in some factors here as well. Now here you have so many options that are made available to you. Right so you can actually go ahead and process your data a little manipulated data little like you can take a look at statistical analysis and all those things but this being a clean data would not need to do that. So we're just going to stick to the recommender system part here. So we have the data set now I need to select the columns that I want to use. So I'm going to project certain columns out of it. So for that we have a model here called as project columns. Okay, I don't see it here. I believe this. Change the name select columns to okay. So this is the one they've changed the name. It's called a select columns in data set. So we drag it and paste it here and we hold onto the circle that is there on the previous module or the tab we had and we pull it down so we can connect these two and they are connected and but since I have connected them there's an error here. It says value required now, I need to pass in some values as in what are the columns I need to focus on right? So I would be clicking on this icon here or tab. It says launch. Selector and it gives me options. So I'm going to put in certain rules. Now. What are the columns that I want first? I would say that getting all columns and just exclude the ones that I don't want. So what are the columns that are not on time stamp was something that won't be very handy. So I'm going to remove that so I would be excluding that and I would be seeing okay, once you do that the error is gone. So we have the data set. We have selected The Columns now next phases. I need to go ahead and pre-process the data, but data is already processed. So I don't need to do that either. So in this case, I would be going ahead and splitting my data into two parts my training data and my testing data training data something that we would be passing on to the model and will be training a model based on the data and test data is something that we would be holding back and then we would be using that testing data to test our models or to predict the outcome or to see whether the model is working fine or not. So to do that, we need to split a data. So come here. This process is easy. Just go ahead and type in the words that you need to do and it gives You modules to do that so split data. I just passing the data. So I've gone ahead and I've created or I've pulled this split data module or tab into my workflow. So yes, the data would be split and it would be split in this fraction Point 5 that is we would be using .5% data to test that is half of the data to test and half of the data to train our models. So there you go. I won't be tinkering with these factors. Those are good enough for me. So let's just move further now, there's an option here where you can zoom in or zoom out your Our model to fit in the screen. So the data is split now next job is to train your data. So train your recommender system. Do we have option to? Yeah train Matchbox recommender. So we select this and pull it here. Now. What we do is we pass in one of these branches here first one and the split data is passed on to this training module or tab. Now, I'm not too good with the live nomenclature. That is why this confusion let's call it tab. So yes, so I pulled in this data into the So this is something that would get trained here and I need to score it as well. So once I come here, I select this first and it shows me the details as an okay how many traits of the data that I have that I want to use to build this recommender system. Let's just say 10. Okay 10 is fine. I don't see too many problems with it. Maybe let's do it 20 number of recommendations. I want you know, this can also stay to 5 no problem training badges for is fine. So we just move further and next what? We do is we just go ahead and score the data that we have. So I say score and I pick in this thing. So again to this I would be passing in my training data here and I would also be passing in my split data. That is the testing data. There you go. So the data that has been trained at would come here in also the testing data would be here. So I have this score where I need to give in the details as an what are the predictions that I'm looking for. Now, I basically want prediction where I would be wanting related items, right if I watch this movie, What kind of movie I need to watch right? So this is what I would be interning here. So once I enter related items, it says what are the maximum number of related items to find from an item that you have? Let's say I want just one item there you go. And so it would give me one related item to the movie. So if I pass in a particular movie to this recommender, it should suggest one movie that I might like watching. So that is what I'm talking about here. So one related movie you can have more than one as well. So that is up to you. So we have done this now. Next is I built. Built a model or I've actually gone ahead and put in a tab for training and scoring next. I need to evaluate this data, right? So I say evaluate or test rather. So it says evaluate your recommender you get in here and this time you take in this value that is your score and you put it here in this column. We passed in one of these threads here. Next is we take in the split data and we enter it here. There you go. This is fine. I would Saving it here just to be safe. Once you save this data. Okay. So the connection is that we pass in these are important in which Port are you passing in what value so this might hold and this is more or less an experimental kind of stuff where you might actually go ahead and put in some wrong connections and you might get in some errors. So you actually need to go ahead and troubleshoot some of those at times not always so we've actually gone ahead and we've almost built a model now. We need one more table here or one more data set that is Movie IMDb titles. Let's place it here. It has gone somewhere. So I place it here they go and whenever we have a new data set, we always visualize it to understand what it has. Okay, this should not take this long. But for some reason it is so I have this data set where I have movie idea movie name. So I would be using this data set for my recommender where it has some IMDb titles, which is not the actual IMDb that website which we have it is the sample data set that is created. So we have this data set here. Now that we've seen the data. I'm going to go ahead and use a command called as edit metadata and I'm going to place it. It here and as usual, I'm going to go ahead and put this thing in here. Now if I come here as you can see, there's this column here, which says select certain columns, which you want to use. So what are the columns that I want to pass to my metadata basically or what is the metadata that I want to use? So I'm going to go ahead and click on launch column selector. And in this case with rules, I would start with no columns and I would say include so what are the columns I need first is I need item. So you have to hit the enter button. You won't be given suggestion here for some reason it is not taking in this value. Let me see what is wrong. If we need to pass in first values to this so-called metadata before that, we won't be able to deal with items because we just took a look at this data set and it does not have item value. That is why we are not able to pass in that value. So let's pass another value straight the values that are more relevant to this data set. So we'd be coming here and we'd be selecting some other values. Now, you can see that we have these values that are available. So let's just go ahead and select those. There you go. And I say okay so that it is gone. Now now we have a metadata which is made available to us and I have a model which is up and running here. Now. I need to put in Joins here. Now if you all know what joins do is they basically help you select data from one table to the other. So we have two tables here or two data sets. So I want to combine the data that these two tables have no I won't be getting into the details of joints and all those things but we would be using them here for the general reference sake so I have these He's two datasets here. And I want to predict our compare the table with the table that is here. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to build a model or create a joint that lets me compare the movie names from one data set with the other argument recommendations from one of the two datasets, right? So for that I would be needing a join here. So let's just come here and say join crib before we get into this thing. That is one more important point my edit metadata data type. It has to be string. They go now I To pass in values to this tab as well. So for that I would be needing a score from here. So I would be taking this and I would be placing it here. There you go. And one from the metadata to this joint now, what are the values that I want to pass in here now? It should be item I believe. So as I've said hit the enter button, there you go. And you say okay and columns from our or the other table? What do you want from here? I would be seeing maybe movie ID. They go I say okay. What kind of giant do I want? I want left outer join now again, I want to get into the details of these joints don't keep the right key columns because that is the reason I'm using this joint. They go I would be needing one more join here and I would be putting it here because the first join would just give me the movie ID, but I just don't want the ID I want the movie named as well, right? So it come here at pull in this thing and I would pass it to this data set. and edit metadata There you go. Again, if I come here it would ask me for values. I would say give me related items if you have any. And Cher I want the movie name. It's a save give you missed out on one thing. We need to come here first and remove this left outer join and now save we are bound to have some mirrors guys. So stay tuned. Now this thing runs it would run it tab by tab or module by module and then everything would be executed. This might take a couple of minutes. Once the model of the tab is executed. It shows a green tick on it as you can see here. We have ticks you're in here. This might take a longer because we have increased the number of iterations to 20 in the slide or in the table when we were working on it. So the whole processing might take a little longer than normal. Okay, it says related item not found. Let's see. Why is that happening? Launch recommend a selector. Yeah, this is the one that is the related item one. Probably there is no related item variable in the data set that we generated now as I told you in the first model, I'll show you where first. Let me select this for now and let me say okay here in this core Matchbox. I had passed a number of related items, right? It was one so by default it was given a name called as related. One so that is something which we are passing in here or something that we would be displaying. So there you go. So what we've done is we've actually gone ahead and put in all the stuff that we wanted to let's just see whether it runs and once it runs I would be explaining this again to you people. So do not worry first. Let's run it. Now this time around it should happen quicker because most of the stuff is done. We just have the error in the last tab or the last module. So the other part should be done quick as you can see and now now the last one would be implemented and it is done already. So guys our model is up and running. Let's just go ahead and check. So when I click on this icon and I say visualized you should give me some values see how relevant values these are. Let's just verified now this being a model it might not be that accurate, but let's hope it gives some values. It is not giving me the movie name and movie ID for the other section or the related item. Let's see. Why is that the case but it says if you have seen this movie you might like this movie, but we do not have that movie. So let us see where we have gone wrong first. So there is some mirror here or here we have a movie idea. So let's just come here and see. Okay, so we can just match idea to idea or map ID to ID. So let's remove this for now and say movie ID and then see whether we get the output. So I save not save as I would say save and I would run this Again, you should run quicker than the last time. There you go. Now, let's just see what is the output that we get. So I say visualize and there you go guys. It's a simple as this. I mean you put in or pulled in some values and we detect certain values and we have this result here. Now, this is an Indian movie called as the Lash and it says that if you like this you might like this Oblivion probably Jack Reacher. I haven't seen either of this Iron Man, you might like stand by me. So I don't think this recommender is that accurate but probably I'm sure that there would be some movies in it which are more Notable so and for people who are big movie fans, they probably would be able to relate a lot more to the movies that I hear. So again, you can actually go ahead and select the number of related items that you want to select and you might actually go ahead and Pinker and tailor your algorithm a little more for that. You have to play with the values that are there you have in this algorithm. You can just come here and switch in these details and probably the answer might wait the depending upon the inputs that you pass to this algorithm. So this was my basic game. I wanted you to get some Hands-On on Azure machine Learning Studio. You and nothing more than that. But as far as this model goes or this particular session goes we've actually gone ahead and taken into datasets. We've actually gone ahead and build a model train get tested and then we've used a joint to actually go ahead and see what would be the possible movie that you might want to watch if you liked one of those movies. So again as I've already mentioned it might not be that accurate. You are free to go ahead and play a little more with that you can pass in your own data sets as well. In today's session we would be discussing yet another interesting topic that touches up on cloud computing domain. Today's topic of discussion is azure iot before we move any further. Let us take a look at the agenda or the offerings of today's session first. So I would start this session by talking about what is iot that is Internet of Things moving further would understand what is iot on Azure that is a cloud platform. Then we'll talk about has RIT components and their uses and finally I would Finish this session by discussing or giving you a slight or a smaller demo. I believe this agenda is clear to you guys. So let's not waste any time and quickly get started. So what exactly is iot now coyote has many definitions. I mean because the domain is so wide or I should say there are so many things that you can do with iot that to Define it in one single wave would not make a lot of sense. I mean you can think of it as an approach that lets you collect data. It is an approach that makes a devices. My daughter it is an approach that basically helps you connect devices now to keep it simple. We all are social beings or most of us are definitely I mean, we need some social contact, right? So what we do is we basically communicate with people we tell them what we feel like or what is happening in our day-to-day life or we take in inputs from them in similar manner, right? So in a way, we are actually exchanging information. We are actually exchanging data. What about devices? I mean devices do store data. Today do have information that might be useful to human beings. But how do you collect this data? How do you make use of this data? Well, yes, you have devices that let you collect data for you. There are devices that are smart. And they do a lot of things that you would want them to do. But what internet has done is it has enabled you to connect these devices with each other and that has actually simplified the process of collecting data and also making these devices interactive and She'll in one way or the other. I'm sure this is not making a lot of sense for now. Let us move further and try to understand this topic a little more. Now when you talk about the rise of Internet, what you would notice is these days there is a lot of data that is generated online. I mean the amount of cell phones being used these days the amount of applications that run on these cell phones the shopping you do the food you order the remaining stuff the browsing and stuff like that you do and the amount of work that you do here. I mean it generates huge amount of Data of this data can be very useful. I mean you also have analytics data science in the market these days and what it does is it basically lets you collect this data and use this data in a number of ways to serve the customers better to basically make better medicines to make better machinery and stuff like that. Right? So that is what data science has done and that is what internet has done. But what this also means is a burden on human beings to collect this data. I mean you need some way or the other to collect this data. And when it comes to human beings, yes via the sharpest beings on the Earth, but the problem here is the human accuracy at times. It can go down or it cannot be as accurate as the machine is so you need to create machines that let you collect this data. So what internet has done here is if this data is used and the amount of data that is being generated is used because of Internet. It has also given you a solution. The solution is Internet of Things. What it does is it lets you connect different? And devices together and by doing that these devices are smart enough and they can collect these data for you so that your only job is to go through this data or use this data and that is why these devices are being or becoming more smarter day by day not to give you a very simple example if I go home and basically what I do is I remove my wallet. I remove my bike or car key and I keep it on the desk that is close to my door or I rather hang it on the hanger that is there. So What mostly happens is when I leave my home. There are chances that I forgot my key. I forget my wallet, right? What if they were smart devices that would tell me that I have forgotten my key. Once I leave the door. Wouldn't that be nice? So that can be done. I mean you have sensors these days you can have sensors on these devices on the keys on the wallets that you work on or on the wallet that you have. So basically what these devices would do is they would basically sense the fact that you have moved out of the house and once you cross Ross a particular range probably what it would do is they would throw in an alarm with some device that you have with you. So now this seems little impractical but our seems little complicated to do but the