MSCA Committees

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Executive Board

Consists of:

  • all WP leaders
  • the Diversity Coordinator
  • the Project Coordinator.

The Executive Board is responsible for:

  • Overall management of the training and research program
  • Monitoring of Individual Research Projectprogress
  • Implementation of training activities with ass. partners.
  • Ensuring integration of the training an research agenda with the career development plan of the doctoral candidates
  • Monitoring best practices on dissemination of Individual Research Project results
  • Reporting to the Supervisory Board on common issues and proposing an agenda for their meeting

Supervisory Board

Consists of:

  • One representative of each partner, all supervisors, all WP leaders, and two annually rotating doctoral candidates
  • Diversity coordinator
  • Co-chaired by the project coordinator and the EU representative

Is responsible for:

  • Approving and supervising the financial, marketing, and communication strategies
  • Monitoring and evaluating the progress of training and research milestones
  • Serving as an internal audit team for the EB when it decides on budget allocation, organisational structure, and consortium strategy

Doctoral Candidates Committee

Research and Training Committee

Communication and Dissemination Board

IP and Exploitation Team

Project Coordinator Team

Project Coordinator, Technical Manager, Financial Manager, Communication Manager