GB WhatsApp APK Download Newest Model-2021

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Use two WhatsApp accounts at the same time from the same app .
Capabilities that increase your privacy : you'll be able to hide your on-line status, disguise double blue checkmarks, create a password to access your chats, disguise what you might be texting or recording …
Share documents and multimedia information : Send documents in PDF, TXT or DOC format as much as 50MB, share your location with one click on, share contacts extra easily …
Customizable person interface with improved access to the digicam, customization of fonts, new menus for searching contacts …

- Pertama Kalian buka terlebih dahulu aplikasi "GB WA" di handphone kalian.
- Kedua kalian klik Icon "Titik Tiga" dibagian kanan atas, pilih menu "download GB WhatsApp Pengaturan".
- Pilih Menu "Umum", Setelah itu akan muncul tampilan baru pilih menu "Gaya".
- Kemudian pilih atau klik "Ikon Peluncur", dan pilihlah icon yang ingin kalian pakai selesai deh.

Formally, we don’t recommend this app as a result of it isn't truthful to make use of a copy of an official app. However you can obtain and install it for educational functions. If you wish to know either it's secure or not then I want to make sure you that it is completely protected because the package deal name of its Apk file is completely different from the official app.