simple achievement out of this is you get notified. No sooner you miss out certain things at home and this application can be used on the longer run to solve different kinds of problems. Now, this is one of the applications of iot internet can be used here different sensors can be used yet different devices can be used to connect. The each other this was about Hardware devices basically can connect applications with each other which reset on particular Hardware. So this is one very basic application. There are a lot of things that you can do with iot. So as you can see in the image what iot is doing is it is basically helping you connect different applications different businesses different Services together and the fact that all these things are connecting with each other there is live data with you and that would help you solve a lot of problems. I mean you can do better weather. As with iot you can do better traffic predictions with iot. You can better figure out as in what kind of data a person is using. You can figure out what kind of exercise routines are person follows. So all these things can be dealt with with iot. You can prepare better medicines. You can gauge how basically medicines are administers and what administered and what kind of effect are they having on that particular individual. So iot is a great Boon for humankind if used wisely. So that is what iot is I Believe by now if you want Stood what iot is let us move further and try to understand the other topics that we mentioned in the agenda. So guys next on this list is iot on Azure. I mean, why should you use iot or Internet of Things on a platform like Microsoft Azure first, let us try to understand as you're in a bit now when you talk about us or I can think of this power consumption analogy. I normally use these in my sessions. So let me just throw in some light on these topics so that we can understand what other is So basically think of azure as a platform that basically provides you with services that help you solve various computation storage and application development issues. How does it do that? If you take a look at this power consumption analogy, what you'll notice is when electricity flows into your house you basically consume the electricity and at the end of the month you pay the bill for the units of electricity that you've consumed right? You do not have to worry about how does this electricity flowing who manages it? And once this electricity goes down. All you have to do is you have Call the power supplies and they take care of it. Right you do not have to worry about managing the units you've consumed. All you have to do is take a look at the bill and pay the bill. So basically what is happening is someone else is taking care of all the things that are related to power consumption. All you do is you Outsource this work to someone else you use the services and pay for the services that you've used. It is very simple and very realistic in real life when you talk about software development. There are a lot of constraints. That one has to face. I mean Buying servers hosting applications maintaining monitoring those applications. What if you were given Solutions ready to use Solutions where you had to worry about just the data that you have and take our deal with Better Business insights and stop worrying about all these issues. Wouldn't that be nice when you talk about Microsoft Azure, it does exactly that for you. It provides you with cloud computing Solutions or it provides you the platform that solves various issues that are related to your software development. So it is similar to the power consumption. I believe it is making some sense in this case. Your Azure is basically your electricity provider in terms of software Services, right? So that is what Microsoft Azure is. It is a cloud platform that provides you with various services that concern Computing and software development and you can actually go ahead and rent these services and use them for a particular time duration when you want to use them and you can get rid or release those Services once you are done using them. So this is what has Horace and why should you use iot on Azure Veloster is one of the leading cloud service providers and that is why when you talk about has or what it does is it basically provides you with various Integrations various services that would help you implement iot services on top of it and with ease to give you a simple example not this is an image that directly picked up from Microsoft officers website. If I'm not wrong, I would be giving credit to them do not worry about that. But this is a very simple example and this is what it demonstrates. It's I mean you have an iot Hub, which is an iot service that is basically giving data to your stream analytics which can be visualized by using different has your tools. Now when you talk about has our services that our services for everything by a data visualization machine learning data warehousing data Lakes you have application creation pass service creation instance or virtual machine creation Storage security in everything is taken care by has your so basically if you have applications that run on Microsoft Azure, you can actually Really go ahead and apply internet of things to it to make them more smarter. And if you do not have applications on Azure, you can actually go ahead and create those using Microsoft Azure and you can again use iot on top of it. So yes, if you talk about iot and measure it is a very good choice and a very good option that people can opt for what all can you do with iot and nausea. Let us take a look at some of the important iot components on Microsoft Azure now when I say components you can think of these as services that cater the need of Internet of things on top of azure platform. Let us try to understand those. So guys first and foremost. You have your Azure iot Central now when you talk about Microsoft Azure as I've already mentioned it is a cloud platform. So if you've learned Cloud platform to some extent you have three services you have infrastructure as a service platform as a service and software as a service. Now as you progress with these Services iaas is basically a service that provides you with basic infrastructure on top of of which you can choose everything that you want to do. That means you can basically have a basic layer on top of this you can choose what operating system you want to use what binary is to use what applications to run what programming languages to use. So it is a basic infrastructure that you can have when you talk about pass it is basically platform as a service where a platform is given to use where you have ready-to-use templatized applications. And when you talk about SAS, it is software as a service where a complete software is given to you on rent which you can use For example Gmail. I mean you do not have to set encode Gmail, right? It is a ready-to-use application. You do not worry about it. I mean its security its management its maintenance everything is taken care by someone else. So Cloud provides you with these kind of services now when you talk about Azure iot Central think of it as a SAS kind of a service I mentioned Gmail, right? So what it does is it provides you similar services or it provides your service that basically lets you create a similar software as a service kind of vacations for iot platforms. So that is what has our Central is when you talk about Azure iot accelerators. It is more of a pass kind of a service that lets you create templatized applications or templatized iot applications, which you can use to create ready to use iot Services. Now, what is the difference between these two the major differences now Azure iot is is a service that means it would require you to put in less efforts. I mean it is more. Ready to use kind of a service just like your Gmail. So it is easy to create but the disadvantage of this service is it does not give you a lot of customizations. I mean, you cannot go to Gmail and decide to hard code it again, right? You can't but when you talk about Azure iot accelerators it again provides you with templates to create applications, but it is platform as a service. That means it gives you a platform. So this platform it forms a way or paves the way on which you can actually go ahead and put in your applications besides. What kind of platform what kind of software you want to run on top of it? So it gives you more flexibility. So it would require more efforts. So it is not easier but it gives you more flexibility. So yes these both Services basically focus on templatized applications third on this list. You have Azure iot Hub. Now Azure iot Hub is a very important service. Basically what it does is it lets you connect other services and applications so it forms a central point of communication. Are all these applications. So when you talk about the first two Services, they are kind of dependent on Microsoft Azure iot Hub to some extent the other way around is not true. That means as our iot Hub is a fairly independent service what it does as I've already mentioned it lets you communicate with other applications and other services it forms that Hub where applications communicate then you have assured digital Twins and has your time series insights now these Services basically what? They do is they let you create models. Yes, they let you create models and when you talk about digital twins, yes, it works in that way. When you talk about other time series insights. Basically, if you've learned analytics, you know, you're talking about time series that means how data varies from time to time like your stock markets, right? I mean the graph is not constant. It might go up. It might come down. So basically a series of information that varies as per time is called As Time series analysis when you talk about Assad. I'm series insights. What it does is it gives you insights or lets you build applications that helps you collect real-time data and generate insights out of it. So it is an analytics kind of an application when you talk about Azure iot it helps you in data visualization and for various analytic approaches as well as your Spear and has your Maps now when you talk about has our sphere basically what it does is it lets you create devices to choose our Hardware heavy. I'm not sure whether Whether this is the right term to use now when you talk about iot also talking about Hardware devices that let you connect different sources when you talk about has your spear. It has a set of devices or classifications, which lets you do a lot of iot things like basically it has it sets of MC use our micro controlling units. Basically that helps you in better iot services. And when you talk about has your Maps, I've mentioned an application called as knowing the traffic at different locations tracking your cars and stuff like that. So For that you need the location of the device and as your Maps help you in that aspect of iot as well. So Guys, these are most of the services that Azure iot has to offer to you. We won't be getting into the details of all these services today as we move further and we have more sessions on this topic. That is a zero iot. Probably I would be focusing on all these Services individually and in a lot more detail for now. Let us just quickly move to the demo part. What I'm going to do is I'm going to quickly switch into the other. Your console and we are going to go ahead and kind of create a simple Azure iot Hub. So guys when you talk about Azure iot or when you talk about has are in general. Now, you have your Azure portal. It provides you with free Azure services for a limited amount of time. If you are completely new to Azure, I would suggest that you actually go ahead and create a free tier account. All you have to do is given certain details your credit card or debit card details and you're good to go. You can have that free tier account in which you have certain free. That means you can use these credits to use these Services. I mean, these are paid services so you can use those free credits to practice these services on your own. I would suggest that if you do not have a free tier account, you actually go ahead and create one now in my case. This is a paid account. So I am kind of restricted to using these applications. So let us just go ahead and create a simple Azure iot hub first. So as this is the console. I mean you have a number of services whether you talk about your recently created. Has whether your machine learning analytics blockchain compute containers. Now, these are different domains that has or touches Upon Our concern today is internet of things. So let's just click on this icon and go to Azure iot Hub. If you move to these different Services, you can actually go ahead and learn a lot about them. This is quick start tutorial one for iot Hub as well. So you can know what you can do with all these things are all these services. So when you talk about Microsoft Azure, there are a lot of documentation Czar a lot of dough. Events that has your provides you for free. So you can use those documents to understand these services to a lot more details. I would suggest that you actually visit their website and take a look at those Services as well. Meanwhile, I've moved to the service as you can see the subscription is a Dirac a subscription here Resource Group. I can create one or I can use the existing one. So let us create one. Azure iot demo 1 2 3 4 5 Guys. These are unique names. So probably you might be forced to give longer names. Let's just say okay. You can choose the location where you want to create this idea. When I say location, what does your does is it has a data centers in different parts of the world so you can choose the data center that is close to you or you can choose the data center that is close to your business and accordingly. You can take a call on which reason do you want your data to based on based on that you can choose. Region, there are certain services for which all regions are not available. So you would want to visit those particular services and decide accordingly in this case. I'm going to stick to West us. I mean, it's a simple application. So I do not want to put in too much effort or time into it. They just named our application as in my first iot hub It's not available is what it says. Let's say 1 3 4 4 2 2 2 1. Yep. Now it is available. So you can just review it first, right? You can go to previous. Actually, you can take a look at the size and the details you want to enterprising tear it is S1 for me. That is standard one. I won't be getting into the details of pricing Let's ignore that for now cost for month for this device is 1652 INR that is Indian rupees and it supports four hundred messages, basically. Number of units for the hub for now, let it be one you can change it accordingly and you can actually go ahead and decide whatever you want to use again. So let's just move to free tier for now so that we don't get charged a lot and it is just move ahead and say review and create. So this is the information this is the subscription - pay-as-you-go. This is the name region and the name. I just go ahead and say create. So guys creation at times might take a while not wrong, but a minute or two. So there you go. The deployment is in progress already. It is giving you all the information that you need and once it is done you can Avail information on other things as well. Also guys, if you are new to add Eureka or to our YouTube videos, I would suggest that we do a lot of stuff. I mean if we have a live sessions mostly on Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays, we have our forecast sessions as well. You can actually go ahead and And the visitor podcast Channel where one of our Associates he works on great sessions, then you have live sessions which I've already mentioned and there are quite a few other channels like these own medium channels on IG TV and other places as well. So a presence on social media is huge. You can stay connected to all these media to learn about new technologies. I mean, we upload content on all these platforms every day and especially we started with YouTube. So if you are looking for such content on YouTube like on regular basis, you can actually go ahead and subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you can Avail these videos like every day and also make sure that you click on the Bell icon so that you get notified to these videos on regular basis because there are a lot of resources that I believe would help you in a lot of ways I would be dropping in the links for the other channels that I mentioned in the description so that you can actually go ahead and probably sign into those channels as well like telegram these own HDTV medium Etc. As far as this application goes the process is still Underway, let us just quickly refresh it and see whether the application is created whether it's up and ready now. It's still underway. So there you go guys the resources created you can click on this icon. You can see the information is here that is you can have your operation details by clicking on this thing and you can get the details about it. You can copy the details as well. You can go to the resource as well which is here and based on this information. You can actually go ahead and decide what kind of access do you want this device to have pricing and scaling all these things can be taken care of other information that you need need a way to provision millions of devices. Go ahead and see how these things work. So guys this is how you actually go ahead and create a basic iot Hub in the following sections that follow this session. Probably we would be creating a lot more content related to these topics and I believe these topics would help you a lot more as far as this session goes guys. I probably believe this is the end of it before that. I would suggest that you actually go ahead and delete the resources that you have. You'd have to enter the name of the app that you've created. So let me just go ahead and Do that Hub? One two, three. I've given it a fairly long. And so there you go guys. The reason I'm asking you to delete these Services is now this was under the free tier, but probably there are services that would cost you a lot more and say for example, if you launch a server and keep it running so probably you would be paying a lot of money and I don't want that to happen. So I would suggest that you always follow this practice where you delete the resources that you've created and once you do that it is certain that You won't be charged. Now. You can see that if you go to this deployment the resource won't be found because I have deleted it already today. We are going to discuss Assad chat Bots. Can we create chatbots using these Cloud platforms? So, yes, we can create chatbots by using cloud computing platforms. If you talk about AWS you have a service called as legs and if you talk about