Keo Pagoda Festival - Highlighting Vietnamese Customs Culture And Rituals

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Vietnam is a country that boasts a vibrant array of cultural festivals that each showcases a different facet of its bejewelled society.
One such example amongst many others is the festival of Keo Pagoda, which lasts for three days in honour of the famed Buddhist Monk of yore, Khong Lo. The festival is held twice each year; in the spring of the fourth day of the first lunar month and in the autumn from the 13th to the 15th day of the ninth lunar month.

Emphasis, though, is given to the ninth lunar month's 14th day as it is not only Khong Lo's birthday but the 100th day after the official date of his death.

Come closer and listen well, for tour du lịch yên tử legend tells of the humble fisherman who achieved enlightenment as a Buddhist Monk, and secured his hold on the reins of history as the monk who cured King Le Thanh Tong of a terrible disease.

This impressive deed still echoes throughout the ages and 900 years later is honored and celebrated in the festival that is as exuberant in spirit as it is magnificent in execution. The Keo Pagoda festival begins with a grand procession, a ceremony that precedes the incense offering ritual and followed by the mua ech vo (frog-catching dance) which pays respects to the gods.

Incense is once again offered, this time to Lord Buddha.

The festival continues on to the second day with more traditional games and high-spirited entertainment amongst all festival goers. These include duck-catching and rice-cooking competitions as well as the highly intense yet exciting firecracker-hurling competition. Tourists who have taken part in the festival will undoubtedly say, though, tour du lịch yên tử that the highlight of the entire festival is the boat rowing dance on land; performed by 12 people in colorfully vivid costumes who mimic the motions rowing a boat while chanting in rhythm to the beats of a drum and one another holding a wooden fish.

It is this final act that puts an end to this vibrant three-day festival.

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Angela Fernando is an impassioned travel writer who composes pieces under the pen name Sumaira Narayan. She loves writing about new and exciting places around the world and hopes to [ ][ ] , [ ]