easier it is as your Bot service. So this time around I thought of using a different platform and that is why I went ahead with Azure. Let's continue with the session and take a look at the agenda for today's session. As far as the session goes following at the offerings. We would start by understanding what our chat Bots next. We would understand what is observed bot service and how can you use it to create a chatbot? There's a lot more to offer as we move further everything would unfold. So, let's jump into the first topic of discussion then First we need to understand how communication has evolved at time now, if you talk about times when I was little I remember my father writing letters to his relatives are my grandparents rather. So in order to send these emails or letters we had to attach those postcards go to the Post Office put the letters there and then that Postman would take that letter to the respective party and that party would reply in the same manner. So this process would take days, isn't it? It had its own fun, but If you talk about current times, the technology has evolved a lot. And with that the way we communicate with people has changed to nowadays. We have something called as mobile phones right where if we do have to go ahead and communicate something to people all we do is we just go ahead and type in a particular message and it gets delivered to that person within seconds. That is how communication has evolved and what has this part done. Well what it has done is it has made communication one easy and two more human-like. What do I mean by more human? Like now I've been in the age of chatting as well. And I know that how do we chat? It's very simple whatever we have to say. We just type it right unlike the formalities that we do in other ways of communication say for example suppose if I have to apply for a leave. What would I do? I would go ahead and type an email right in that case. I would be putting in the details as in who it is to be sent to what is the subject then I would put in the details then I would ask for a leave and all those things. I mean this also is Pretty much organized but then it is too complex, isn't it? If you talk about chatting, it's very simple. I'm not well, I won't be coming today as simple as that. Imagine if we could just go ahead and do this in every aspect of a life. Wouldn't that be easy? Can that be done? Definitely it can be done nowadays what people are doing is they are trying to attach communication or Implement communication everywhere in such a manner that you can easily communicate with people or with different resources and get the desired result out of it. One of the ways to do it is chatbots. Let's try to understand what chat Bots are and how do they contribute to this concept? Well, if I were to Define chat, but it is nothing but a software that lets me communicate with a human now suppose. I am an individual and I have certain requirements suppose. I visit a website what happens there a pop-up comes in right saying that how can we help you? What is the possibility that it is not a bot in 90% of the cases it is so that is what a chatbot is in more formal ways. It is nothing but a bot or a software that can have a conversation with a human being. There are types of this chat bot. You have the standard chat Bots and the self-learning chatbots as well. Now if you talk about a standard chatbot think of it as a device or a software that learns not learns that takes in the data that is given to it. And if a query is thrown at this bot the machine or the software would reply to that individual. It does not go ahead and make any modification on its own. This is where the second option comes into picture. You have something called as self learning chat Bots. These are the Bots that actually taken the data understand the data and then adapt to that data in my previous session. I talked about recommender systems right for people who are completely new to the system. Let me tell you what it is. Now basically recommender systems are nothing but those are devices or software is rather that give you suggestions. Now these suggestions are given based on the inputs that you provide think of it as your YouTube channel, right? I mean where you put in a particular song and you play that song when you do play that song If you take a look at the suggestions suggestions list, you'd be having a song that either relates to the song that you played or the song that you might have played previously. So what has happened here is your so-called recommender system or the software. It has learnt from the preferences that you have given or the browsing history that you have. It also takes into consideration the preferences of other people who chose similar data and based on that it gives you an input, right? Look at these are the songs that you might like as well similar is the case with a self-learning chat bottom. What it does is given the data you provide to it it learns and it makes the discussion more interactive to give you another example suppose you are a policyholder and let's assume that there is a criteria that unless you are 18 years of age. You cannot buy a policy at that particular place now. Also imagine that you have this imaginary child or a kid who has turned 18 this year. Now if your data is with this chat Bots or with this organization a chatbot would understand what your data is and next time you try to converse with it. It might give you a suggestion saying that okay, your son recently turned 18. Would you like to buy a Polish up for policy for him as well? So that is what a self-learning chat bot. Does it basically goes ahead it understands the data and it adapts to the data and based on this adapt adaptation. It rather gives you a suggestion saying that okay, this is what Do you like to do this as well? The aim here is to go ahead and make the interaction little more interactive than what it is already. That is why the reason why this is happening is because as an individual, we like to have discussion with people that is how human beings are. We like to communicate and the aim of chat Bots are these software's is to make the conversation as interactive as possible plus the fact that we have chatbots everywhere. What companies are trying to do these days is they're trying to make They're working a lot more easier instead of just giving you information. They're trying to understand your requirements and according the give you Solutions. So you do not have to go through the documentation and all those processes. So this is what chat Bots are. Basically those are nothing but software's that try to understand the data that is given to them and based on that. They would either give you an answer or a solution to the problem that you have. Let's try to understand chatbots and the concepts that surround it a little more. So what is the need of chatbots now? I have already discussed quite a few reasons as in why do you need chatbots? But there are some other reasons as well. Most important reason is When you compare it with a human being a chatbot performs better. How is that now? There's no computation to no competition to human brain. Right? I mean, we all know that it's a great thing and it is the thing that actually created your chat Bots. But if you talk about precision and performance, if you have a software that has been trained that could actually give you a better application and better throughput. How is that? Let me give you one more scenario the next point that is easy to replicate. Do I mean by this now suppose I have a human being who is setting and answering certain queries no matter how great or how brilliant that individual is. If I throw like 20 queries parallel to him. He probably would be able to answer four to five queries, right? So this is where a chatbot is different. I mean I can train I can create one chatbot. I can program it in one way and then I can train it for 20 different services. So when 20 different queries come in, I have 20 chatbots that can actually do the job that is Needed so when you talk about parallelization, this is where chatbots come into picture. So these are some of the needs apart from that the major need is to make interactions lot more interactive than what they are. So yeah, this is what chat Bots are and we are going to go ahead and Implement chat box by using Microsoft Azure. And in that we would be using a service called as as your Bot service. So let's try to understand what Microsoft Azure is and then we can move into the demo part where I would be talking about the Bots service and how big attack bomb So what is azure well, as other is nothing but a cloud service provider now if you compare it with Amazon web services it again is a great cloud service provider just like Amazon web services and it has a plethora of services to offer to you. Whether you talk about your storage Services compute Services Security Services, whatever service it is. Everything is taken care by Microsoft Azure and what it does is it lets you create applications deploy them maintain them monitor them and also keep them. The best thing about Microsoft Azure as it is a Microsoft product. Now when you talk about Microsoft, we all know that the plethora of applications are the Microsoft stack of products. That is there. We all know that it is huge and what that means is there might be some software in your life which you are using and that has something to do with Microsoft Azure. So if you are moving to Cloud you would want to use or have the ability to move your so-called application or have the freedom to implement your applications that are there in Microsoft on Our Cloud platform, isn't it? So if you are using Microsoft Azure, it becomes easier to migrate all these applications or integrate these applications to Microsoft Azure. So it actually gives you a freedom of using your favorite tool or your Frameworks on Microsoft azure. So yeah, that is what Microsoft Azure has and as I've already mentioned it is a very popular cloud service provider. In this case. We would be using Microsoft Azure bot service in particular and using that we are going to go ahead and create a chatbot. So that is what we have for the demo part. Let's just switch into the console of Microsoft Azure and let's take the discussion forward there. So yeah, guys, let me first give you a scenario as in what are we going to do now now when I talk about creating a chatbot, what is going to happen here is first I need to create a chatbot. And in order for that chat box to work. What I'll have to do is I'll have to go ahead and create some Source or some data source from which might chatbot would learn isn't it? I mean, it needs some data, right? So for that we need to create something called as knowledge base. Now, your knowledge base is nothing but basically a set of information it can Be achieved from anywhere maybe a URL that has Pages or to where the information is given or it is a document that you own so we would be using the document or that URL and using that URL we would take in the data and we would create a knowledge base. Once the knowledge base is ready. We would go ahead and switch into Microsoft Azure portal and there we would be creating a chatbot. Now what we would be doing is would be giving that chatbot that information and then we would test our chat Bots as in whether it works. You're not once we are done with this. I'm going to take it a step further where I would be going ahead and integrating my chat bot with my Facebook Messenger app. So stay tuned and let's Implement all these things one by one first and foremost. Let's start by creating our knowledge base for that. We have to go to this URL that is skinny maker. Bear with me guys if my internet is little slow. It might take a little longer than normal. So this is what we have here. That is I now if you come here, you can create your knowledge base. If you click on this icon, it would say create a knowledge base. Okay, I have to sign in every now and then that can be rating YC sign in. No, I don't keep it signed in that is why it asks me every now and then but that way I feel it's safer. There you go might take a minute or two. Probably less than that. First it would check whether I have any knowledge bases that are there with me already. If not, it would ask me to create a new one. So that is how it works guys Microsoft Azure at times takes a little longer time to load that depends on various sources. I won't get into the details of that. So if that happens, don't worry, I would be keeping keeping you engaged and we'll be discussing something meanwhile. So, there you go. We have this thing here. I say create a knowledge base. Okay, so guys we are creating a knowledge base. Right? So since we would be putting it on Microsoft Azure, we would be needing a service that is there on the platform that can attain to this knowledge base, right? So for that we have to create a QA Service as well. So let's go ahead and create that service here if I click on this icon. It navigates me to Microsoft Azure account. Now, I've already signed in so it will directly take me to the portal and it would open that tab where we can just go ahead and create this so-called UNM occur. If you want to visit the website first or the portal first and then open this thing you can type your QA maker and it would take you to this page where you can click on Create and then this would appear so this is the Microsoft Azure dashboard. We would be talking about it. Do not worry. So we're going to go ahead and create this DNA maker service. Let's call it same. Demo, one two, three, four five one one subscription. It's Usher 533 standard. What is the payment here? I want keep it standard again. And location is West u.s. That me prefer that now you are chatbot service is not available everywhere. So you would be wanting to be careful while you select the Region's. Okay guys Resource Group. Now it by default is the name of my clinical name and it replicates the name. You can actually go ahead and use a an Research group if you have one if not, let it create one. So what is a resource Group? Basically, it is nothing but think of it as a container where certain resources are put in by Microsoft Azure. So when you do create a service along with that it has to have a resource Group attached to it. So each time you have a service either create a new Resource Group or use the one that you already have and that suits your needs in this case. We will be creating one once you do that come here and select this thing. The move one two, three, four five. Everything is okay. West u.s. Is the region West u.s. Is the reason again, so guys, everything is pretty much in line. There's nothing that we need to discuss here. Let me just go ahead and click create. Yeah, so it would just go ahead and create this thing. Once the thing is created. We can actually go back and then select this. Okay. It's deploying now. These are some of the applications that I created in the past. I do not need them right now. So I'm just going to go ahead and remove these Meanwhile my application gets created here. service started Okay, it's deploying. So as I've already mentioned at times it takes a longer while so Yep. This is what might happen your might take a minute or two or a half a minute if we are lucky enough. So once we do that, we're going to come back here select all the resources and then we are going to create a knowledge base. Now. What happens here? When you do create that knowledge base. Basically what your Microsoft Azure does as or CUNY maker does is it fetches the data from the source that we are generating or the shows that we are giving now as I've already mentioned you can either go ahead and probably given a document or you can select certain URL in this case. I'm going to go ahead and select a URL What kind of data would be like if we have some effects that would be better right? So let's go ahead and select some fa Q's. Let me just go ahead and search for us terrific use and will select the first one that is there. Now. This is an ad let's not select this. Let's select this thing. So guys this probably has some has our support fa Q's. So some questions asked and some data given. So this would be one of the best data sets to use here. So let's copy this link and as you can see that our service is created. Let me just spin it to the dashboard. So it becomes easier to use It has been pinned now I go back to CUNY maker and I refresh it cuz you need to refresh it once because else your so-called service won't be displayed here. Okay, loading your QA services. Please do that for me. Okay, so it has been refreshed now, let me select the by default account that I have my subscription name and the service which I just created URL I paste it here. And then I say create. Knowledge-based name cannot be empty. Okay. I forgot to enter in the name. Let it be the same as we've already entered it is nothing but what was the name? Okay, let's call it say let's come here first. It's demo. One, two, three, four, five one one right? So let me just given that name. I like to have it ambiguous guys at times. It's simpler to remember same names or use one name throughout the applications of ambiguity is good at times. So there you go. Let's hope it's get it gets created this time around. Okay, so might take half a minute here. And once it's done it would fetch in all the data and it would create a knowledge base which we can use now guys. Once the knowledge base is created. It would be created based on the data that we've entered but that is not how I would start the communication right instead. What I would do is I would start by saying maybe hello or how are you are something like that. So when I say hello, I need an appropriate in reply from the chatbot. Right? So we would go ahead and use this knowledge base, but we would also go ahead and add a couple of comments or a couple of Doctors or endpoints for this discussion. So there you go. The knowledge base has been created. I would like to train it a little more by adding a queue a pair or two. So in case if I just go ahead and say hi. I want my chat bot to replace something like this. Hello. how Maybe help you. There you go. So and let me add one more. Juniper this time what I'm going to do is I'm going to What just happened? Okay. There you go. Hmm. Let me just say thank you. And on this let it say. Glad we could help you. Hope to see you soon. There you go. Somehow I'm not sure whether I added that high thing. So if that is not added here probably will just use this thing to test as an if we say thank you. This is the output that we need right now if we tied some of these keywords, this is the data that should be displayed. So let's just say save and green. One pair cannot be empty. So which pair is empty right now? Okay. Is there something that is empty here? I cannot see anything. That is empty. What just happened? The problem is we added. Hi and hello, right. I just cannot see where did it go? Could not see where it go. Okay thing that some key pair is empty there is thank you here and there is a plus here. So this is fine. This is what we have. We have anything else that we need to focus on. Okay. This is the part. Let me just refresh it guys that we probably would be able to edit it better. Again, the waiting then that is something that I hit a lot when you work with these things. How to get a pet let's say hi and just say hello. How can we help? Question mark and let's see whether we can save it now. Okay. Now there shouldn't be any problem here so high and hello has been added. So I believe we can test our so-called knowledge base based on the data that we've entered here, right? Yep, it has been added successfully. So let's test it guys. I say hi and I hit the enter button. There you go. We have they play how hello. How can we help you can ask other questions as well like Do you provide support? So if it can actually go ahead and parse this data or rather segregate this data it would give you an answer. They go it has the answer. It has used the database that is there and it has given in the answer that suits in best for this keyword. So guys test is complete now. Let's just go back and publish this knowledge base. For that I would need to refresh it once and once it gets refreshed I can just go ahead and publish it. So guys once we are done publishing this thing. Okay, we have this option you'd publish. Okay, so it might take half a minute. So once it gets published now, we are going to go ahead and create a chatbot and we are going to integrate or we are going to give this knowledge base to a chatbot. So if we again taste test it and put in certain queries, it would give us the reply for the questions that we've asked so there you go. Now, this is something that we would be needing. It is nothing but sample HTTP request that means once I try to connect with my chat bot there are certain credentials that I might be required to enter like The host ID or the authorization endpoint and all those things. So let's the let this thing be open and let's just switch to the dashboard part now here I can create my chatbot for that. I need to click on create a resource. There you go. I say I plus machine learning and I get this option where I say web app bot. There you go. So let's create something called as demo. One two three, four, five six one one again subscription is a zero five three three. It has created a resource Group Central. No. No, I want vest u.s. Want West u.s. I scrolled on what is the but template. Well, it has built-in basic C sharp now click on this thing and select QA that is question and answer phone. And Isis select they go I scroll down east us again. I want West uh, maybe West years to and I say create So guys this thing takes a while. It takes a minute for my chat Bots to get created now. Once the chat bot gets created. Next job is to take this chat Bots and connect it to the knowledge base and move the whole thing to my Facebook Messenger. Now, this is where I would be asking the questions that is I would be creating an application on my Facebook messenger and on that I would be putting in this chat bots. So if I do throw in these queries my Facebook Messenger would reply that means the chatbot would reply using my face. Messenger for that we need to integrate our chat bot with the Facebook Messenger. So how do we do that for that? We need a Facebook account. While this thing works out, let's do that. Now this is a sample account that I've created. This is an anime, which I used to watch Once so I've taken this template this basically deals with different vendors who can bend different elements. Now, you don't need to get into the details of what those elements are. I've just used this theme and based on that. I would be creating a page to which I want my chatbot to react to and I would also be going ahead and creating an application as well. Why are we creating all these things once the body is ready. You would understand. All the stuff is in why we are here and what are we doing here? Meanwhile, just create a page first. Let's say create and let's call it. Say OK, let it be business brand call. It's a metalbending. Don't get into the details of what this title is It's random title and category. We are here for education. So let's stick to that. I say continue. Okay, it says I have been blocked for some reason. The thing is I happened to create this thing twice today. That is why probably they block me as in. For creating this page. Let's see if we can choose some other category and see whether they allow us to create a pager. arts and entertainment maybe now Okay, they need other details as well. So let's skip let's try something else. It's a beauty salon again, they need in the details. If I put in education that is when they don't ask anything else. Okay Education website. Let's say continue and let's hope that they let us create one. Okay. No, I have been blocked. So I doubt that I would be able to use this thing. Let me just quickly switch into some other account and see whether I can go ahead and try to do it with some other account. Let's try to create a page now. Let's hope that it lets us create a page here. Isaac create nice and creative page. Let's call it say if it allows me well and good. If not, then we'll have to switch to something else. Probably it is letting me create one. So that's a good sign. We can go ahead and use this thing. Skip and I say skip Do you guys we have a pager now? Once we have this page next what we have to do is we have to go ahead and take a look at certain other details that are needed. Like if I click on this about page, I would be having an ID here which I would be using now. This is my page ID that I would be needing. Okay, so we have a sample page and we are going to use this to test our application apart from that. I would be going to this Facebook developers where I would be going ahead and creating an application as well. Now. I am basically signed in as Vishal here. So not as good. Let me just go ahead and create one more app. Let's call it say the move for today There you go. and I see create Mi a robot. No, I'm not. submit So guys an application would be created here. Okay, so we would be using this application and we would be attaching a messenger to it and we would be attaching the chatbot to this messenger. Let me just quickly go ahead and check one more thing because I do not want any more problems in this session. So let's just quickly say Facebook. messenger if I open the messenger, let me just see what is the messenger that I have by default here. So as you can see I have this thing which I do not want I would rather go out and log out from here. So guys yeah want to continue as we shall pardon. There you go. Now we should be good to go. So, yep VI her and guys by the time our I believe our application is up and ready. Pin it to the dashboard. Now as we have an application on Facebook, we have a page on Facebook and we have our demo bot up and running which we can use. So let's just open this thing and see what it has to offer to us. Now Guys. These are the resources that we have at our disposal and apart from that. We have quite a few other things that we can do. We can test our website here. We can take a look at the analytics that is there. And what are the different channels that we can use to use this chat bot. So we are going to take a look at all these one by one but first and foremost, what I'm going to do now is I'm going to go ahead and connect the knowledge base to my chat bot. How do we do that? We come here and we click on application settings. Once I open that I would be entering the details that we have here. The connections are the endpoints. There you go. So I have to scroll down and these are the three fields that I need to enter here. So I copy this first that is now this is my ID, which I would be entering here the first place where I enter this thing is this Okay. I also need the hostname which in this case is this Okay, and apart from that we have this data. This is my authorization key. Okay, so let's just verify it. We have the Knowledge base ID which is correct host name is correct. And the authorization key is also there. So let's just save it. Yes, so it has successfully updated this thing so I can just come here and I can say test it in chat box. So if I just say hi, you should give me a reply. It's still sending the data. So okay, how can we help? So yes, it has been integrated or connected to my chat bot. Now. Next job is to connect this chat bot to my messenger app, right? So, how do we do that? To do that I would have to come here to channels and I have some channels that are made available which I can connect to first. I would just come down and select Facebook Messenger the one which I want to connect to. And as you can see, this is the reason we created the app and all those things because we need to fill in these details as well for that. I would come here. To my page and I would copy this page ID. Guys, there's too much to and fro of information here. So keep an eye on that as in what I'm copying wear. This is the page ID. As I move further I have this application here. So in that if I go to settings I have the basic settings option. I need to copy this idea as well. Now. This is my application ID, which I would be copying here. Control V and guys lastly we need the secret key, which is here. I need to copy this as well control C and I paste it here. Okay, so as we also need something called as pays access token, but that is something that would be given to us. Once we move further a tell you how to generate that as well. Do not worry. Yeah, so guys now we are at our application one small change that we need to make here as well as mean move to the advanced setting. And in that we say yes to this thing. At the bottom we have allow API access I say yes. And I saved English. There you go. Next we move to the dashboard and now we configure our Messenger to with the chat box. And how do we do that? We scroll down here on the dashboard and we select this option. Set up. Okay, so there are certain things that I need to take care of. I need a page access token as well. If I come to a preview guys. There are certain things that I would be needing to review. And before that I would be needing to enter in few details. We would be taking a look at those as well one by one do not worry about it. Okay. So when you come here first thing you do is again go back to settings. Sorry dashboard. Yeah. So what is the page that I want to refer? It is sample metalbending if I'm not wrong. Yep. It would ask me for Access. I would say yes. And I would say okay. Give access it will generate a token, which I need to copy. Once it's copied. You would come back to the dashboard of your Microsoft Azure and you paste it here. Like this and this thing is more than ready to go now. I come back here again. Okay guys, so I need an API through which I can actually communicate the messages that is through and to and fro. So how do I do that? I have something called as webhooks. I won't get into the details of it, but it helps me in better communication rather. So I would be needing to enter in these details here. These are available here on my dashboard if I scroll down I need this thing one copy. I pissed it here. copy Again, I paste it here. And these are the subscription fields that I need to respond. So I say verify and Save. There you go. Select a pager again sample metalbending subscribe. So my web hooks are done now. My next job is NLP. Sample metalbending I say yes. And add all these to submission. There are certain details that you need to enter one is as in what kind of communication would you like to have here first select the page? I see if I say hi. Give me a reply saying hello. Okay, and I just scroll down here and I say save. There you go. Next is this. For better enduring guys. Don't worry about this thing. This is just a basic input okay. Mmm. Why do I need to access apps local? better communication I say And lastly I have this thing. Okay now for better time management Maybe Okay, I see. They go guys. So this has been saved and almost everything is done and I believe you're good to go. So this information has been entered in properly before I do that. I need to set this thing live it would give me an error here. I'm sure okay, you must provide a valid policy or a URL policy in order to make your application life. How do we do that? It has to be there somewhere in the setting part. So there you go private URL policy we enter it here. Let's use sample da TV moving and I save the changes. How can I set it live? Definitely? I can set it live now. So I said set it live it would say select a domain first. Which domain do you want to Target? It's a education and I say confirm. There you go. So this is done. Let me just go back to I believe you. My app has been set life. Start a submission for approval. Yes, please select all these fields. And I say add 7 items. There you go. So this has been done guys and our app is good to go now. So I would just go ahead and save this thing. Okay, so If we just go back to the channels, we would see that our Facebook Messenger has been added. So if I do put forth a query that would be replied into my Facebook Messenger or my account would reply that is my chatbot would reply using my account. So for that okay, this refreshing takes a while at times so we should see the messenger app here. There you go. If I click on it I get this at my disposal. And if I type high this time round, I should get a reply. How can we help? Do you provide support? So there you guys we've successfully gone ahead and we've actually integrated our so-called application with our application on Facebook. That means a chatbot is replying using our Facebook application. So that is a plus and that is what I wanted you all guys to see so what we've done is we've gone ahead and created a chatbot. We've created an application on Facebook and we've combined these two so that if I can throw in queries on to my Facebook or if somebody comes in and throws in a query much chatbot would reply on that page as well. So we have Fully done that and this was the aim of the session. Today we will be comparing these three powerful Cloud platforms and see how they stack up against each other. So let's get started before we dig in here's the quick intro Amazon web services was established in year 2006 but 12 years of experience. It's the most popular player in the market. It offers wide range of services across storage compute analytics data base and many other fields and like six to seven years after AWS Usher was launched by Microsoft though its way anger. Do a WS it has quickly built a reputation for itself in the market and just like AWS, it offers complete set of cloud services. And in the same year as Microsoft Azure Google Cloud platform was launched as well. The main reason of introducing gcp was to power their own services like YouTube and Google search but later on the build Enterprise cloud services as well. So you can say that Google Cloud platform is still an evolving cloud computing platform now that we have an idea. A foundation of these Cloud providers. Let's see where the sun and terms of market share. So here's the snippet of media interpretation. And you need to keep in mind that this information is with respect to first quarter of 2018. So Amazon web services delivered a 49 percent increase in sales that is up to five point four four billion dollars then Microsoft Azure - Road increase of 17 percent that's up to seven point nine billion dollars and alphabet Google's parent company said that the division which had gcp along with The services like Google hardware and Google App Store saw a revenue growth of 36 percent. That's up to four point five billion dollars and with all this starts. I can confidently say that Amazon web services is still in the lead and holds Lion Share of market. So if I have to tell that infirm of numbers the Amazon holds 33% that's almost about one-third of the total market. Then we have Microsoft which holds about 13% and finally Google which holds about 6% So to conclude Amazon web. Services market share is bigger than x next to largest competitors combined together. Now that we know who leads the market. Let's compare these Cloud providers based on the services they offer so first, let's consider compute Services the compute services offered by all these three Cloud providers are equally powerful and yet unique in their own way Amazon's primary compute service is easy to purchase elastic Cloud compute as for the Microsoft its primary compute service is known as virtual machine. Unlike Amazon's ec2. This washing machine provides enhanced security hybrid Cloud capabilities and integrated support for Microsoft software similar to Amazon's ec2 and Microsoft Azure swatches machine Google Cloud platform offers compute engine this compute engine offers automatic price discounts and at once on an infrastructure that uses half the energy of typical data center. Well, that's about the primary compute Services. Now, let's take a look at additional. I'll compute Services. I'm sure you know that all this Cloud providers provide a combination of IRS pass and SAS services, but to say platform-as-a-service a strong suit of Microsoft. So Microsoft Azure offers a short cloud services using which you can easily deploy scale and draw in an application on flower Amazon's elastic Beanstalk and Google's Google app engine are similar to this Azure cloud services moving on. Let's say you want to deploy a virtual Private server without bothering about the underlying infrastructure. Then Amazon night sale is the best option similar to Amazon lightsail Microsoft Azure offers virtual machine engine and Google Cloud platform has yet to launch one such similar service. So all this Cloud providers also support container platform and the offer their own unique survival is Computing Services as well to conclude and turns of compute all the three Cloud providers offer equally powerful compute services and yet I say that Google Cloud platform the still lagging behind and some areas now moving on to storage Services AWS offers a long list of storage services to name some it offers simple storage service elastic block storage and elastic file storage talking about database options at offers Amazon Aurora a high-performance relational database Amazon RDS and dynamodb managed nosql database a SS also offers a cloud-based data warehouse, which we know As Amazon redshift though. It doesn't offer a backup service per se it offers Amazon Glacier for long-term archival storage at very low rates. Then talking about Microsoft Azure. It offers way more storage Services than compared to AWS and just for the basic storage it offers for options and for database it offers six to five options and like AWS. It also offers cloud-based data warehouse, which we call as your data warehouse and unlike AWS Microsoft offers. Is an actual backup service called as your backup in addition to this is your backup. It also offers site recovery and archival storage a final Contender Google Cloud platform when compared to AWS and Microsoft assured offers less number of storage services with the storage services like Cloud Spano and Cloud big table are quite popular and it doesn't offer backup or any archival storage service. So in terms of storage Amazon web services and Microsoft Azure star neck to neck whereas Google Cloud platform. Khan has still a long way to catch up with Amazon and assured all these vendors are actively launching Services aimed at cutting it Technologies like survival is Computing machine learning analytics and iot, if you talking about Amazon web services it offers Athena and quick site using which you can get Data Insights. It also offers a machine learning service called sage maker and legs using which you can build Voice and text chat Bots. And as for the iot devices it offers green gas iot messaging app. And as for Microsoft, it has invested heavily in artificial intelligence and it offers a machine learning service called ml studio and a bot service called Azure bot service and addition to this. It also offers cognitive services like Bing search API text analysis VPI computer vision API and many other services and then Google Google Cloud platform is known for its analytical background. I'm sure you might have heard of a service called Big query that enables interactive analysis of massive. Large data sets an addition to all this it also offers iot and servile is Computing Services, but still they are in beta version though. One of the major benefits of most flower providers as that competitive pricing strategies and all these three Cloud providers follow pay-as-you-go model. It means you need to pay on the basis of usage. Where an Amazon charges you on Harley basis Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud platform charge one minute basis and all. the three Cloud providers offer you on demand pricing that is the standard price you pay when you access their services and then in addition to that Amazon also offers you spot instances reserved instances and dedicated host where you're liable to get certain discounts based on some conditions then as far as your it offers special price for developers and something called as your hybrid benefit suppose your organization runs some sort of Microsoft software on its own data center then using this as your hybrid benefit you can get 40% And discount depending on the type of Microsoft software you use it and as for Google, it offers customer-friendly pricing compared to Azure and Amazon web services, it offers different type of discounts to name some you have sustained use discount these type of discounts usually kick in automatically when you keep using same instance for most part of the month, then you have preemptible instances, which is similar to Amazon spot instances. And one more thing is that all these three Cloud providers offer your long-term discounts. So if I After conclude Google Cloud platform as almost always the lowest class provider. Then you have a sure the second least expensive and it's prices are usually close to armazones. And if you are looking for long-term discounts as an Amazon web services is the best option the big takeaway here is that you won't know which vendors least expensive until you know, what you need with this Cloud providers. So now that we have looked at the features and pricing. Let's see which one of this Cloud providers are easy to get started with so any guesses Well, if you're guessing atps, it's right here Blaze provides this nice and easy page to start using the services. You can see that the break it down by platform you want to work on. So whether you're making an IOS app or writing in PHP the provide you some sample code so that you can easily get started and as for Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud platform, the segregation of services here is not that great when compared to AWS. That's mostly because they are less experienced. So you need some getting used to before you feel comfortable to start using the services. So there you go guys. We have compare all these Cloud providers based on their market share features pricing and implementation to conclude Amazon web services Still Remains to be the most popular cloud provider. Mostly because of the seven years Head Start, it has over its competitors and aw services are far more evolved and functionally Richmond compared to other services. It has its weak points as well. It doesn't support hybrid Cloud strategy and its counterpart Microsoft Azure though it was On several years after AWS. It's doing fairly well in the market it has its form foundation and is actively competing against Amazon web services. You shouldn't be surprised if it overtakes Amazon web services in near future and then our final Contender Google Cloud platform when compared to AWS and Microsoft Azure Estelle, not that popular but it's known for its pricing strategies and machine learning and article tools at offers. But other than that, it has a long way to meet up Amazon web services and Azure, so guys every cloud computing platform. Form has its ups and downs, but the best cloud computing platform or the one that's suitable for you. Julie depends on what you expect from these Cloud providers or what kind of services you need from these Cloud providers in these Cloud providers are what kind of services you need from these Cloud providers today. I'm going to give you top 10 reasons as to why one should go ahead and then Microsoft Azure, so let's not waste any time and quickly get started. The first reason on my list is security now when you talk about cloud service providers people normally have the doubts whether these platforms are secure enough or not. But Microsoft Azure puts all these debates to rest. It uses something called a security development lifecycle this ensures Security even from the operations perspective and also from the customers perspective. Plus they have more than 50 compliance programs, which ensure that all these stringent policies are implemented and they're thoroughly taken care of. So if you're worried about security do not Microsoft Azure will definitely take care of all your security concerns integration since people want to move the data to Cloud. We would be talking about a lot of applications and when you talk about a lot of applications you need to be able to integrate these applications with your service provider. That is why you need to have good integration. And apis what Microsoft Azure does is it first of all provides you with dotnet integration. Now, we all know that dotnet is a very popular language and if you are able Incorporate or use with Microsoft Azure, it would be a big plus and Microsoft Azure exactly. Does that apart from that? If you do want to go ahead and use other applications or maybe other Technologies you are free to do that as well because it has something called as API management which ensures integration or collaboration of various applications with Microsoft Azure. So again integration is something that can be done very easily by using Microsoft azure. Analytics and machine learning now when you talk about analytics or machine learning, you know that you would be dealing with huge amount of data. Now in that case you need databases that can deal with both SQL kind of queries and nosql kind of queries that means both structured and unstructured data Microsoft Azure makes arrangements for these type of queries and databases as well. It also supports blocks another service and various other algorithms like your machine learning algorithms artificial intelligence algorithms and a lot of things that you can do in machine learning and data. And basically now we all know that these Technologies and terms are very popular in recent times and they are here to stay and Microsoft Azure will ensure that it takes care of all these Technologies and approaches as well of Ops. This is another approach which is very popular. What it does is it brings in developers and operators together when you talk about software development now, it has various phases and these two teams play a very important role in it, and they normally have a conflict. Because they share similar interests, but they deal in different environments. What devops does is it brings these two teams together and that ensures Breezy development and it also ensures fine-tuning of various applications Microsoft Azure also incorporates this approach. So if you are interested in develops, Microsoft Azure will let you do that as well. Sixth on this list is hybrid capabilities or in simple words customization. You need to have a platform. It is highly consistent because you are talking about different applications coming together Microsoft Azure provides with that kind of a platform. Plus it also ensures high level of connectivity. It uses something called a CD and that is content delivery networks and vpns on these things ensure static moment of data and applications. And that is a very healthy point to have when you're talking about hybridization or customization of your applications. First on this list. We have pass offerings pass stands for Um as a service what Microsoft Azure does is it provides you with a platform where you can easily set up your applications. That means you can build them. You can manage them. You can monitor them and also take care of all the security issues as well and also all these things happen at a very low cost that means your cost to set up is very less forth on this list. We have learning curve if you wish to incorporate a particular technology or a service provider, it should be easy to learn and that is the case. Microsoft Azure, it is fairly easy to pick up and understand plus we have a lot of documentation. Zand study groups that let you go ahead and learn Microsoft azure. The next point on this list is scalability. This is often the problem with cloud services. The reason why Cloud came into existence was it wanted to overtake or overcome this problem of scalability because it was difficult to pre decide how many servers or space you are going to use. So people move to cloud and Microsoft Azure definitely takes care of this issue because it enables granular scaling and it lets you scale up and down as per your need. This makes the system very flexible and easy to make changes that is if you want to have a completely So in this application you can do that as well. Cost efficiency now. This is a very important point because when you talk about money people normally tend to look at businesses where they can save a lot of money and yet end up making a lot more money than what they've invested Microsoft Azure ensures that you use a model called as pay-as-you-go. That means you would be paying only for those services that you use and only for the time duration you are using them plus you can also go ahead and keep track of all the costs and the money that you would be investing or you have already invested. That means you have ready to use Which tell you as an if you use these services for this longer period of time you would be charged this much so you can keep a perfect track of how much money you would be investing or you are using right now. So if cost-efficiency something that is there in your mind Microsoft Azure will definitely make sure that you pay very less money. The final few now when I was jotting these points down. I realized that I had more than 10 points. So I just went ahead and jotted few points for my last point. So well as on-demand, I believe I just discussed this point that means while you create your applications, you would not want to get into a phase where you have to deal with your servers or at least maintain or monitor them what Microsoft Azure does is it maintains your servers and software is for you so you can focus on your business problems and create applications independently, so it is truly serve well as on demand Container services now, this is nothing but an approach again this lets you have containerization or rather virtualization at the operating system level which ensures that you can go ahead and build your applications with much more ease. Now there is a containerization technique called as communities and what Microsoft Azure does is it lets you use coupon at ease that means you can simplify your process of building applications again identity provider. This is an important Point as well. Now when you're talking about a lot of applications, you will have to go ahead and sign in for every application identity provider what it does is it lets you have a single sign so you do not have to worry about going Iden signing in again and again and this brings us to the last point that is application monitoring since you are dealing with so many applications again, you want to be in a situation where you have all the metrics or all the data that is moving around and you would want to keep a track of all these data what application monitoring does is it provides you with a feature called as Insight management which gives you a matrix at a single click and you can have all the information that you want to have so these Some of the points I feel which are very important and I felt that these were the top points that I wanted to discuss with you people. If you people do have any different suggestions or you feel that there are certain other points, which are more important than these we can definitely share those points in the comment section below. We will talk about few as your interview questions. So first of all, we need to understand what exactly is your is and what's the reason behind us understanding and talking about these interview questions. So as you're as pretty hot topic these days it's a part of Microsoft cloud lot of people who are listening to this particular webcast would have been heard of might have heard of AWS. Is that when we talk about Google cloud is that this one from Microsoft which we are talking about There's a huge potential as far as cloud is concerned and the market is huge. The market is hot these days and I will share a few of my experiences as far as the interview is concerned and the questions relevant to a zero. So if you talk about this particular interview session, I mean the question and answer session, I would say rather or interview. So this covers two major courses in Azure one is 5:33 and one is so 534. So 533 is for admins and 5:30. For is for Architects. So when you talk about admins the people who are responsible for managing and doing the run and maintain every day one is your so the questions on this particular slide would focus on that and at the same time few things related to the architecting part, right? So there is another course also from Microsoft itself, which is why 32, we will not focus much in 532 because that talks about I would say programming. So how do you use as your I would Services in order to put here Services, I would say your applications one is your so that basically focuses on that so we would not talk much in terms of that. So this will again focus on five 33 and 34. So let's just start with the interview questions. So now when you talk about cloud computing lot of different people have different definitions of cloud computing. So now of cloud computing is something which is not very new technology. I would say, I mean the terminology is new, but the Elegy is not the first product I would say which was talking about Cloud was my Hotmail which was designed and developed by subbing party. So I'm sure a lot of people listening to this webinar would be aware of that particular name. So what he did was he design a mail server? So in that particular mail server, I used to provide an access my nails, right? So that means server was in the cloud and then I was connecting to that mail server remotely to access my mail. So that makes the cloud product right? So now when you talk about Cloud computing these days the definition has changed but as far as the working is concerned at it remains pretty much the same. So now when you talk about this we talk about that we use and pay right so paper uses the kind of more what we talked about. So we basically use and then pay only for that amount of I would not say data, but I would say Services which we use so there's explanation down there in the slide. It talks about it is the use of servers on the internet to store manage and process. Yes data difference is instead of using your own servers. You're using somebody else's server to do the task and pay them for the amount of time for which you use them. Right? So this is what the idea is. So paper uses the model which we focus on when we talk about cloud computing these days, right? So this is what club is this is what a basic definition of cloud is if you search the internet you will have more than is a hundred hundred plus definitions on cloud. Now as far as definition sunflower a concern It's up to you which one you would like to adapt and which one you would like to go when but then it works with a single model which is paper use. So when you use you pay if you don't hear you don't pay and end of day using somebody elses resources. No, you're not using your own resources and you're only paying for their resources what you use? Okay now talking about different type of services which we talked about as far as my flower is concerned. So there are three major things what we talked about. It is isps and SAS and the other things like somebody has talked about días database-as-a-service. Then you talk about SES so that is for my mails, but then majorly we categorize these into three types one is isps and SAS. So I asked talks about infrastructure as a service and you get the hardware in that from the cloud provider as a service. So say for example, you want to go ahead and deploy a machine deploy a server. So basically when you talk about that particular scenario, you are basically putting a server in IAS, which is my infrastructure as a service. So you get complete control on a virtual machine, which is there in the cloud hosted by Microsoft Google or AWS. And then you can just go ahead and pour in your resources on to that particular machine. So this is how it works right simple enough. Then you talk about Pas platform as a service. So in this you don't get access to your machine or in other Words, you can say you don't get access to the underlying layer, but you get complete access to the resources or the services, right? So it's more like my platform on which you publish your applications or you put your application. There are few examples. So I talked about my web apps my mobile apps which are in is your then talk about the last type of service offered in Cloud. So this is my SAS. So when you talk about SAS you get software as a service and as you're so you don't need to About infrastructure. You don't need to worry about platform. So you basically are getting the end product which may be running on the infrastructure which may be running on the platform. So for example, when you launch a VM on as your if you talk about OS you're not buying the OS and if you talk about PS, you're not buying the service. So you just basically paying for the software which is running on either is or either way. Yes. So this is what we get as far as my types of cloud is strand now, let's just jump onto another question. Now, what are the different Cloud deployment models? So explanation talks about three models, which we have one is my public Cloud one is my private cloud and why is my hybrid Cloud? So let's just take this with examples. So I am a general user. I'm a home user. I want go ahead and put a website. So I decide that my website will be hosted on my cloud, right so I won't go ahead and deploy a VM on the cloud and I won't put my Website over that so I go to Microsoft website as your website, I sign up that and then I maybe you can see provision of machine. Once I provision of machine I put is on top of it once I put is on top of it. I will just go ahead and move my resources when I say move my resources more my application in the cloud. So what I'm trying to say is General basic end user who's sitting at home can log into the cloud get a machine and then use a machine, right? So this is what my public cloud is, so it's available for the public, right? Then you talk about the private Cloud as far as private cloud is concerned. It's owned by the Enterprise. Okay, and only Enterprise people will have access to it. So organizations like Accenture, or maybe we approve or maybe capgemini cognizant. So these people own a private Cloud, right? So the idea is that the resources are owned by them and hence their people are the ones who will go ahead and access that but then at times what happens is they give access to their private Cloud for Their customers also now you might have question that why do I build the private flower because end of day I'm spending a lot of money on infrastructure. I'm spending a lot of money on air conditioning electricity and I'm spending a lot of money on licensing also, so why can't I just go ahead and work on public Cloud. Why do I need to go ahead and Implement a private Cloud now, basically when you talk about a private Cloud private cloud is built for automation. So that is one of the most important things and the second important part one we talked about Is that when you talk about private Cloud it gives me more control over the resources. Whereas when you talk about public Cloud. I do not have control over the resources because everything is owned by the vendor right now talking about hybrid clouds. So I'll give you an example for this. Also, I go to Amazon and Amazon is my public cloud provider and I tell them that I need a private Cloud. So would it be possible for you host a private Cloud for me. So Amazon says yes, and they dedicate a list of resources for me. Lie for me only for my organization. So now we need to talk about Amazon Amazon is hosting a public Cloud but then they also are capable enough of hosting a private Cloud for my organization. So that makes it a hybrid Crown. So this is what hybrid Cloud means. So these are three different ways of how I categorize these Cloud models now fear the questions now the question says I have some private servers on my premises. Also I have distributed some of My workloads on the public Cloud. What is the architecture called when you talk about this kind of scenario? So we talked about my virtual private Network. So these are my query options basically virtual private Network. Then we talk about private cloud and we talked about my virtual private cloud and then you have hybrid Cloud. Okay again, so just read the question carefully and then probably I'll just jump onto the next slide and we will talk about the answer and the explanation. So again, I would say I have some private servers on my Mice has also have distributed some of my workloads on the public Cloud vertices this architecture called. Okay, so now it says hybrid Cloud. So when you talk about this this type of architecture would be on a hybrid Cloud why because we use both public cloud and the on-premise server, which is on the private realm. Let's just jump onto the next question. So we have a few General SEO questions now, these are as your space. Terrific the questions which we did talk about previously. You are just general Cloud questions, right? So if you are giving an interview for maybe a day, or maybe aw, so maybe Google so those four questions are something which you I would say go with any of these scenarios any of the interview which you would do. Okay. Now, these are specific General is your question. So when I say specific generalize your questions, so we talked about only as urine. Okay. So the first question talks about What is Microsoft Azure and why is it used? Okay, so as I initially said that is your is my public Cloud prolongation. So let's just see how it works. So we have a definition on the next slide. Okay, so as discussed above the companies which provide cloud services or clock called Cloud providers, and of course, I did explain you this in the previous slide. I mean the first slide which we talked about. So I explain you about Google so that is a cloud provider I explained to you about aw a star as a cloud provider. Wider and then I talked about Israel, which is a cloud provider. So now is your s from Microsoft and the idea behind this is it's more like my public Cloud so you can go to a zero you can log onto is you create a machine and then start working on that. So this is one of the cloud providers so Microsoft is one of the cloud providers one of the major Cloud providers these days, right? So this is what my is your is now talking about with services and SEO is used to manage resources and energy or so. We Few options. I have my application in sight I have my here in which is my is your resource manager. Then you have my is your portrait then you have my log and let X. Okay. So as far as this is concerned so we talked about my ERM. So this is a service which is basically on the newer coated right? So now when you talk about these Services, which is on the new portrait, so it is used to manage the infrastructure which involves a number of is your senses. It's basically my fabric, so I'm not sure how many people Are aware of what is energy or fabric? But then the idea behind this is that when you talk about my is your fabric as your fabric now runs on something called are a previously in version 1 of is your it was using the service management model. So now this is a new thing right? So when you talk about managing the resources and is 0 so we basically talked about resource manager model and then how Services run it how they work and how they interact with each other. There are lot of things which you need to work on and what you need to learn. As far as my Adam is but for the time being you just need to remember that we talked about my as your resource manager, so this is something which runs everything and takes care of lot of different things. As far as measure is concerned. So when Aaron came lot of different game a lot of different things started coming in so tag was one of them resource groups was another one. So if you have are familiar with Resource Group great, if you familiar with tags, great, if you're not just go to Google and search for it and you'll find your answer. Sirs, okay, then you have few questions, which of the following web applications can be deployed with is zero. Okay, so we can of course put applications in his ear now. You might have a question where exactly I can use these applications or where exactly I can deploy the applications. So to answer that you can deploy it either an ISO. You can deploy it either in paas, right so you can of course deploy you can deploy PHP. You can deploy WCF The answer is all of the above, but then it's very important for you to understand that if there is an application which is on Java so that may have few problems when you deploy it on is you're right because of course as your is majorly designed for Microsoft Services. Okay. Now when you talk about these Microsoft Services Java is not a Microsoft product. So it's more like it's not that friendly when you compare it with other services, which we are running in the cloud, okay? Specific to Microsoft cloud, of course, I would say Okay jumping on to the next one then few other questions. So these are my fill in the blanks a - role is a virtual machine instance running Microsoft IIs web services that can accept and respond to https or HTTP request. Okay. So we have four options in here one is my web one is my server one is my worker and one is my client. Okay. Now when you talk about this the answer to that is A patrol is something which is basically posted on a virtual machine and is running on Microsoft II's web server and that is capable of accepting HTTP and https requests. So basically on the web roll, what you do is you can upload your website and your website runs on top of it and then of course, you know that my website works on HTTP and https. So hence my web goal is the one which is capable enough of running that particular maybe application or software or web services. Has okay the other question what we talk about is what is the use of roles in Microsoft Azure? So when you talk about what is the use of Rose we talked about three rules one is my web roll one is my worker role and one is my BMW. Okay. So now when you talk about my web roll web roll basically is for hosting and deploying my websites. Okay, the worker rule is the one which basically helps the web rule to execute the background processes the example I can give you is my Jobs, I'm not sure how many people are aware of their jobs. But if you want to can again search on the internet, so my web rule is reciting one worker role worker role is the one which supports my web role and the worker rule is the one which actually resides on my VM bro. Okay. So this is the one which talks to the underlying layer. It's more like a framework it acts as a framework. So that means on the operating system. I have my worker role on top of it. I have my web roll. So my web browser is the one which will host fine. Services I would not say services but the applications rather. Okay. So jumping onto the next one. Now. The question says is it possible to create virtual machines using a CRM in a virtual Network that was created using classic deployment. And of course, I don't think so. It's possible. So let's just see this is not supported as I said because ERM is something different and previously the classic pokeballs using a different model of a deployment. So it used my classic Model of deploy. Which was basically for service management and if you see if you're aware of the two portraits, you will see there's a huge difference in how classic poker was and how the new vocalist so there's a huge difference in terms of that also. So it's not possible jumping onto the next question. What a virtual machines skill sets so scaling up scaling down. So if you're not aware if I have more number of requests coming in my virtual machines have the capacity and capability to scale up and scale Down based upon. Schedule and performance. Okay. So in other words what I can say is if my CPU is spiking 200% or not hundred percent I would cap it to 9. So if my CPU is spiking 290 and my requests are still coming in for accessing that portal the web portal. Maybe you can say which is drawing on this particular machine. So my skill set is intelligent enough to scale one more instance and then load balance the traffic between the two instances which are now deployed running the same set of our Kitchen, okay. So this is what my skill set. Does it automatically Auto scales. I would say rather the workloads right based upon the performance and the schedule now how the schedule thing works. So say for example, if starting from morning 9:00 to evening 9 you have more number of visitors on the website so you can scale more number of instances for your website and after 9 p.m. At night, you can minimize the number of instances right? So this is how my skillset works. Okay, jumping onto next question our dinner disappointed with in skill set. So now first of all when we talk about this, yes, of course, my data discs are supported in scales and okay. So when you talk about this a skill set can be defined as attached data disk configuration that applies to all we have Sandy said so there are few types of data disc examples, which are given over there. So one is of course my is your files which is my SMB share disk. And then you have my OS drives. Then you have my temp drives then you have my SEO data. Also slightly blogs are there and tables are there and cubes are there and then you have my external data services such as remote databases. So all of these are supported all of the discs are support which you see over there talking about availability set. So do skill sets work with is your availability set. Now. First of all, you need to understand what is an availability set availability set is basically grouping of servers so that I can load balance information among those servers. So that is done for high availability. And there is something called fault domain and update domain as far as high workability is concerned. So Faldo means say is that if I have two VMS in same availability set both the VMS will share the common power source and common Network. Okay, as far as update domain is concerned. So update domain talks about that if I have a say for example 10 vm's and I would keep the value of obtain domain to 2, so I will have sex of to to each right so I'll have a group of to to eat. Right and at a given point in time if Microsoft needs to perform a planned maintenance only one update domain will go down argument for it. So this is what my optic nerve endings. So now doesn't support my availability set the scale set supports my availability set. Yes, the skillset supports my availability set and you can just go ahead and fetch some information about the availability said if you're not very much well versed with variability sets as far as my answer is concerned. Okay, and there is a small description also. So with that so I'll just read that for you. Yes, the skill set is an implicit availability set with five fault domains and 5 update domains. Okay skill sets of more than a hundred VM span multiple placement groups, which are equivalent to multiple availability sets Okay. So this is what it means and then I would just skip the other part because I've given you enough explanation for this and I would definitely recommend that you read availability set. Okay. Now the question is what is a break fix. Shoom break fix issue is a technical problem, which is like your environment as running and then all of us are no problem comes right that is a break and then fixing that particular problem as my fix, right? So technical problems are called break fix issues. It is the industry term which refers to work involved in supporting a technology when it fails in the normal course of function, which requires intervention by a support organization to restore the service. Okay, so this is what quick fixes Now it's not specific to is you're actually it's just a common term what we use as far as my services are concerned. So even if I talk about on-prem on-premise Network, so we still talk about brick fixations, right? So, I'm not sure how many people have got a chance to call Microsoft and open a support case in case you have issues with any of the things in your environment. So those issues are basically my right fix issues jumping onto next question. Why is azure active directory? Just okay. Now when you talk about is your active directory active directory is used for identity and access management. First of all, and it's a Pass based service is your active directory is a fast-paced service now, it is used to Grant access to employees to specific products and services in your network. So there are a lot of examples Twitter, right? I can give you a few more examples office365 into which are two different products for Microsoft. So they work with Azure active directory right now as RAB has some in build support for applications in the gallery which can be added directly. Okay, so there is a gallery and then you can just go ahead and add support for Azure active directory to any application which is available in the gallery. Okay talking about few other questions regarding SEO really what happens when you exhaust the maximum failed attempts for authenticating yourself via is your EB? Okay. So we have a more sophisticated strategy to account lockout which is based on IP. The request at the password enter. Okay. So now when you talk about on-prem we talk about account lockups. So if you enter incorrect passwords more than three times, so your account is logged out and it will be unlocked after maybe 15 minutes or half an hour or one hour based upon how your administrator has configured it. Now the same thing happens in as your ad but then it happens based upon the IP address. Okay, so it will go ahead and track the IP address of the requests and the password. I entered and the duration of the lockout also increases based upon the likelihood that is in the attack. Okay. So this is how it works when we talk about maximum failed attempts for authenticating yourself. Okay, jumping onto the next question. Where can I find a list of applications that are pre-integrated with is your ad and their capabilities? So when you talk about this my eyes you're a lie has around 2600 pre-integrated applications and all pre-integrated applications. For single sign-on single sign-on, let's your organization credentials to access your apps some of the applications also Spore automated provisioning and de-provisioning. So there's a gallery you can just go to the gallery and then you can give list of applications which are available for using my is Yuri. But of course that is not the complete list of applications which are available which you can use as far as this is concerned. There are huge number of applications which are supported by 0eb. Okay. For single sign-on is one of the components of Israeli. So probably in case you're not aware of single sign-on, you can just go ahead and do some research on that now talking about the next question. How can I use applications with is your ad that I am using on premise? Of course, you can do that. Now my is already gives you an easy and secure way to connect to the web app that you choose you can access these applications in a way you can access your sass faced applications and as your ad so you don't need to Have a VPN installed. Okay, then just go ahead and install a component and then you are ready to go. You can use the applications which are there on premise few examples I can give you is you can use your SharePoint. You can use your web apps for which the servers are installed on your premises and you would like to use as your ad for authentication. So Tim do that for sure. Now the question important question very important question. What is this is your fabric service fabric. So when you talk about that my is your service. Fabric is a distributed system platform that makes it easy to package deploy and manage scalable and reliable microservices. Okay. So this is the II which actually controls your network your storage and your compute. Okay, which are basically the most critical components of my cloud. So if my fabric will not be running in the back end so nobody will be assigning IP addresses. Nobody will be assigning resources and nobody will be These storage. Okay. So this is the guy which actually runs everything I would say in the cloud infrastructure, right? Okay. Let's go further service fabric also addresses the significant challenges in developing and managing Cloud applications developers and administrators can avoid complex infrastructure problems and focus on implementing mission-critical demanding workloads that are scalable reliable and manageable. Now, my service fabric represents the Next Generation middleware platform for building and managing these sighs class p.m. One cloud-based application. Okay. Now what is V net we net is basically nothing but my virtual Network so we night is a representation of your own network in the cloud it logically isolates your instances launched in the cloud from rest of the resources, which you have in the cloud. So this is my whole network based on which my configuration of machines depend on me the subnets the address space depends on right talking about feel things. What are the differences between subscription administrator and directory administrator? So when you talk about the subscription administrator, the subscription administrator is the one which is responsible for the complete subscription by default. Only one subscription administrator role is assigned in Azure subscription administrator can either be a Microsoft account or either can be your work account. And that guy has control over the complete Azure portal and the services which run on them. Okay, if you want you can just go ahead and sign up more accounts which are basically subscription administrator. And these people are my co admins now as far as the Azure ad is concerned. So the account which we set up over there for identity and access management. So we talked about my 0dd administrator the directory administrator. So let's just read this as your Ada has a different set of admin rules to manage the directory and identity related features. These admins will have access to various features and as your portrait All the is your classic portal and the admin roles determine what they can do like create or edit users assign administrative roles to others and so on. So this is what my eyes you're a lie administrators. Are there any scale limits for customers using managed disk manage disk eliminates the limit associated with storage accounts. Now first of all, you need to understand. What is the manage disk? Right when you create a machine now these days you will have an option over there that you want to use manage risk or unmanaged. Yes. Right. So when you select manage bisque Microsoft manages, I would not say Microsoft but then the air is your fabric manages all your desk, right? So a disc which is assigned to VM will be managed by a zero. Okay. So this is what my manage this is now using my manage disk. I basically eliminate the limit associated with my storage account. However, the number of manage diskpart subscription is limited to 2,000 by default. Okay, so you can have two thousand manage desk in Azure subscription now talk. But what's the difference between service bus cues and storage cubes. Now, the Azure storage Q is simple and the developer experience is quite good. It uses the local Azure storage emulator and debugging is made quite easy. The tool for Azure storage Cube allows you to easily peek at the top 32 messages. And if the messages are in XML or Json will be able to visualize their content directly with the visual studio furthermore. These cues can be purged of their content which is especially especially useful during the development process the queue efforts basically and as far as my service buses concern, so the has your service bus cubes are evolved and surrounded by many useful mechanisms that make it Enterprise worthy. They're built into service pass and are able to forward messages to other cues and topics and they have built-in header message queue and messages that are time to live that has control hence messages don't automatically disappear after 70s. So if you talk about This probably will have to go ahead and read about what is a service mask you and my storage cues. So I talked about my storage views which are a part of my storage itself. If you're not aware of Storage storage has four types of storage one is my blog one is my files one is my cues and one is my tables, right? So you need to have more information of what my storage Q's is okay now talking about what is is your reddish cash. So that is an open-source in-memory data structure store used as as a database and then you talk about cash and a message poker. So when you talk about my is zero radius cash that is based on the popular open source redis cash. It gives you access to secure dedicated redis cash managed by Microsoft and accessible from any application with an SEO. It supports data structures such as trains hashes list sets sorted sets with a big range of queries bitmaps hyper logs and indexes with radius. It is okay. Another question we talk about is why does not Microsoft writers cash have an MSD in class Library reference like some of the other is your services now, of course when you talk about this, this is an Open Source One, very important thing now. My Microsoft red is Cash is based on the popular open source Riders cash and can be accessed ssible by a wide range of reddest lines. And that is the reason we cannot just go ahead and pour it into msdn. Okay, so simple enough Just remember that because each client is different. There is not one centralized class reference on msdn. So we cannot just restrict it. Maybe you can see right. So this is the reason we do not have any MSD in class library for my that is Cash. What is my red is databases? So red is database are just a logical separation of data within some relish instances. The cache memory is shared between all the databases and actual memory consumption depends on The key value stored in the database. For example, a C6 cash has 53 GB of memory and you can choose to put all 53 GB into one database or you can split into multiple set of databases. Then you have another question. Why was Mike line disconnected from the cash? Okay. Now when you talk about this the following are some common reasons for cash disconnect now my client side causes the client. Education was redeployed the client application performed a scaling operation in the case of cloud services or web apps. This may be due to Auto scaling the networking layer of the client-side changed. Then you have transient errors occurred in the client or in the network node because of the client and the server the bandwidth threshold limits were reached cpu-bound operations took more long to complete and then you have my server side issues. Also, if you have the server side issues also on the stand cash offering there is It is cache service initiates a failover from the primary note to the second reload. Now as your was patching the instances where the cash flows deployed and this can be the radius server updates or Journal be a maintenance then you have what is does your search so simple enough is your search is a cloud search as a service solution that delegates server and infrastructure management to Microsoft leaving you with a ready-to-use service that can populate with all your data and then use to add search to your Or the mobile application so it works with rest API or dotnet sdks. Of course, the other questions my web app still uses an old Docker container image and I have updated the image on Docker Hub, which is basically the new portal what we talked about. So we are basically talking about container services. Do you support continuous integration deployment of custom containers. Now, first of all for private registries, you can refresh the container by stopping and starting the web app. You can change or add a dummy application setting to a force and refresh of your container. So this is what you can do now talking about feel things. What are the expected values for startup file section and I can figure the runtime stack now for Jess knows you specify a p.m. To configuration file or your script file for dotnet code specify your compiled LL name for Ruby. You can specify the Ruby script that you want to initialize with your app. Okay, how your is your Marketplace subscription is priced. So we have these models one is monthly fee. So pay-as-you-go kind of thing usage-based. Then you have free software. So Microsoft gives you a free subscription. So free subscription is valid for a period of one month and you get approximately $200 in that so you can use that then you have the free. So this is for the customers who are not charged Marketplace fee for use of the offerings. Soft offerings and you have by1 bring your own license. Okay. So these are the subscription models basically how these are priced you can say so jumping onto the next one. What is the difference between price software price total price in the cost structure for virtual machine offerings in virtual machine. So let's just see price refers to the cost of azure virtual machine to run the software software price refers to the publisher software running on the virtual machine total price refers to the combined cost of these two simple enough. I don't think so. You need to get more details of this because it's very simple price of VM software price total price don't price is equal to price of VM plus software price. Now, the other question talks about what our stateful and stateless microservices for service fabric. So service fabric enables you to build applications that consists of Microsoft's so stateless micro services such as protocol Gateway and web proxy do not maintain. Just ate outside a request and its response from the service. Now my is your cloud service worker role is an example of a stateless service and my stateful micro services such as user accounts databases devices shopping carts and Hughes maintain a mutual authoritative State beyond the request and its response. So this is how it works. Now. What is an application partition? Okay. Now when you talk about the application partition the application partition Are a part of active directory system and having said so they are directory partitions which are replicated to domain controllers. So usually domain controllers that are included in process or directory partition holder replica of the directory partition. Now, maybe you can read some more information. My domain controller has four types of partition one is configuration one is schema. One is my domain partition and then you have my application partition. So all the information related to the application goes in Application partition so it actually again has nothing to do with the cloud but then it's always good to know because if you're designing and developing an application on the cloud, you can just go ahead and put that information in the application partition on the active directory server, but then it's very important for you to understand that we should have an active directory server up and running fine in the club. Okay. So these were few of the questions what we talked about as far as my interview questions. Are so first and foremost, I would start by talking about different job trends that are there in the current market if you talk about Cloud engineering but also discuss certain parameters that affect a cloud Engineers salary, then we would get into the details of job descriptions that are there in the market that different companies require in order to hire a cloud engineer moving further. I would also talk about what skills you should possess and how should you actually go ahead and see? Your resume in order to apply for certain companies having said that guys let's just move further and take a look at some of the job Trends now guys, what I've done is I've actually gone I'd and jotted down certain figures for job vacancies in us and in India, which tell the number as an okay. These are the vacancies. Now. These numbers are specific to indeed which is a popular job portal the quite a few other portals. So this number might not be consistent it might vary but as far as India is concerned. These are the numbers and these are the vacancies. So guys now these are certain factors here. I would like to lay stress on quite a few other pointers as well to do that. What I've done is recently I've written an article on this particular topic which talks about Job Trends and salaries in particular. So I would like to refer that blog and walk you through that block so that we can discuss some of these pointers in little more detail. So let me just quickly switch to the block part. So yeah guys, this is the article that I have written recently if you take a look at it, there are certain factors. Yet now zip recruiter. They gave a number of or the average salary of a cloud engineer and they state that it is in the range of some 104 k21 45k dollars. Now that is a huge amount of to talk about US Dollars and even if you talk about the salary in India now the fact that I'm recording this session from India, I believe I should give the number in Indian rupees as well and the currency states that are the figures state that the amount is somewhere in the range of 15 to 20 lakhs for Or a mid-level ranged experienced person even for a fresher. The amount is fairly high, but it actually depends on the skill set that you have having said that it also states that is zip recruiter that it goes as high as somewhere around 250 K US Dollars, which is a very big number right? And if you can actually go ahead and pick up right amount of skills. You would be getting a high amount of salaries. All I can see having said that lets just move further and take a look at some of the other trends that are there in the market. Now. This is another interesting image, which is given by tick-tock. Now they have put in certain stats in front of you. Now, if you take a look at it, they say that the average salary in u.s. Is somewhere around a hundred and fifteen thousand. No guys this number might vary depending upon the number of data you take in because different people refer to different websites and they pick up data from different sources. So based on that data set this number might vary a little as I've already told you. It is somewhere in the range of a hundred and five 245 K US Dollars again, if you put in or taking data from other sources that might vary a little but it is more or less what this salary that you can expect. Another important Point here is that you can expect a lot of growth rate in cloud computing in recent or in near future. If you take a look at it, it says that it's 121 percent growth rate for job postings Between Two thousand thirteen to Seventeen. So these are the number of job postings that are there in the current market are these are the numbers that have actually taken a rise in recent times and guys this number is going to rise why take a look at the number of global spend. These companies are doing these days minute. About cloud computing in particular 2017. It was somewhere around 150 3.5 billion then it moved to One Eighty six point four billion and by 2021. It is expected to go somewhere on 302 which is almost the double that you had in 2017 guys. So the fact or this fact in particular states that companies are ready to invest in this particular domain and that means they would be requiring people who have skills in this particular domain and hence the need for this kind of a road. So if you talk about Job Trends salary The cloud computing is something that is booming in it is going to Boom in your future as well. So you can expect good pay scale. You can expect good kind of life. If you talk about a career in this particular domain this one more fact here guys. These are some of the skills that employers normally demand a lot as you can see python is something that is trending if you talk about programming languages, everybody knows how important python is because it's making news everywhere people even claim that it has Dethrone Java. I do not know whether it's true or not. I don't get into those. He bit the reason people are claiming that as because it has actually changed the way programming happens these days and that is why the popularity and one more factor that I would like to State here is if you take a look at its predecessor not predecessor, but the one that follows before python in this chart it is a wh it says 50% or 58% of people normally demand the skill in the market. So yes, you can Gauge by it doesn't how popular database has become at as a popular Cloud platform. So the fact that Aw is goes. Well with all the programming languages or all the tools that follow in this chart we can make sure that or you can assume how popular AWS our Cloud platform has become. So again this that states that if you try to make a career in this domain it is going to be a good option for you or it's going to be a bliss for you is all I can say, let's move for the guys and take a look at some of the other factors as well. Now, let's jump into the salary part which follows our pattern in the agenda which I discussed so when you About different parameters that affect salary one of them is what are the companies that are trying to hire Cloud engineers? And what is the salary they're offering now as we take a look at some of the numbers here Resolute Technologies VMware Amazon Accenture Microsoft. These are popular companies guys, and on an average, they're paying you somewhere around 170 160 thousand US Dollars, which is a huge amount. And again, if you ask me about the companies that are going to hire for cloud engineering almost all the major companies that deal with Computing or data processing they are going to switch to cloud in near future companies like GE General electricals. They've actually gone ahead and move to Cloud already which is a big company and quite a few other companies. Now, if you talk about Amazon we talk about Google Microsoft. They themselves are marketing cloud computing. They have their own service providers that actually act as vendors in providing these Cloud Computing Services. So yes major companies are going to move to cloud and they're going to hire you as a cloud engineer having said that let's take Look at some of the other factors that concern a salary of a cloud engineer now guys, if you take a look at salary is based on the job roles. Now, these are the three major job roles. That is a Solutions architect a devops engineer and a systems engineer. And these are the average salaries. I do not agree with these numbers that much numbers can be deceiving at times. Probably Solutions architect is one of the most demanded Cloud jobs. I mean it is the most popular Cloud certification no matter what when do you talk about Solutions architect is something that people people demand a lot. So these are some of the job roles now apart from these job Rose. There are various other job roles as well. But more or less they follow this particular category are these three categories as we move further we would be talking about these job roles. Do not worry about that. But these are some of the numbers I want you to take a note of again guys based on the location your salary might vary and these are some of the positive numbers that are there again, I've used indeed as a source here if I'm not wrong because most of the data that I have picked from it is a combination of indeed paste. And a couple of other websites that are popular going to talk about Job Trends. So yes, when you talk about indeed, these are the numbers that they've given as in based on these states or the location in USA. These are the salaries of its people can claim on an average you have numbers for India as well. Now these are three of the major states that recruit. I know Delhi is one more state, but their numbers are similar to Maharashtra mostly so yep, you can take that into consideration as well. And I'm sorry there is not a straight city, which is popularly hires. Is a lot of Engineers as well really good cow in that domain or in that region in particular the salaries are similar to what you get for Maharashtra guys. So you have these are the three states that the website shows numbers for guys and not which is the ID Hub of India. You can see the salary goes as high as this this is the average salary Maharashtra in particular. This is what which is very closely followed or follows very closely to Karnataka Tamil Nadu to has a lot of requirements for cloud engineers. And as I've already mentioned if you go to the deli part of the And yes, they're two people are looking for these skills as well. It's not that the other parts of the country are not looking for people with these skills is just that these are the major hubs and they come into their Reckoning when you talk about the stats or the data. There are other regions and States where people are normally hiring Cloud Engineers there as well. I constantly go through or do market research a lot when you talk about Cloud Engineering in particular and yes, I've seen requirements in other states as well again Guys. These are the number of job vacancies, which you saw in the presentation. So guys, yes, these are Are certain numbers that are there? And again the numbers are based on indeed guys. If you take a look at the other websites as well, you might find more numbers. So again, this is just a parameter guys. And Beyond is there are a lot more vacancies than what these numbers State the problem here is people are not skilled enough to actually go ahead and get these jobs. So yes, if you are rightly skilled definitely these jobs would be yours salaries based on experience again, you can see mid-level has the most number of salaries guys. Why is that because cloud Mostly is a branch where you would be expected to have certain skills that you've learnt while you worked. So an experience of three to four years is the best place or the best time for you to move to Cloud even two years is what I would say, it's not that pressure should not move into this role they can but again the number of placements that happen for freshers is lesser. Why because the chances of them getting picked as a cloud engineer mostly happens through campuses. I would be talking about this Factor as well. Do not worry. Once we talked about the resume part. I would help you even if you are an entry level person. When a mid-level or midscale person or a senior person at be talking about these pointers? I'm just stating certain numbers here. So entry level people normally find it a little difficult. The most expected part is mid-level. Why because salary something that companies can bargain on and these people are rightly skilled senior level two people hire these people but what happens is since you are very experienced. You normally would be expecting manner gel kind of positions, right? So you cannot have too many manager positions. So it is understandable. That number is not that high but considering that As well 180 on an average is a good number. So Guys these were some of the parameters I wanted to talk about salaries and certain job Trends. I hope I've discussed enough. So guys, let's just move further and switch to the presentation part where I would be discussing certain other pointers that concern proud engineer. So guys, let's just move further and talk about Cloud engineer skills and also the job description now guys, I've actually Club two topics from the agenda here and I would be actually going to and forth while discussing these pointers because I feel they are are very intellect or very connected to each other. So let's talk about these pointers first and foremost. Let's talk about certain skill requirements. If you want to become a cloud engineer, what are the stars that you should know now guys for people who have experienced. You probably might know some of these pointers already but I am wanting to take everyone on this similar page and while doing that I would be talking it from the very basic part as well. So let's get started with the basics first doesn't what are the skills or knowledge set that you have in order to becoming a cloud engineer. So you need to have an understanding. Why do you need cloud computing? And what are the different domains that impact cloud computing because based on that you would be able to decide as an okay. What do you want to do with cloud computing? It is a very vast domain and it has various services that are there or that are made available to you using which you can do so many things you can focus on marketing proper software development architectural part for that. You need to understand. Why do you need cloud computing? What are the different domains that it effects? And once you do that probably you would be in a better state to decide. How do you want to Use cloud computing for your own benefit moving further. You would also be required to have knowledge about different cloud service models as in these are something that tell you, how can you use your applications or how can you build your applications using cloud computing? That is why understanding of this topic is important. You need to have an understanding of different deployment models which again is similar to or related to cloud service models as well. It is the way cloud services are provided to you by your Cloud vendor that is where understanding of different deployment models is also important. You should understand why You need to move to cloud computing and why is it different from an on-premise architecture or an infrastructure rather? Finally, you need to have an understanding of different cloud service providers or vendors in the market because having an understanding and thorough knowledge of at least one cloud service provider is very important in guys when I say a cloud service provider, it is very important to understand that there are various in the market, but preferably people normally start with AWS and they gradually move to Azure which are two of the most popular. Cloud service providers. So what are the Computing fundamentals that you need to have now as a cloud engineer guys, I won't lie to you. I won't say that you don't need any prior programming experience or anything like that as a cloud engineer guys, you need to have understanding of computing fundamentals and it is very important in becoming a good Cloud engineer. What should you know networking is very important guys now it is not that much into programming but understanding of computing it starts with networking. You need to understand how routing Works what are different network protocols? Are different networking layers Etc. And how do you use networking for an organization? Because it is very important. You would be talking about a lot of applications lot of data a lot of scalability application building and stuff like that. So for that networking becomes very important computer security guys. Now when you talk about Cloud the first question people ask is it secure most of the people do not know what cloud computing does or how it ensures security. Let me give you a fact they use shared security model what it is that I won't be getting into the details. Details, but you and your Cloud vendor you actually go ahead and decide certain security principles and those are implemented. So if you are working on a cloud platform and if you are into the security part, you need to ensure quite a few things as in how to make your application secure. What are the protocols that you should fall and stuff like that and for that you need knowledge about access policies encryption Etc. Understanding of systems is very important guys where you need to know, what are the different design principles. What kind of methodology are you using? And where do you get the knowledge for these things your computer? You need to have an understanding of databases. You need to learn SQL which is very important because you are going to deal with a lot of data and guys since you're talking about Cloud platform you would be dealing with different kinds of instances or virtual environments. And for that understanding of Linux fundamentals is very important. So these are some of the basics guys which you should understand and I would suggest that if you are completely new to cloud computing focus on these pointers, As well. So these are some of the basic skills that you needed to have. Now. Let's just go ahead and take a look at certain job roles and based on those job roles. What are the skills that you should pick up guys now again, these are the responsibilities that even major companies would be expecting from you. So when I said I would be talking about job description. Now, these are certain roles and the pointers that I'm going to talk about the responsibilities. Those are the skill sets that major companies expect from you when you actually do go ahead and try to apply for Engineering jobs. So first and foremost, we have and Cloud architect Cloud developer and an admin sis Ops. Admin is nothing but system operations administrator. So guys, let's try to talk about these roles in detail guys. I won't be getting into the definition part. I would be sticking to what I've experienced real time when you talk about Cloud engineering so my definitions are going to be very general and Spacek so that everybody can understand. So if you talk about a cloud architect, these are the people who are responsible for drawing the blueprint. I mean, they actually Actually design your application as in this is how it looks so their part is designing planning stuff. Like okay when I actually go ahead and build an application. This is how much I might be expected to probably scale or these are the current software's or these are the current programming languages that I would be needing. They also take into consideration when it comes to migrating your application which already exists on premise so they need to understand what are the parameters that affect the current application on premises and based on that decide as you know. These are the changes that we need to make when we move this application to Cloud. So this is what a cloud engineer does. They actually help you design a flow for application to actually go ahead and work on cloud. Let us move further and take a look at some of the common responsibility. Is that a cloud engineer or a cloud architect is actually responsible for the actually responsible for Designing and deploying dynamically scalable available fault tolerant and reliable applications something I talked about while going through the definition part. They actually design and deploy. Applications now these are some of the pointers that concern an application like how available it is how easily can scale how fault-tolerant it is. Let's not get into the details of that. I'm sure nobody wants to get into the details of that. You should be able to select an appropriate cloud service to design and deploy applications. I mean you would be dealing with different Cloud vendors so you should know okay, if I have real-time data, what kind of an application do I use if it's static what kind of application do I use so having an understanding of these things is also very important. Are an architect again, I talked about migration. What are the factors they need to consider while migrating an application to Cloud again. You are expected to design and deploy enterprise-wide scalable operations. Now again, it sounds similar to the point which I discussed right? But again, you also need to have an understanding of operations that are performed while your application is working. Now. This is something that is important when you talk about the deployment process and dealing with the customers part because based on that our operations team has to put in certain inputs and it is designed properly at the beginning your workload gets reduced here. So this is where Cloud architect again comes into picture Implement cost control strategies to ensure maximum cost optimization money is something that is very important. And if your planner applications properly as an OK in case of using a particular kind of a service if I use the other one what it be cost effective. This is the decision again, your Cloud architect should be able to take okay moving further. We have the cloud developer. Now we have already designed our Application with the help of an architect next is building an application. Who does that your developer? So they need to have strong understanding of programming apart from that. Let's move further and take a look at some of the pointers as in what are the other things they need to be concerned with expertise in at least one high level programming language. I'm sure it's more than one. But yeah, you should know the basic programming fundamentals so that you can understand how the coding works skills for developing deploying and debugging Cloud applications. API CLI is decays. It is very important guys. Because you would be integrating a lot of applications and for that understanding of how application protocol interfaces work is very important. Now command-line interfaces are something that you would be working on with a lot as well. So having an understanding of those also helps application lifecycle management, which is very important ability to use continuous integration and pipelines for deployment. Now, this is something both developers and the admins to so you need to have an understanding of how these pipelines are created how they work and how do you deploy your data continues? You should have the knowledge or the understanding of key features of service providers guys because again, if you're building an application on cloud guys, you should know how these service providers work because you would be using a particular service to go ahead and actually build a particular part of your application. So an understanding of different cloud service providers is very important. You should be able to code and also make sure that you are thorough with the security essentials skills in writing and correcting and debugging code again, testing and building. Eating is something that goes parallely surveillance applications cloud computing supports serverless Computing and that is where you should know what surveillance applications are and how should you use containers containers or something that are trending in the market and you need to have an understanding of those as well. If you take a look at the resumes or the job descriptions in the market people expect you to have understanding of different service providers understanding of different apis at least one programming language and they have this thing mentioned as a knowledge in Cuba Nettie is or That would be an add-on. So that means they consider these skills as well. Then we have the admin guys now our application has been designed and it has been developed now it needs to be maintained by someone or monitored by someone who better than an administrator so their job is to actually go out and make so that the application runs perfectly in the production environment. What do they do? They need to have an experience as a system admin and they should be able to understand how virtualization Works something which is very important for scaling your In in case of peak times Monitor and auditor applications again have understanding of networking, which is very core for an admin role and to translate architectural requirements because they are the ones who take care of it in the production atmosphere or the environment. This should be able to actually go ahead and control the data flow because again, if something goes Rock somewhere that is doing the process of see ICD, they should be able to detect that and get in touch with the developers team as well appropriate service based. They should also have the knowledge of see Already if something goes down. How should they actually go ahead and take care of it again optimization is something that is not the concern to a greater extent as far as the Architects are concerned administrators have lesser responsibility in it. Okay. Networking is something that has repeated I believe but yeah, we've discussed that already and migration is something they are also concerned with because I've already talked about the fact that they deal with the production environment. So Guys, these are some of the responsibilities that different Cloud Engineers take care of and these are some of the responsibilities that companies would be be expecting you to be skilled in so these are some of the pointers I wanted to talk about that is about the job description and the roles and responsibilities of cloud engineer having said that as far as this particular session goes guys, I would be resting it here in here. Thank you. Bye. I hope you have enjoyed listening to this video. Please be kind enough to like it and you can comment any of your doubts and queries and we will reply them at the earliest do look out for more videos in our playlist And subscribe to Edureka channel to learn more. Happy learning